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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. @TheCrafterESP This is unusable Please EDIT AND DELETE the included text. Then, upload the log file as @TheRagingIrishman says. I believe that they are considering changing the forum rules to disallow these sorts of messages
  2. I may be looking into this one, with an eye to adopt it
  3. Not a fighter, it was a CIA spy plane. Unarmed. And about Mack 2.3 or so, not 4
  4. I haven't played with the hooligan airships mod but I think you could fly around Jool in the atmosphere without ever landing on it using this mod
  5. Umm, F15, I think has had zero losses?
  6. It's GOING to be a good plane. But it is more than a fighter, and you said fighter. If you are including all active jets, then you left out several very significant planes. For example, the A-10 Warthog . Best ground attack jet, period. The B1, F117, B52, B2, etc. All jets, all great at what they were designed for. But. You need to define the question. Best at what? The F-35 is a multi-purpose jet it's more than a fighter it's a fighter it's Interceptor it's a bomber it's a ground attack playing the trying to do so much with it and it's intended to replace all of the above listed planes except the dedicated bombers
  7. The one post can get to be too big, so I'd suggest something like the following: Put a TOC into the 1st post, one line per chapter The link should be to the post where the chapter is posted This would have the benefit of notifying followers of new posts, I'm not sure an update to the OP has a notification sent out.
  8. configuration is now in standard game settings. At the Space Center scene, hit escape, and go to settings, then click the button to get to the advanced settings, you should see it along the left.
  9. Assuming you have the correct file, there should be two folders: FMRS RecoveryController You only need the RecoveryController if you also have StageRecovery installed, but it won't hurt to install it. Put one (or both) folders into GameData
  10. Just an FYI, I just came across this, really enjoyed it so far and will watch for more updates.
  11. Some was nice enough to post a number of flight plans earlier, I hope to get a release out with these new flight plans included soon
  12. Sounds like you need to set a vector, probably getting an internal divide by zero Best to look at some of the camera mods to see what you may have missed.
  13. See my signature, but to make it easy: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
  14. Press the space bar while rcs is on. Also, what mods do you have installed, and a log file would also be useful
  15. Look for Pico port, it's a small docking port for the Octosat and someone also has a tweakscale config for it. Both are available in CKAN
  16. No, I said I had to make some minor changes for 1.3 While I'm not using this, it did work when I tested it
  17. Ok, thanks. Take your time, if you want to send me the Bonny, i can get that included when you are ready
  18. Try this: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-ProbeControlRoom/releases/tag/
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