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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I would venture to think that this would not work with KCT. And when leaving the VAB, I assume you have KCT installed?
  2. I can understand changing the type from stack to free, but why are you eliminating the defaultScale?
  3. New release, 0.6.8: Added generator aliases, thanks @philm-47 Added code to deal with Fuel Cells
  4. Ok, but the whole thing seemed like it. Look at it this way: A new player, with only a few weeks of play, claims to not be able to find any good space shuttle mods (there are several), and says he will be developing a new mod, from scratch, without any knowledge of what to do. I'm not bashing you, just pointing out what it looked like. Try to start with a smaller, simpler mod, before tackling a large project.
  5. Thank you all for your assistance. I needed this fixed before my stream this evening.
  6. Will you have an update out today? Only asking because I'm streaming this evening, and if you aren't, I'll do a local patch
  7. @NecroBones Your nuclear engines don't have Oxidizer, which is causing the problems. @Sigma88 suggested the following should fix it: @PART[TPtank*|TPcone*|TPdome*]:FOR[FuelTanksPlus]:NEEDS[ModularFuelTanks] { origLFO = 0 } @PART:HAS[#origLFO[0],@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]:HAS[#maxAmount[>0]]]:FOR[FuelTanksPlus]:NEEDS[ModularFuelTanks] { @origLFO += #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]:HAS[#maxAmount[>0]]/maxAmount$ } @PART:HAS[#origLFO[*],@RESOURCE[Oxidizer]:HAS[#maxAmount[>0]]]:FOR[FuelTanksPlus]:NEEDS[ModularFuelTanks] { @origLFO += #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]:HAS[#maxAmount[>0]]/maxAmount$ } @PART:HAS[#origLFO[>-1]]:FOR[FuelTanksPlus]:NEEDS[ModularFuelTanks] { MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = #$../origLFO$ type = Default } }
  8. Bingo! The nukes don't have oxidizer, I'll let @NecroBones know Thanks
  9. The parts do have the resources, both of them. The error only occurs on the 2nd line
  10. Getting a strange error, which @NecroBones doesn't understand (it's a patch in FT+) [ModuleManager] ModuleManager: 28433 patches applied, found <color=orange>7 errors</color> 7 errors related to GameData/FuelTanksPlus/Patches/FuelTanksPlus_ModularFuelTanks.cfg Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fxl7o7bgombc6mc/Log3.zip?dl=0 Here is the code in the patch where it is happening, it's on the line beginning with @origLFO @PART[TPtank*|TPcone*|TPdome*]:FOR[FuelTanksPlus]:NEEDS[ModularFuelTanks] { origLFO = #$RESOURCE[LiquidFuel]/maxAmount$ @origLFO += #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$ MODULE { name = ModuleFuelTanks volume = #$../origLFO$ type = Default } }
  11. @taniwha and @NecroBones Just started my career game, noticed the following error: [ModuleManager] ModuleManager: 28433 patches applied, found <color=orange>7 errors</color> 7 errors related to GameData/FuelTanksPlus/Patches/FuelTanksPlus_ModularFuelTanks.cfg KSP 1.2.2, FTP 1.12, ModuleManager 2.7.5 all mods up-to-date Error: [ModuleManager] Error - Cannot parse variable search when editing key origLFO = #$RESOURCE[Oxidizer]/maxAmount$ I realize this is a patch in FT+, but was wondering if you have any idea what may be going on. This happens in a totally clean game, with only FT+ and MFT installed Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fxl7o7bgombc6mc/Log3.zip?dl=0 Was a bug in FT+, which is now fixed
  12. On a very small install, I deleted all the MM files (except the DLL) Still happened. Strange thing is that MM didn't make a cache file this time, I'm guessing because of the error. It did make the ModuleManager.Physics and ModuleManager.TechTree files Log file attached: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fxl7o7bgombc6mc/Log3.zip?dl=0 Hmmm. I went back to the basics. totally clean install. With FT+ as the only mod, it works When I add Modular Fuel Tanks, it fails. It's in your patch, which is why I posted here, but I also just posted in the MFT thread as well Edit: Updated log file with miniscule install
  13. Those costs include the spare parts No fix, first time reported. I'll take a look, but don't really have time for a few days
  14. Didn't work, but don't worry about it. I have a script which will do a better job. Should be available via CKAN in a few minutes
  15. Ok, I've merged your file. Are you going to get to the others soon? I'm trying to decide whether to release this or wait for more changes.
  16. My rep is at 3631, yet I'm not listed. This hurts :-(
  17. Apology accepted, nothing to worry about. I'm busy working on an update to FMRS which is needed to make it work better with Stage Recovery. It's rather intense, and I don't really have any spare time right now. and I have 3 other things on my TODO list which need to get done by the end of the week.
  18. Take a look at the KWRocketry netkans, they do just that
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