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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I'll look into it when I get home, thanks for looking at it.
  2. This is a revival of the mod CrewQueue, which was orignially written by @enneract in 2015. Original thread is here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/97702-10x-crewqueue-crew-rotation-and-vacations/ The mod had been updated by @Starwaster for 1.1.3, which is where I cloned the source code from. New Dependencies Click Through Blocker Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1324/Crew R&R Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/CrewRandR License: MIT Crew R&R This mod is focused around the idea of encouraging the player to keep a deeper roster of crew, and to increase the value of individual experienced crew. This mod gives crew members a 'cool-down' when they return to Kerbin, so that you need to use a more varied crew rather than just Bill, Bob, and Jeb. It also changes which crew are automatically selected, so that the most-experienced crew who has least-recently been on a mission is picked first. Features Crew go on R&R after completing a mission, between 7 and 28 days in length, depending on the length of their mission. (configurable in the stock Settings page) While on R&R, crew cannot be sent on missions. The main pod is crewed with the highest-level crew who has least-recently been on a mission, creating a sort of 'crew rotation'. Crew assigned to pods, either automatically or with the 'fill' button, will make some sense in regard to what that part does. For example, Science Labs will get mostly Scientists, Cockpits will get at least one Pilot, etc. Installation Download the latest Release from the link above, or use CKAN to install it Once you've downloaded this file, simply unzip it and merge the GameData directory with the one located in your Kerbal Space Program installation directory, overwriting any files if prompted. Strongly Suggested Mod This mod give you a reason to spread the experience around: Known Issues Renaming Kerbals or changing their professions is unsupported. KerbalStats method of changing professions may work. Most likely NOT compatible with KCT Not compatible with Better Crew Assignment Reported problems with Final Frontier. I have not been able to duplicate them (please report these bugs!) I accept pull requests.
  3. Ok, I'll rebuild and repackage it, it's possible something funny went on, since I'm doing this manually Here you go: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-KEI/releases/tag/KEI-2017-04-16
  4. For anyone who wants to see the final code for this: public void RemapFillButton() { var buttonFillBtn = CrewAssignmentDialog.Instance.transform.Find("VL/Buttons/Button Fill"); // <-- GetComponent<Button> on this if found if (buttonFillBtn == null) return; Button b1 = buttonFillBtn.GetComponent<Button>(); if (b1 != null) { b1.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); b1.onClick.SetPersistentListenerState(0, UnityEventCallState.Off); b1.onClick.AddListener(OnFillButton); } }
  5. progress: This code: Button b1 = GameObject.Find("Button Fill").GetComponent<Button>(); b1.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); b1.onClick.AddListener(OnFillButton); is working to add my listener, but for some reason, the original listener is still being called.
  6. I'm updating the CrewQueue mod, and I need to have the mod's functions be used instead of the stock actions. Specifically, there is a button on the Crew Assignment which I see is defined as: public void ButtonFill(); How can I replace the stock code with the code in this mod? The old code used the old EZGui, which obviously can't be used. I know that the launch button has ways to do this using "fetch", but the crew assignment dialog doesn't have a fetch, only a static Instance. And while the EditorLogic has a public Button for launchBtn which I use in other mods, there is no public button for the CrewAssignmentDialog. I'm guessing that reflection may come into play, but I haven't any idea of what the button is actually called internally. Thanks in advance
  7. It would be helpful if you could test this in a clean install, I may not have time to set up a test for a whie
  8. Ok. I think I found it, please try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wjmacnh94uy1wxw/PersistentDynamicPodNames- and let me know how it goes
  9. Here is a version with some extra debugging added. No bugs, but the string being returned may not be what @Angel-125 posted earlier. Can you please install it and try it? There aren't any changes other than added debug statements. One you run it (and you see the bad science), please exit the game and send me the log https://www.dropbox.com/s/3ahoi9bq0iwioh1/KEI-Debug-2011-04-16.zip?dl=0
  10. New release, Added alias for Antenna, to support Kerbalism
  11. Probably not, could you test and repost a log ifile it happens again?
  12. New release, 0.1.13: Added deployHeight configurable value Added MM patch for FAR, to set the deployHeight to 700 Fixed issue with chute animation when very far in the future
  13. here you all go: I updated the excluded experiments and recompiled against 1.2.2 https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSP-KEI/releases/tag/KEI-Unofficial-2007-04-14
  14. sorry, it was replaced: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a0ufhy5wxd4pcbc/vng-beta3.zip?dl=0
  15. Here you go, tested (finally): https://www.dropbox.com/s/a0ufhy5wxd4pcbc/vng-beta3.zip?dl=0
  16. @Angel-125 If you could provide me with a list of experiments which shouldn't be done around the center, I'll add it to my version of KEI. I need the names as returned by KSP
  17. blah. Been so long since I worked on this,and since I don't use far...... Anyway, I see what's wrong, and will test it in a different way locally first
  18. Therefore the beta. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4dtqaya6nbojog4/vng-beta2.zip?dl=0 Don't worry about the files with the tildes at the end (~), they will be removed in the final release I'll have to see how they implement the parachutes. But will keep it in mind
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