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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Oh. duh! I'm going to remove it, because the mod is including a decoupler for it :-)
  2. Thanks a lot, now I can finish this and demo it on Sunday. I'll research the surface attach,but I thought it was definied in the cfg here: node_attach = 0.0, 0.20, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1 Edit: And I see you fixed the COM as well, so I can remove the adjustment.
  3. Looks much better! I already have a correct COM offset (I used Nodehelper to figure it out), but what do you mean about the surface attachment postition being wrong?
  4. That's actually not easy, I'm going to have to take a long look to see how to deal with this. The mod was written to accommodate only a single type of EVA propellent in a game
  5. Unfortunately, that didn't fix the problem not only that, but I just noticed that trying to show the COM in the editor doesn't work on it, no COM is shown until I attach another part. Yet the Engineer's report shows the mass Also, if the parts are being symmetried around the collider, how does changing the COM fix the symmetry problem? Edit: I found the problem about the COM, Physics was disabled for the part
  6. @pizzaoverhead Two things. First, the patch have here will prevent this from being attached to anything with KSPWheel, apparently it already does this and there is some sort of incompatibility there. Second, is it ok to add this back to CKAN? Thanks
  7. How do I do that? I can't change the model, the original isn't available
  8. You should see: Sound Toggle Master Toggle Master Volume Tolerance Min Speed Min Vertical Speed Alarm Enabled If you don't see all of these in the settings, try updating and check again
  9. Just to let you know, I've added your explanation to the OP (with credit)
  10. I'm reviving an old mod, the Kurrikane. I'm having a problem with the symmetry, you can see the issue in the below image. I want the symmetry to go around the cylinder, but as you can see, it doesn't. I tried placing the new fin at each end, and you can see how awful it looks. Here is a link to the part: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/931osajbb16sw19/AABSn2QaW4wiPZPEqCd7o-P-a?dl=0 Try any fin, I'm using a small adaptation of the basic fin, but this happens to anything I try. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance
  11. I won't have time to look at this until tomorrow evening, maybe someone else can see what's going on
  12. Full instructions are included, see this PDF which explains it: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux/blob/master/KW Redux Install for Dummies Manual Install.pdf
  13. Not too difficult. The only issue will be to find the correct propellants, I may just show a list of all resources in game. For now, you can edit the save file, look for the string EvaPropellantName and change the value to what you want. I've added this as an enhancement request, but it will probably wait until after 1.3 drops
  14. Which is part of why I was thinking an add-hock entry box - support as much as you can, but have a way for the user to adjust for things beyond that. Counting the number of seats on a craft isn't that difficult. I'm holding off on new features until 1.3 is out, I pretty much want everything to be stable. So, what you can do for me in the meantime is this: Get me a list of all LS mods which add EC usage for kerbals, it will save me time in researching it. I'll add these to the enhancements requests on Github
  15. This would probably do it, replace line 29 in the ModuleManager_CollisionFX.cfg with this: @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleWheelBase],!MODULE[KerbalEVA],!MODULE[CollisionFX],!MODULE[FSwheel],!MODULE[FSwheelAlignment],!MODULE[BDAdjustableLandingGear],!MODULE[TTModularWheel],!MODULE[Repulsor],!MODULE[ModuleTrack],!MODULE[TrackWheel],!MODULE[KFModuleWheel],!MODULE[KFWheel],!MODULE[KFTrackSurface],!MODULE[KSPWheelBase],!MODULE[KSPWheelAdjustableGear],!MODULE[KSPWheelSteering],!MODULE[KSPWheelMotor],!MODULE[KSPWheelBrakes],!MODULE[KSPWheelDamage],!MODULE[KSPWheelDustEffects],!MODULE[KSPWheelSounds],!MODULE[KSPWheelConstraints]]
  16. No problem either way, I just was confirming the data. so, this is what it supports: { "name": "UmbraSpaceIndustries" }, { "name": "CommunityTechTree" }, { "name": "WildBlueIndustries" }, { "name": "ConnectedLivingSpace" }, { "name": "NearFutureElectrical" } anything else?
  17. One thing, you say the following: Configs provided for MKS, Near Future Electronics, and Connected Living Space functionality. Yet I didn't find anything for CLS there, I did see a config for CTT please explain? Also, your spacedoc says MIT license, yet the readme says CCNCSA
  18. Not really, if github is used, it uses the latest release. But, spacedock it is
  19. @Sassenach Would you prefer the spacedock or gitlab as the primary download? I usually use Spacedock, but it's your choice
  20. I figured it out, GIMP wasn't saving in the correct format. I had to select DXT1 and it worked
  21. I have the following MM patch to make a mini copy of the Mk16 parachute: $PART[parachuteSingle] { @name = miniSondeChute @title = Mini MK16 Chute @manufacturer = SpaceTux Industries @description = A mini version of the MK16 parachute %rescaleFactor = 0.5 @scale = 0.05 @cost = 300 -mesh = model.mu MODEL { model = Squad/Parts/Utility/parachuteMk1/model texture = model000, Kurrikane/Parts/Chute/model000 texture = model001, Kurrikane/Parts/Chute/model001 } @MODULE[ModuleParachute] { name = ModuleParachute semiDeployedAnimation = semiDeploySmall fullyDeployedAnimation = fullyDeploySmall invertCanopy = true autoCutSpeed = 0.5 capName = cap canopyName = canopy stowedDrag = 0.22 semiDeployedDrag = 1 fullyDeployedDrag = 200 minAirPressureToOpen = 0.04 clampMinAirPressure = 0.04 deployAltitude = 500 deploymentSpeed = 0.12 semiDeploymentSpeed = 0.5 chuteMaxTemp = 650 } } I tried editing the model000 in Gimp, but when I load it, the textures are all misplaced. I know it's not the rescaling, since when I put the original file there, it works. So, I'm obviously saving it incorrectly in Gimp (I tried saving in both PNG and DDS format). What would the correct way to save it be? Second, is there someone who could help me with this? Thanks in advance
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