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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. This is the solution I've come up with, it's the same as what KRASH does. I'm not going to release it, it still has some fine-tuning to be done, hope to release a beta this evening
  2. I have a working solution, but it needs some work, I'll be able to release a beta of it this evening
  3. Orientation for landing will be fixed in next update. It is also exploding (sometimes) when trying to start a sim landed on Eve, that's being fixed as well. Interesting, thanks for sharing
  4. I'm working on a solution which works, will just take a little time to get it right. I can do it manually right now, just need to do it in code. I have it working properly in KRASH now (it had the same issue)
  5. The problem is related to the orbital speed BEFORE you do the landing. Temporary workaround, when you teleport to Eve's orbit, go to an orbit at least 1000 KM high (1000000), then do your landing
  6. Try editing a part and setting the heat resistance to an extremely high number, then do the test and see what happens
  7. Rather than hitting set to current, can you just select a spot and do the landing? It almost sounds like the craft still has velocity. I'll take a look this evening LGG
  8. Cool. Leaderboard updated. Was this manned? I don't see a portrait
  9. Quoting from the 1.1 release notes: Save/Load (and KSPField) support for VesselModules. From what I can tell, VesselModules are only active and available in flight. Would it be possible to have them available in the Editors as well? I'd like to be able to store some static information in a craft file without having to add a part.
  10. 1.1.2 introduced a new Unity bug, which had to be fixed. Another change which I did was to fix the error of having Hyperedit open when reverting to the editor, Hyperedit window would stay open
  11. All, I found the problem in the Graphotron and fixed it, sent the changes to @Ezriilc So there should be a new version released in the next day or so Linuxgurugamer
  12. I feel better, was beginning to think I was going crazy (or senile)
  13. I'll bet you aren't using Hyperedit right now :-) It's bugged since 1.1.2, I found the problem and it's being tested now. Watch for a new release tomorrow Same issue with KRASH
  14. Try using KRASH, which is designed for this purpose. If you are playing career, it won't let you simulate a body you haven't gotten to yet
  15. I found and fixed the problem, but have a question for @Ezriilc The function: private static Orbit CreateOrbit(double inc, double e, double sma, double lan, double w, double mEp, double epoch, CelestialBody body) I know that inc is the inclination, and fixed this problem by adding a check to make sure it isn't 0. Can you define the vars: e, sma, w, mEp please? Once I know what they are for, I can decide whether they should also have the same check. The test build I did for myself is working, I'll upload a new beta this evening LGG
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