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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Re pictures, upload the pictures to a sharing site such as immature or somewhere else and then just post the link to it
  2. Welcome to the forums do you have any pictures to show of what you've been flying?
  3. New release: 0.3.1: Fixed bug where parts would be permanently hidden if one or more filters were defined in the modfilter screen. Added filtering by resource Note that if you have filters defined in the ModFilter screen, they will be inactive upon entry until you first show the window. This is a change from the old behaviour
  4. Because of the way the game is written, everything gets loaded, whether it is used or not\ There would be a lot of work to change that
  5. The install I refer to is what I'm using when streaming. No crashes. I have lots of memory and gpu, which helps
  6. While CKAN isn't perfect, I'm running a game with 220 mods installed by CKAN. So much better than doing all those by hand
  7. Then try using CKAN. entrenched is a strong word. Think of it as pearls of wisdom from people in the industry, who might have a deeper understanding of why some things are as they are.
  8. Some take much longer; In fact, I'd say most do. It was a number. Specifically, it's the number of hours I expect to put into a new mod I'm writing which I started last night while streaming. Small but useful. In fact, I put about 10 hours into the revival of CCTV, what with bug fixing and enhancements.
  9. It easy for a modder to spend 10 hours and come up with a mod which works 99% of the time. Not so easy to make that stock, which must work 99.999% of the time. Rule of thumb: for each additional decimal of realibility, multiply the time involved by 10 or more.
  10. Getting back on topic, how many of these parts are still needed, given the proliferation of parts mods that are out there? And which ones?
  11. Notice: I am aware of an annoying bug: If you use the Mod filter to hide some mods and then exit the editor, when you reenter, those mods will be unavailable, no matter what you do. The workaround is to show all mods, and then exit and reenter the editor.
  12. Which is why i don't contribute to, or support, any mods which have a license which prevents someone else from taking it over.
  13. Yes, look at the RealChutes mod and license
  14. You can do this via a MM script, no need to write code for it.
  15. Ninja'd! I was just taking a look at this, but will leave it in your capable hands. Ping me if you need help
  16. I've adopted this and made a full release here: Please move all discussion to the new thread
  17. @Mihara has been gone for more than a year, and some mods still depend on his utilities, so I've adopted it in a maintenance mode. Original thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/79715-02 This is a collection of PartModules that were made mostly for solving various problems posed by alexustas while he was making KONQUEST, In particular, he wanted to be able to select between multiple part configurations while in the VAB, but obviously, it didn't stop there. Right now, the plugin can: Toggle meshes and colliders on and off both in the VAB and out of it. Track animation states to do same. (In the particular case it was used for, a wheel collider remains inactive up until the animation that extends the wheel finishes playing.) Try to toggle other PartModules on and off. (Doesn't work for all cases) Swap shaders and textures on meshes, alter a number of other parameters like mass and cost. Give you much more options when decorating stuff with flags. Replicate the function of Reflaginator -- but working properly with agency flags. This won't do anything by itself, but there are a few mods which use this: SpaceTug (currently not available) There are others as well License: GPLV3 Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PartUtilities Download: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/PartUtilities/releases Donations gratefully accepted https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer
  18. Would be best to write up complete details first. Then post and see who offers to help Be as detailed as you can
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