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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Can you explain? Was the "collect science at 4" one of the tasks, if so, then the "4" was a location. What is "tree"? Thanks
  2. No luck, I put that config in where you told me to and the engines are still in the Fuel Tanks tab. EDIT: Just wanted to add that @undercoveryankee config did work. Ok, I wasn't sure if the "or" would work. I was going to include that in KW, so I'll include the following in KW instead: @PART[*]:HAS[#category[0],@MODULE[ModuleEnginesRF]]:FINAL { @category = Engine } @PART[*]:HAS[#category[0],@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]]:FINAL { @category = Engine } At least until RF includes the one with ModuleEnginesRF. Please try this, it should work. This should work both with and without RF installed. @CoriW Thanks for testing @undercoveryankee Thanks for the research and the original config you put up
  3. There will be a new thread, soon. For now, I released it on github and spacedock. In what I released, the firespitter plugin is current. The BahaAnimationsModules are recent and compiled for 1.1.3 Regarding changelog, I actually didn't change anything, yet, other than updating the plugins and testing. You can get the release here: http://spacedock.info/mod/836/QuizTechAeroPackContinued
  4. That sounds easy enough for me to add to the current KW Ok, for now, for KW, try adding this to a file: Gamedata\KWRocketry\KWCommunityFixes\KW-engine-cat.cfg @PART[*]:HAS[#category[0],@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]|@MODULE[ModuleEnginesRF]]:FINAL { @category = Engine } Since I don't use RF, please try this out and let me know how it works.
  5. Since @MrHappyFace said he was still continuing with this, I'll defer to him for any fixes
  6. I created a ship which is available here: https://kerbalx.com/crafts/15338/edit Mods used for this test were: HyperEdit MechJeb Mechjeb for All KW Rocketry Redux Kerbal Alarm Clock Picture below. The main stage has two tanks. The FT-400 is disabled, is used merely to add mass to the vessel The ship is two stages. I did the following steps for each of the tests below: Use HyperEdit to get orbit to 1Mm altitude Use MechJeb SmartASS to point Retrograde F5 to save The following steps are repeated for each test: Use MechJeb Maneuver Planner to drop orbit to test Pe Once maneuver is complete, decouple (decouple force is set to 0 to avoid any impact to the Pe) Switch to tug section, use RCS to back away from main test stage Use KAC to warp to 1 minute before Pe Use MechJeb SmartASS to point Prograde Pause at Pe -5, record speed At Pe, engage engine When tank is empty, record Ap F9 to return to test start, ready for next test Very interesting And here are the results: Orbital start: 1,000,000m Tug used to drop Pe, which then disengages with 0 force Total Dv: 323 Pe (km) Speed at Pe (m/sec) Final Ap (Mm) 70.095 2725.7 4.38876 94.985 2661.7 4.33023 104.999 2637 4.30865 125.003 2589.2 4.26857 175.033 2477.7 4.18364 249.998 2329.5 4.08814 349.995 2159.9 4.00367 500.003 1950.7 3.93731
  7. Is there a way to have multiple filters active? For example, I want to see all 1.25m Engines
  8. OK. The version I have work fine in 1.1.3, it's a recompiled copy of what someone did for 1.1.2. My download includes the source. In this case, I will NOT release a new version, but will keep this copy around until you do your formal release: https://www.dropbox.com/s/g2z5104fshgwvnd/BetterTimeWarp.zip?dl=0 @MrHappyFace I was going to look into these issues I observed before releasing, figured I'd let you know: possible bug: after deleting profile, delete window stays open possible enhancement: make window(s) dragable possible enhancement/limitation: Limit physics warp to min of 0.1 and max of 100?
  9. @Claw After reading the tests above, I'm wondering if the breaks in physics changed in 1.1.3. From what the tests showed, there doesn't seem to be a break
  10. I'll be releasing a BetterTimeWarpContinued on Sunday. If the author ever comes back and wants to continue with it, I'll then pull mine down. Since @MrHappyFace is still around, I will not be releasing a new version
  11. Nope. Not for a while, at least. Especially the velocity thing. use HyperEdit for now. Start the sim, either in kerbin orbit or landed, then hyperedit to where you want to be
  12. I don't remember the specifics, but he did some balancing and some things are different. I'd have to spend some time looking into it to have more specifics
  13. Ok, after talking to the moderators, it turns out that the license listed in the OP is also the default license on github, meaning that it is an "All Rights Reserved", and I can't take it over without permission. So, until I hear and get permission, I can't do anything about this. I'll leave the beta there, but won't be doing an official release
  14. Great! Github would be awesome. Let me know when you do the next release, I'll get the netkan updated
  15. I saw your pull re. the Vesta, I'd like to get other people's opinions before I make any changes.
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