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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. It is still comparable with IFS Re The karbonite and TAC LS, ask in those threads, I don't use them I believe it is already comparable with tweakscale It is already up on CKAN
  2. that's great for you, but I can't release something like that, I need to wait for an official release Sorry
  3. Ok, then I'll look into using this when I'm ready to start all my localizations. At which point it will become a required dependency Thanks
  4. @blizzy78 has been a real gentleman about this. Kudos and rep to him! Anyway, the update I'll be putting out will merely be a recompile, with an updated .version file (and a slight change to the assembly info). No functionality will be changed. The Github didn't show any significant issues to worry about.
  5. @Morse Just curious, it says that this is a fork of PreciseNode, but which one? I don't see that the github repo is forked from anything, yet there is the original from jbengston, and then there is the fork which Blizzy made (which is the current active one in CKAN) Thanks
  6. Not often, but if you did anything outside of it, all bets are off. And, if a modmajet makes a mistake in a .version file, CKAN can't fix that
  7. Try it the other way. Create a clean install, add them a few at a time
  8. RCSBuildAid for KSP 1.3 now available Github link: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RCSBuildAid/releases/tag/
  9. @HaArLiNsH Are you aware that @RangeMachine has a version for 1.3 on github?
  10. Of course. Let me know. I had it working in 1.2.2, but it had some bugs and I just had no desire to continue. So if @Whitecat106 says ok, I can send you what I have (probably via github), or, if @Whitecat106 wants it, I can send it to him
  11. I have the nav plugin working, but lost interest. Let me know if you want what I have
  12. That may be, but I'm doing this as a courtesy, and I don't use the toolbar. When it becomes official, I'll include it if @m4v hasn't gotten around to it Ah, it was easy enough to do that. I'll test it this evening, and then make it available. I'll also push a PR to @m4v of the changes
  13. I've gotten it to compile, haven't yet tested. Since the Blizzy toolbar isn't yet available for 1.3, that obviously won't be there if/when I release
  14. I'm not disagreeing. But I don't do animations, if you do, can you contribute some samples for this? Anyone else is also welcome to do so. As soon as I have a half dozen or so examples, I'll push out a new release
  15. I'd be happy to include a collection in the mod, care to contribute any?
  16. The CKAn config has been updated, please do a refresh (and maybe restart CKAN) and try it again @LEGIONBOSS
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