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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Absolutely! Wait a day for the next version of KRASH which will have an option to show all bodies in a career game
  2. Nothing as far as I know, but if you come up with a config, send it to me and I'll include it.
  3. Has anybody tried this version? I really need feedback if I'm going to do this, otherwise, I'll drop it.
  4. Please post the save file, and the craft file of the ship you are having a problem with. Also, I need a copy of the log file.
  5. Hi, (duplicate post in the other RO thread) I'm working on updating another mod (QuizTechAeroPack) to 1.1.3. turns out it needs some of the BDAnimationModujes (not the wheels or landing gear stuff). I have a local copy of BD which is working, but was recently made aware that there is another version of the dll included with RO. Since I don't want to create any conflicts or duplicate DLLs running around, I would like to either use yours (if it is readily available), or I'll have to change my local copy to be unique (which I don't want to do). I sent a message to BahamutoD, but he doesn't seem to be around right now. Can someone contact me about this? Thanks LGG
  6. oh, you mean something like Editor Extensions Redux? Other than editing two craft at once
  7. @kevind I would suggest you adding this thread to the entry on Spacedock so people can get here Also, are these updated for 1.1.3 yet, spacedock says only 1.1.2
  8. I'm wondering if this is really necessary. There is the which seems to contain most of not all of the parts in this mod. comments?
  9. Good news: I have a beta for you to try out: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8nnpsih3awd9zad/QuizTechAero-beta-1.1.3.zip?dl=0 The neutral news is that I haven't heard from @Quiznos323, so I'll be supporting this as a Redux version when I release it. Please let me know how it all works LGG
  10. Well, there was a new version of HyperEdit for 1.1.3, make sure you have the correct one installed
  11. and that helps exactly 0. We need more info: OS, version of KCT, any other mods installed, log file, etc Right now, nothing can be done.
  12. This is a small, lightweight mod. It has as little interactions with KSP as possible, other than detecting errors. The more that is added, the less universal it becomes. I already added code to this unofficial release to hide the windows, use ctrl-f2. Beyond that, it's a debugging tool
  13. Sarbian already replied to me telling me how to replace it. Re BDA, I found at least two pulls on github, but so far the only one I tried doesn't compile. If you could point me to a working build, I might either use that, or change it so that there won't be any confusion. I want to at least understand what it is/was doing before I discard it totally. While Sarbian posted an answer to my question, I'd be grateful to seeing what you did.
  14. This is not going to be a quick conversion, because he uses several DLLs from other authors: -Snjo: Firespitter -BahamutoD: BDAnimationModules.dll -sarbian: ModuleManager -dtobi & sarbian: Klockheed Martian Gimbal The problem is that some of these are not being maintained anymore. So far, I've identified the following which aren't maintained: BDAnimationModules (there are unofficial, partial conversions available) km_Gimbal (Klockheed Martian Gimbal, mostly replaced by stock gimbal) If/when i start this, I'll need one or two beta testers to help.
  15. @sarbian I'm working on updating another mod which uses km_Gimbal, The code in the cfg file is: MODULE { name = KM_Gimbal_3 gimbalTransformName = objGimbal pitchGimbalRange = 3 yawGimbalRange = 0 enableRoll = true enableSmoothGimbal = true responseSpeed = 30 debug = true } Based on your comment above, will replacing the KM_Gimbal_3 with ModuleGimbal be all that's needed? I can't find any current documentation, by looking at existing cfg files I don't see the following: pitchGimbalRange = 3 yawGimbalRange = 0 enableRoll = true Thanks
  16. The exceptions are logged to the file: exceptions.log This is an UNOFFICIAL dll. Do NOT contact the author about any problems, contact me instead. Here is a new version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gax9mtrnvnjyx8/ExceptionDetector-2.zip?dl=0
  17. Can you tell me how to recreate this? In my (admittedly limited) testing, I don't see any missing exceptions. A save file would be awesum
  18. Because if you were a modder, you might have a better chance of understanding a modder's point of view. It's very obvious that you don't, nor do you care about anyone else except yourself.
  19. Here is a dll which adds logging to a new file of the exceptions. It has been compiled for 1.1.3, but should work for any 1.1 build The exceptions are logged to the file: exceptions.log This is an UNOFFICIAL dll. Do NOT contact the author about any problems, contact me instead. (deleted, new version below) please let me know how it works. If no problems, I'll send the chagnes to the author. Thanks LGG
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