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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. That may be, but I'm doing this as a courtesy, and I don't use the toolbar. When it becomes official, I'll include it if @m4v hasn't gotten around to it Ah, it was easy enough to do that. I'll test it this evening, and then make it available. I'll also push a PR to @m4v of the changes
  2. I've gotten it to compile, haven't yet tested. Since the Blizzy toolbar isn't yet available for 1.3, that obviously won't be there if/when I release
  3. I'm not disagreeing. But I don't do animations, if you do, can you contribute some samples for this? Anyone else is also welcome to do so. As soon as I have a half dozen or so examples, I'll push out a new release
  4. I'd be happy to include a collection in the mod, care to contribute any?
  5. The CKAn config has been updated, please do a refresh (and maybe restart CKAN) and try it again @LEGIONBOSS
  6. @m4v Would you like me to make a temporary, unofficial release of this updated to 1.3?
  7. I need some help testing. This is a BETA release for 1.2.2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wti8qh75490ccci/DangIt- Fixed nullref in WheelMotor on start Restricted alarm to sounding only when part is failed on active vessel Changed Update to LateUpdate in AlarmManager Restricted failures to active vessel only (in FailureModule) Please let me know if it helps, Specifically, this should fix the alarm sounding all the time
  8. That's what it sounds like. NOTICE: I'm starting to work on DangI!'s bugs. I only see the following 3 bugs on the tracker: Alarm sounds when switching vessels or switching from mapview to vessel if something is broken on another vessel Broken RCS thrusters are unrepairable after saving and loading Snacks! containers instantly leak Please let me know ASAP if there are any other issues. Adding them to the Github Issue list is also very useful, it's the only way I can keep track of everything
  9. What @Malah said. I haven't yet done any localization work, but when I do, would this be a thing to use?
  10. Kerbal engineer And the deflector shield is very old, probably doesn't work anymore
  11. What are you talking about? If you are forking the mod, just delete them. The parttools is not run when playing the game
  12. Not yet. I've been busy with mod updates, I'm about to start working on DangIt!
  13. Can you be a bit more specific? If a manufacturer isn't showing up, what do I need to do to fix it?
  14. Subject says it all. I have a number of parts for which I want to lower the COM a bit. I can't find any documentation anywhere on how to do this. Is it possible, and if so, how? Thanks edit: Got the answer from a Twitch viewer: CoMOffset = 0, 0, -0.5 Note sure what directions those are, but I'm guessing X, Y and Z offset.
  15. Thanks. I actually had it working with my patch (must have had a typo earlier), but it 's good to have it integrated. And that new icon is MUCH better than what I was using. One suggestion/request, very minor, is that you move it up (the icon) to between the mk2 and mk3 icons. Essentially, have all the odd-shaped ones at top, and below are all the circular ones.
  16. Sorry, not going to happen, for multiple reasons
  17. New release, 1.5.0: Updated for 1.3 Disabled the "fill from pod" option Fixed eva fuel disappearing into the ether when entering a vessel which doesn't have eva fuel storage Added resource selection dialog in settings page
  18. I have a need to select a string in the Setting screen (stock screen using the GameParameters.CustomParameterNode) So, what I've done is have a toggle, which, when clicked, will set a flag which will tell another window to display: [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.SpaceCentre, false)] class SelectEVAFuelType : MonoBehaviour . . . void OnGUI() { if (answer == Answer.inActive) return; Is there any way to disable the settings screens so that you can't change the tab until this window is closed? I've treid finding the object and setting the enabled flag to false, but that doesn't work: DifficultyOptionsMenu dom = (DifficultyOptionsMenu)FindObjectOfType(typeof(DifficultyOptionsMenu)); if (dom) dom.enabled = false; Ideas? Thanks in advance
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