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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Nope, it's working in EEX. Some other mod, maybe?:
  2. Maybe it's a timing thing. I just remembered that I replaced the depreciated onLevelWasLoaded with what Unity recommended, maybe that's the difference. Anyway, no need for a flag, I already fixed it with a coroutine.
  3. Try locking also to a single core. Also, if you are using an Intel gpu (I know you aren't, but others do) disable hyperthreading in the bios
  4. Sounds like someone made a typo in the .version file. 1.3.9??? Only place that would be set would be there. Can't blame CKAN for that.
  5. Really? Strange, what about stock parts and manufacturers?
  6. No, you are just reading more into the description than is there. But for you, I will update the description to be more explicit.
  7. This is at least the 2nd time you've asked a question like this without anything to back it up or any reason to. You really need to stop posting questions like this, otherwise people will just ignore you
  8. It's actually higher, there are a couple which are in beta, and I don't think that list includes the contract packs
  9. Don't you think I know that? Do you have any idea how many mods I need to update? Whatever you guess, it's going to be too low. Here is a link to a page where you can see all of my mods' statuses: Any more comments, and I'll move this to the bottom of the list
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