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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I didn't see this in a quick scan, so I'm asking: Is there any way this mod would prevent a docking port from working at all? In other words, I have two ships, each with a Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Jr on the front. One vessel is a Mk1 pod, the other is a probe core with the port on the end. No obvious issues in the log file, but no matter what I do, these two won't dock together. This is a 1.2.2 game, with version installed. Not looking for in-depth help right now, just looking to see if this is something I need to dig into or if I should look somewhere else. Thanks
  2. Until you have worked with production data on a production database, you really can't comment as to the validity of a back up plan or not. The back up plan they have is as valid as any other backup plan, they have accepted certain limitations and what they can do. The amount of work it would take to restore the data onto a secondary server and pull out a specific uses posts can be extreme in certain cases. It can cost a lot of money, and it usually isn't worth it.
  3. @Gotmachine Here is the mod recompiled for KSP 1.3: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/MandatoryRCS/releases/tag/1.2for1.3 I'll do a PR for the changes
  4. You are arguing over semantics . Of course a grandchild is derived from the grandparent but I was pointing out each level of the progression
  5. While I am sure there's someone out there with more miles than I have installed, my career game which currently is 1.2.2, has more than 220 mods installed. I do not recommend this many mods for many people, but this is a game I am streaming and I wanted certain abilities which all of these mods give me.
  6. I would say that C sharp is derived from java not C++. C# has more things similar to Java than it does C++ although all three languages are obviously very similar. Just as a note I started coding in C# about a year-and-a-half ago I knew nothing about the language although I have very strong and see but I didn't know C++ and I didn't know Java either although I've seen them it did not take me long to pick up C sharp the biggest difference is is more a matter of how you're working with the system rather than the language traditional coding it's lock structured top to bottom and here you are pretty much event-driven
  7. No. While similar they are different languages and you cannot copy C++ directly into C sharp You can look at it this way .language base language is C, then came C++, then came Java, then came C sharp.
  8. Yes, but I would assume the license would be the same, since it is the same mod.
  9. Time from left to right, showing velocity and acceleration
  10. I've taken over this mod, please move all discussion to the new thread here: @xytovl Can you ask the moderators to lock this thread please?
  11. With @xytovl's approval, I'm adopting this mod. Original thread is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/74782- The new version for KSP 1.4.1 has new dependencies New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController SpaceTuxLibrary CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed. Have you ever tried to build a massive asparagus rocket and messed up the staging ? Here is SmartStage, just put many tanks, decouplers, fuel lines and engines, click the magic "Smartstage" button and optimal staging is done. The plugin only rearranges stages, no part is added or removed.. Downloads Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/SmartStage Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1423/SmartStage License: GPLv3 Example of staging with default reset button: Example of Smart stage staging: Sources are available at https://github.com/xytovl/SmartStage under GPLv3, feel free to submit improvements.
  12. Forum rules require you also provide the source code. A link to Github would be sufficient, but please provide it.
  13. that's probably the problem, I'll push out a new beta later today with this fix New release,, full release (out of beta): Fixed nullref in WheelMotor on start Restricted alarm to sounding only when part is failed on active vessel Changed Update to LateUpdate in AlarmManager Restricted failures to active vessel only (in FailureModule) Updated for 1.3 Updated Snacks MM patch
  14. It should work, but I need to go over all of my contracts and yes, the changes mentioned above will be done soon.
  15. Hmmmm. Not sure, don't want to boast. At least 6, although I have more fun modding than playing
  16. My pleasure. I can't say my feelings when I found out on Sunday that he had pulled it. No response to emails, seems to be totally gone from github
  17. New unofficial release, Fixes issue where mod messes up other mod windows https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/RCSBuildAid/releases/tag/
  18. Great, will get a new release file out. Thanks for testing
  19. @Foxster @Aelfhe1m @Gordon Dry @billkerbinsky @Foxster, @Aelfhe1m, @Gordon Dry, @billkerbinsky new version is available
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