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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Did you leave something out? You have the ISP there, but where is the mass of the vessel? I can have a vessel multiple engines ending up with a large ISP, but it has a TWR of barely >1.1, while another vessel has an ISP of less then 1/4, but has a TWR of more than 2. Maybe I'm calculating it wrong, is the ISP the sum or average of the individual ISPs of all the engines?
  2. Some questions: What's the difference between g and g0 , when near the ground? For V, KSP treats descending speed as a negative number, should this be the absolute value of V? I see a -V there.
  3. Sounds like you put a fair amount of time into this. Thanks I'd rather not include another DLL just to replace one sound. So if no one has any ideas, I'll probably end up putting the new file into the Squad folder. At least this won't overwrite any stock files anymore.
  4. I don't have a lot of time, but if you send me the code I need to tell KCP that a sim has started and ended, I may be able to get that in fairly quickly. Please include code for detecting if KCT is installed or not as well. Thx
  5. Your problem is you were too close to Kerbin. Move the beacon far away, and try again
  6. Hmmm. for some reason, when the 2nd probe lands, the first one (already landed) explodes. Both probes landed at about 3.5m/s. I'll investigate this later, have to get to work
  7. Ok, I know what's happening. You can't switch to a landed vessel while flying, but you CAN switch to another flying vessel What does the last box in the window mean? And, I suppose that you should fix the window, so that when it lands, it says landed/splashed. Only seems to work properly when I change vessels, otherwise it is just changing the color Could you also add another colum, which shows the distance from the probe? May prevent needless circling
  8. Ok. I updated the PR I did for the readme with the addition of the ability to disable the staging icon. I'll test without it installed to see if I can figure out the vessel switching problem
  9. The change for the sounds is minor, I'm not going to do a release for it unless requested. I'm going to be rewriting the files which control the graduated engine response vs instant response into MM files. This will improve the installation experience, and hopefully reduce issues. Also, the tanks are going to be revamped, masses and volumes are being updated. All this means that I'm going to essentially fork the current version, since the change have the potential of breaking existing games. I don't have an ETA yet, but the work is in progress
  10. Hmm, it seems that if I disable the stagingIcon, it will stage the way I want. I'm adding a parameter to ST_Transponder: stagingIcon = true/false True will work the way it currently does, false, will be used for the Kurrikane. So, a couple of questions: What does it mean when it says "no signal"? I dropped a couple of probes, and was getting the no signal on one of them. These probes have a ModuleCommand and a ModuleDataTransmitter, but I wasn't able to switch to the probe using the left/right bracket keys. Was this the mod, or something else? I hope you don't mind the addition, while I understand why you have it there for your parts, I don't want that for the Kurrikane. Thanks
  11. It's strange because the data is on the left. Not because it is in the file. And, how can I replace it with my own sound file?
  12. I was testing this with my Kurrikane mod. Is there any way to have it activate automatically on leaving the carrying craft (ie: decoupler staged)? I don't want to have to require an extra icon which would need to be staged, if possible.
  13. I was made aware that an optional part of KWRocketry was actually overwriting a stock Squad file, so I'm trying to fix it. The part is the launchClamp1, and the specific code is: PART { name = launchClamp1 module = Part . . . sound_decoupler_fire = activate It's the last line, which is very strange. It really looks backwards, in that the file is to the left of the equals sign. Easy enough, so I wrote a MM patch to make it look like this: PART { name = launchClamp1 . . . sound_decoupler_fire_quietkw = activate The file in question is: sound_decoupler_fire_quietkw.wav It doesn't seem to be seen when I put it into KWRocketry/Sounds I would rather not have the file go into any other location, but I can't figure out how to properly specify the new file's location The log shows it loading the audio file, and then it says no sound file (because I added the 2nd line). When I remove that and put in EFFECTS instead, no error, but no sound Here is the latest version of the patch, I tried putting in an effect with the name activate @PART[launchClamp1] { -sound_decoupler_fire = activate %sound_decoupler_fire_quietkw = activate %EFFECTS { activate { AUDIO { clip = KWRocketry/launchClamp1/Sounds/sound_decoupler_fire_quietkw volume = 1.0 pitch = 1.0 loop = false } } } } Help?
  14. Trying to get an orbit at 70km is asking for trouble. Always use something higher
  15. you are hearing the staging sounds, the patch is actually removing the launch clamp release sound (just tested it). It looks like the sound file got lost sometime in the distant past, I'm looking for it now I found the old file. So I'm going to redo this as a MM patch and release it soon.
  16. Your orbit altitude is too low, for starters. Too close to the atom, try making it 85 or 90
  17. Post either a video showing what you are doing, or a series of pics. Plenty of people use mechjeb without any problem.
  18. Wow, lots of good answers. Let me answer one question right now: I have found that pointing retrograde will do a very nice job of cancelling the horizontal velocity. My calculations for that at merely to calculate where, along the horizontal trajectory, will the target altitude be met.
  19. Hmmm, i'll have to compare those to what I'm getting. I calculate it continously, becasue landing in an atmosphere changes things. But, your formulas look to be extremely helpful. And, I need to take horizontal velocity into account as well. If it was only vertical, I'd be done by now PID???
  20. But on the SpaceX vessels, they are only using 3 of 9 engines, which really means that your 70% would really be about 30% of all engines, which is the way KSP works.
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