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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. This is an install issue. Please read the Dummies document, it guides you through the steps Then, detail exactly where you got the file, and what you did to install it.
  2. @YANFRET I'm working on a rebalance of the KWRocketry tanks. You may want to get it when I'm done
  3. The Stock upgrade feature is designed to work by purchasing (unless I read it wrong). If it is possible to have it work automatically, please let me know. What I would want is to have something be in the tech tree node, which, when purchased, would upgrade all the tanks which reference it by reducing the mass. On the other hand, this may not be worth it. It would mess around with people sharing craft files.
  4. Make no mistake, my "unofficial" version is stable, and for now, final. It doesn't have certain changes I do to a mod whenever I adopt it, but those changes are internal and for debugging only, no functionality changes
  5. Since an offshoot of this project will be to provide a mod to rebalance the stock tanks, the tanks will be consistent across these mods: Munar Industries KW Rocketry Stock And, I'd be happy to share my formulas with anybody who requests. My aim is to not nerf any existing parts, the end result will be to actually make them better and more efficient. I do have a question for people: One would expect that as technology advances, the mass of a given tank will be reduced as new materials are found. So, I can approach this one of several ways: First, come up with standardized values Second, and here are the possibilities: For the early tanks, implement part upgrades to reduce the mass of the tank. Drawback is that each part will have to have the upgrade purchased individually Ignore mass changes, and just have tanks further along the tech tree have better materials Write a small mod which will adjust the mass of new tanks (ie: new in the Editor) as the tech tree advances Comments?
  6. Thank you for the explanation. For the spreadsheet we have, I need the raw numbers, not the "Mass Ratio" as just described. This is needed in order to come up with a reasonable value for the weight of the skin. But for calcualting thrust, etc, I now understand what you are say. Basically, @passinglurker was talking about the Mass Ratio, while I was talking about the raw ratio. Both valid, depending on what is being talked about
  7. You have the definition of ratio wrong. 9:1 means that for every 9 of the first, there is 1 of the second, giving a total of 10. If you doubt that, think what a 1:1 ratio means. 1 of the first for every 1 of the second, giving a total of 2 https://www.mathsisfun.com/definitions/ratio.html
  8. New release, 0.2.19: Added check when loading blacklist to be sure part isn't pruned, avoids nullref Many thanks to @Nansuchao for working with me to get a complete copy of his GameData directory. It took several tries, Dropbox and GoogleDrive weren't able to do it properly, and without it, I would not have found this bug
  9. Really? When you take the total fuel (Lq + Ox) and divide it by the mass of the part, for most of the Squad tanks, you end up with numbers somewhere in the 6.98 and 10.0 (ignoring the oddball like the NCSadapter and Twin Boar) range, not 9. Monoprop is even wider, going from 3.2 to 7.5 Liquid fuel and Ox both have the same weight per unit (0.005), while Xenon's weight/unit is 0.0001 and Monoprop is 0.004 KW Rocketry, on the other hand, is much more uniform, where most of the Lq/Ox ratios being in the range of 9.01-9.13 (there is one which is way off, looks like a mistake, it's 18.13, not sure if the mass or volume is off) And frankly, I'm leaning very heavily in the direction of having the mass of the tank be related to the amount of surface area, which would make larger tanks more efficient (as in real life).
  10. Would be nice to have this merged with the Trajectories mod
  11. @RealGecko last visited on April 30. While I sympathize with you, it's still his mod. If he states he is giving it up, I'll adopt it. Until then. I'm afraid you will have to live with my unofficial version. I will recompile for 1.3 when it is released
  12. Subject says it. There doesn't seem to be a good event to use. I've found the following: This event is called by FlightGlobals when a vessel is changed in any way: EventData<Vessel> GameEvents.onVesselStandardModification = new EventData<Vessel>("onVesselStandardModification") I also found this, and was excited about it for a moment, but it seems to only be for contracts: void Contracts.Parameters.LandOnBody.OnVesselLand(Vessel vessel, CelestialBody body) I have something implemented, but it isn't detecting bounces all the time. Ideas? Or, is this the only way: if (vessel.LandedOrSplashed)
  13. Here is the Kurrikane: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/159787-12-kurrikane-a-science-probe-parts-v11/ If you could do BOMPs as well, that would be nice. BOMPS is essentially identical to the standard probe cores, with the addition of a tiny one: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/160179-12-the-bolt-on-mission-probe-bomp-rerevival-thread/ thanks
  14. @Nansuchao Are you using English or another language, and if so, which one?
  15. I originally started this for the Kurrikane, but REKT is ideal also. I sent you a PM regarding it
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