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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. First one is difficult, I've started, but asked for help 2nd one (new reaction wheels) is done I'll look into why the UpgradeGUI isn't there yet Why don't you merge the two NK-33 mods into one? Doesn't make sense to have a single part in a mod. What I'd do is have a single directory (for now, call it MadScientist) as follows: GameData/MadScientist/Parts/NK33 GameData/MadScientist/Parts/NK33_125 Last one (antenna progression), I've asked the author for permission.
  2. Ummm, why do you have two licenses listed? Both of which are contradictory? One says ND, which is No Derivatives, the other says SA, which is SA, which is a ShareAlike. According to the license page, SA allows adaptations to be shared, as long as others share alike. That's because you are on a Mac. Take a look at this, which will make clean zip files for you: http://www.yellowmug.com/yemuzip/
  3. @Olympic1 I make the following as a start for the KPBStoMKS, but it's going to need some work. specifically, it needs to have at least one of the following mods installed: MKS, Konstruction, USI-LS, or OSE Workshops So I'm wondering if you could help: { "spec_version": "v1.4", "install": [ { "install_to": "GameData", "find": "KPBStoMKS" } ], "depends": [ { "name": "ModuleManager" }, { "name": "KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems" }, { "name": "FirespitterCore" } ], "$vref": "#/ckan/ksp-avc", "$kref": "#/ckan/github/DanStaal/KPBStoMKS", "x_via": "Automated Linuxgurugamer CKAN script", "identifier": "KPBStoMKS", "license": "MIT" }
  4. Could you at least bump the compatible version on Spacedock to 1.2.2? I noticed that none of the files include a .version file, that would be useful for the next release, to allow CKAN and AVC to both be able to identify which version of KSP they are compatible with
  5. @AlphaAsh Would you be able to get the Kerbin-side mods updated with the latest version of KK? If not, would it be OK if I did (essentially by repackaging everything with the current version of KK and uploading to spacedock)?
  6. LOL. I'll have to remake it, the generated netkan file didn't work. You need to put a license into the file. I'm worknig on the netkan stuff now
  7. Can you post a video so I can see it? Also, I assume you are using the Kerbal Konstructs thanks I got it working. I had to turn down the ambient light, and then it was visible.
  8. I just looked at the code, and I'm rather puzzled. All the fields which need to be passed in are just there as public, not as KSPField(...) So how can the data listed in the module config be passed in?
  9. So, it's not a bug per se, just how things work. I'm not sure why it falls of with rigid attachment set and stays on when nothing is set, but in this case, use the autostrut option
  10. I'm trying to get the Floodlights updated for the KSP 1.2+ It mostly seems to work, except there appears to be an animation which turns the lights on/off when clicking on the towers, but that's not happening. The code in the file is this: MODULE { namespace = KerbalKonstructs name = AnimateOnClick collider = Floodlight.KSC.tower animationName = FLKSC } I've checked the .mu file, the collider and animationName are correct. Any ideas?
  11. First off, i see what's happening, it's probably because they are too heavy for those decouplers, but I'll take a look What version of KW are you running, and how did you install it?
  12. what do you mean it falls off? In flight, on the pad? A video, or at least a series of pictures is needed I also would need the output_log.txt
  13. Ok, here is a couple of points: Some people may prefer one way over another If you have several vessels in the vicinity, they may not be all visible, a list can save the need to look all around for that one specific vessel you want.
  14. @IgorZ A suggestion: There is an old mod called Switch Active Vessel, which is essentially a window of all nearby ships and lets you jump to a specific one. This would be a nice addition to this mod. I was going to adopt it, but think it would be better in this mod. Are you interested in doing this? It looks like it's just 2 source files plus a png.
  15. I'm in the process of adopting the following old mods: Kurrikane Triple-Z Radio Astronomy Telescope Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts These are all fairly small mods, the first two are just a single part each, while the third is 15 parts. I'm thinking of merging them into a single mod, rather than doing individual releases, I'm wondering what people would think about that?
  16. Good. I did add a single extra check for null, that must have been it. I'll get a new release out later. New release, Added checks for nullrefs when no template specified
  17. @magico13 I recently adopted Crewqueue and renamed it to CrewRandR. This included renaming all internals, etc. Can you take a look to see if you can get KCT compatible with it? API is the same other than the renaming.
  18. I'll contact him, names have changed, so he has to make some changes.
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