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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Ok, I've merged your file. Are you going to get to the others soon? I'm trying to decide whether to release this or wait for more changes.
  2. My rep is at 3631, yet I'm not listed. This hurts :-(
  3. Apology accepted, nothing to worry about. I'm busy working on an update to FMRS which is needed to make it work better with Stage Recovery. It's rather intense, and I don't really have any spare time right now. and I have 3 other things on my TODO list which need to get done by the end of the week.
  4. Take a look at the KWRocketry netkans, they do just that
  5. Just to follow up, it seems to be something with the Oxidizer, I tried just having the resource for the Oxidizer, but it still had errors on that line
  6. Just started my career game, noticed the following error: [ModuleManager] ModuleManager: 28433 patches applied, found <color=orange>7 errors</color> 7 errors related to GameData/FuelTanksPlus/Patches/FuelTanksPlus_ModularFuelTanks.cfg Here is my full log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/smwg443npfv6ivl/fueltankplusOutputlog.zip?dl=1 KSP 1.2.2, FTP 1.12, ModuleManager 2.7.5 all mods up-to-date Error: [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key origLFO = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$ edit: Here are the two lines. Deleting the 2nd line seems to fix the error,but somehow I don't think it is correct: origLFO = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$ @origLFO += #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$
  7. Well, it's not this mod. That message indicates that it's trying to install NavballUpDefault. If you aren't doing anything with it, then I suggest you move this over to the CKAN thread. Curious, what version of KSP do you have, and (assuming you are running 1.2.2) do you have any compatible releases enabled in the Settings->Compatible KSP Versions? If you do, try clearing all of them, exit CKAN, restart, and do a Refresh before trying again.
  8. I'm not doing anything with this until 1.3 drops. Either in 1.3 or the History DLS are supposed to include parachutes with Kerbals, if they do, this mod may be retired. Frankly, I didn't write the patch, the mod was written to have you add the necessary parts. If you don't like the patch, don't use it, just add the parts.
  9. If you want to convert them and send them to me, I'll be glad to include them. Just overlooked.
  10. I wish. My main thing was to get them to work, there were some changes which were in the cfg file which were needed. If someone would make the models, I'll bundle them.
  11. Please put this back on topic, otherwise I'll ask the moderators to close it
  12. Also,check the cooling and fans, if the cpu fan failed or fell off (I've seen it happen), everything would slow down
  13. The symptoms are indicative of very slow io. Check your Windows events to see if anything else is going on.
  14. This is your problem. Deselected that mod and try again
  15. Adoption Announcement: I've adopted this mod, thanks to @Hacki for the initial port to 1.2.2 I've made the following changes: Added list of all maneuver nodes Added slider to adjust time between 1st and last maneuver node Fixed dragging so it can be dragged from anywhere Added code to write version into into assembly new thread here, please move all discussion to the new thread:
  16. @Overengineer1 created this little mod which makes it much easier to visualize positions. The original thread is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/128952-105-kerbal-slingshotter-visualize-ship-and-all-planetmoon-positions-at-a-selected-time/& The new version for KSP 1.4.1 has new dependencies New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed. This is a very simple Kerbal Space Program plugin to display the positions of all planets, moons, and the current vessel after a selected time interval. It's helpful especially for gravity slingshots, for example not having to "sweep" your node path across the orbit of a Joolian moon in order to find an encounter. You can simply select the time where you would intersect the moon's orbit, and the plugin will show you where the moon actually is. This in particular is the functionality I really wanted, so this is why I created the plugin. It's also helpful for visualizing the position of two planets as time progresses, to better plan interplanetary transfers. There are other tools that will do that calculation for you, but this is a more hands-on approach. This works in the following scenes: Flight scene Map view (from Flight scene) Tracking Station Note that due to the need to recalculate values for ALL bodies in the Tracking station, it response will be somewhat slower. New feature: Added "Now" button, which sets the earliest time on the slider to the current time plus 1 minute Added "Set End Time" button which sets the end time on the slider to the specified time. Availability Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KerbalSlingshotter Download: hhttps://spacedock.info/mod/1304 License: GPLv2 Changes to original: Added list of all maneuver nodes Added slider to adjust time between 1st and last maneuver node Fixed dragging so it can be dragged from anywhere Added code to write version into into assembly Donations gratefully accepted  https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer Before someone askes for pictures, here they are: In Mapview: In Tracking station:
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