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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Therefore the beta. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4dtqaya6nbojog4/vng-beta2.zip?dl=0 Don't worry about the files with the tildes at the end (~), they will be removed in the final release I'll have to see how they implement the parachutes. But will keep it in mind
  2. Download my unofficial copy and you then gave a blacklist file you can add them to. Or, list them here and I'll see if I can get to it. @RealGecko hasn't been around since March 26
  3. Hi everyone, I have a beta release of the EVA Parachutes which has been updated for FAR,I'd appreciate some people trying it out. You can get it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0n689dx3rp3tu2b/VanguardTechnologies-0.1.13-beta.zip?dl=0 The FAR patch changes the full deploy height from 200 to 700, which I've been told should be good enough to keep a Kerbal from being killed. Please let me know how it works. Thanks
  4. Here is a beta version with the deployment height being in the config, and a MM config to set it to 700, can you please try it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0n689dx3rp3tu2b/VanguardTechnologies-0.1.13-beta.zip?dl=0 and let me know how it goes?
  5. Minor update, Disabled Blizzy Toolbar. Needs work to provide the popup menus, etc a bug report was filed about 9 months ago, and when I just looked at it, it seems that there is some more stuff which needs to be done, so I'm disabling the blizzy toolbar for now to avoid any confusion
  6. Nope, not at all. While the mission planning sounds somewhat similar, this is going to be much simpler. First, while the Making History is announced, no real details are known and there is no known release dat Second, for me at least, the planner isn't as important as the tracking/logging. I'll be concentrating on that first, and will probably release that before I get to the planner, and yes, that is a result of the Making History; I don't want to do something which will not be needed. Scoring is an interesting idea, which can become rather difficult, since each person may want things scored differently, and have different things scored. But it's a good suggestion, thanks
  7. New release, 0.1.7: Added new vessel types Plane and Relay Added AssemblyVersion.tt
  8. New release, 1.2.4: Added option to allow uncontrollable stages to be controlled (ie: watched) by FMRS; ignored if RecoveryController is active Some fine-tuning of interactions between FMRS, StageRecovery and RecoveryController
  9. I'm starting design work on a new mod to log missions. So before I start, I'm presenting the feature list and looking for comments. The wishlist for the mod is to have the following functionality: Mission Planning Mission Tracking Mission Logging Mission Planning Specify a mission goal (or goals, if more than one) Specify requirements Be able to export checklists which Wernher's Checker can use both in the Editor and in Flight Interact with Kerbal Alarm Clock to set custom alarms for the planned start date of the mission. Mission and Event Tracking Track a mission from launch until recovery Track all crew Track all detached stages/vessels, possibly as a sub-mission Track all significant events which occur during the mission Initial launch of vessel Any structural damage EVA events (going EVA, boarding after EVA) Kerbal death SOI change Staging Mission Logging Allow entry and editing of mission notes during the mission Log all significant events Manually add screenshots Tracking and Logging will most likely be merged together, I'm just making a list of desired requirements right now. Display Mission Planner Add and remove goal (no limit on number of goals) Add and remove requirement (no limit on requirements Export Wernher's Checker checklists Import requirements from contract (only contracts from Contract Configurator to start) Current Mission List Show list of events for selected mission in separate window Add or remove an event Add or remove mission notes Requirements (taken from ContractConfigurator) Vessel Attributes HasAntenna HasCrew HasCrewCapacity HasPassengers HasResource HasResourceCapacity IsNotVessel PartValidation VesselIsType VesselMass Vessel State Docking Orbit ReachSpecificOrbit ReachState RecoverVessel Rendezvous ResourceConsumption ReturnHome VesselDestroyed VesselNotDestroyed Vessel History CollectScience NewVessel VisitWaypoint RemoteTech CelestialBodyCoverage HasAntenna KSCConnectivity SignalDelay VesselConnectivity Kerbal Parameters HasAstronaut RecoverKerbal Progression Parameters ReachSpace Negative Parameters KerbalDeaths NoStaging Set Parameters All Any AtLeast AtMost None Not Sequence Planetary Parameters PerformOrbitalSurvey PlantFlag SCANsatCoverage Miscellaneous Parameters Duration MissionTimer PartTest TargetDestroyed Timer
  10. Ok. Let me know when you do, I'll get the KW Netkan config updated to add this as a suggested mod, will also upodate the KW OP
  11. I see this isn't in CKAN yet, are you going to add it, or would you like me to add it? I'm going to add this as a suggested mod in the CKAN config, once it becomes available
  12. New release, Fixed display of very large values to not use scientific notation Fixed issue where sometimes, with high warp, vessels using the ResourceConverter were being unpacked after the fix for the high warp issue was done. Thanks to forum user @eech for helping to test this. Added code to deal with someone turning on a ResourceConverter while in warp Changed code from being started every scene to only being started at the spacecenter, and set not to destroy Renamed config file in release to defaults, will not overwrite existing configs after this release
  13. is a minor change to remove log stpam.
  14. Ok. Thank you for your patience, this appears to be one of those things where it's a timing issue, and on my system it works, while on yours it doesn't. I see you are running an AMD with 16 gig, I'm running an Intel with 32 gig. Things like this are very difficult to track down, I'll be crediting you in the changelog for your help
  15. Thanks, now waiting for you to test the file I made available about 2 minutes ago.
  16. OK, try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6k0jjbf8xuxaxu8/btw3.zip?dl=0 I did notice that the vessel was unpacking after the code was being executed, so I changed it to run after the parts are unpacked. Please let me know ASAP
  17. It doesn't make any sense, according to your logs, it's fixed. And all the testing I've done shows that as well. Please send me your save file as well as the output_log.txt file
  18. I need a default, even if I make it configurable. Ok, it's on my list of TODOs
  19. It's a CKAN question, but try this: Uninstall it, then manually go into the game and delete the directory, then try installing it again.
  20. The altimeter suggestion has been made in the past, and an enhancment request is logged at Github about it, feel free to add your comments there so they don't get lost: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KerbalSmartParts/issues/9 The Speedometer speed was (supposedly) fixed in the last update, are you using version 1.9.5 or If not, please update to the latest and try again, otherwise, please post. I see you are somewhat new to the forums, so I'll explain the reasons behind the mods: I did not write this mod, I adopted it, am maintaining it and added new features over time. I do not do 3D modeling, so rely on other people for that. I did not make the Bargain Parts mod, I recently adopted it and am maintaining it. Bargain Parts is a very old mod, made several years ago. As such, it's a fun mod, but obviously not very realistic. Making anything balanced with it is a joke. The size of the parts, again, was not determined by myself, and frankly, are consistent with the rest of the game. You are free to make your own adjustments, and, if you wish, you could even make your version available to others. But I'm not changing the basic mod at this time, these have been around for a long time and work well.
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