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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I'm capturing the onCrewOnEva event, and while it works, when the event is called, the kerbal name is not yet set in the part.partInfo.title. This is bad, since I need to do something based on which kerbal it is. The title is set properly when the onCrewBoardVessel is called. Is this a bug, or a quirk, and, if a quirk, is there anyway around it? And, before anyone suggests it, the name is either kerbalEVA or kerbalEVAfemale
  2. I have this patch for Fusebox which works for everything EXCEPT the parts in Squad/Parts/Prebuilt: @PART[*]:HAS[#module[Part]]:Final { @module = PartTapIn } Is there any way to make it work for those? Right now I'm hard-coding in the exceptions for the three parts there: kerbalEVA kerbalEVAfemale flag
  3. No formal rules per se, but, you can fork it and release your own version. I assume you have tried to contact them? The license allows forks, and, if you make a good-faith effort to contact them, I don't think anyone will be offended. If you do fork, let me know when you have a release, I can get CKAN updated for you
  4. Thanks. I'll add this as a patch for now, and incorporate it into the individual parts for the next major release in a few weeks. I've deleted those files from the mod, they didn't belong there ========== New release, 3.1.4: Added interstage fix by Starwaster Deleted unnecessary files
  5. So, this is probably what you want instead of adding the CLS to all the picoports: @PART[dockingPort2M|dockingPort2F|dockingPort2Basic|dockingPortLargeM|dockingPortLargeF|dockingPortLargeBasic]:NEEDS[ConnectedLivingSpace] { MODULE { name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace passable = true passableWhenSurfaceAttached = true } } I assume you are using this with the PicoPort4AllSizes patch. Save this as a file: zzz_CLS.cfg in the same directory as the patch : GameData\SHED\Patches and let me know how it works. Assuming it work properly, I'll add it to the patch file release
  6. it's fixed in the newest release. No need to edit anything in the file now
  7. I installed the last version of SSTU for 1.2.2 into a clean install along with Fusebox, it worked perfectly. I looked at your log file. The first errors happened with SSTUTools during loading, but I did not see those errors when I tested. I see lots of SSTU errors, ConnectedLivingSpace errors, etc. The fact that the toolbar itself isn't showing is another big issue The function doesn't reference any objects, other than the GameDatabase.Instance, and, if that is invalid, you have more problems than this
  8. New release, 0.1.0: Updated for 1.3 Disabled data window for ShipSections since it's not being used
  9. First, what version of the game are you playing? This is caused by a bug in 1.2.2 which there is some code to work around, I'm working on fixing it New release, Fixed bug where the Base vacation rate being off by a factor of 100
  10. Thanks, I'll take a look. Just an FYI, it actually not a duplicate variable. The case is different. My guess is that someone messed up on typing in some info. I'll get this sorted out, thanks
  11. No, it's there. Try refreshing. I just tested by installing, worked without a problem. If it still isnt there, restart CKAN
  12. Oh, I see it now. This is a part made by a MM patch, the file with .new is a leftover from some work I was doing. It duplicates the KW2mengineSPS part, but changes the fuel from mono to rocket fuel. You can find the correct file here: KWRocketry/KWCommunityFixes/KWPatch-Community-Parts.cfg
  13. NO idea, but it wasn't done with this release. I'd have to look at the history to see when it was done
  14. Did a mission to send some tourists on a trip to the Mun, Minmus and home again: https://clips.twitch.tv/AcceptableBlitheSashimiNinjaGrumpy
  15. Unless it is really needed, I'm delaying the 1.3 update for this mod until I can look into some of these bugs. Depending on the final resolution, I don't know if I'll get a bug fix out for 1.2 or not. To a certain extent, that depends on feedback here. The delay for the 1.3 update will probably be a couple of weeks, given my time issues. I could release it as is, but then the bugs will still be there
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