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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I was using AntennaRange as described above, and was getting errors, so I've recompiled it against 1.1.3. I also recompiled the other two DLLs and repackaged the whole thing, you can get it here: (updated download link here): https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/AntennaRange/releases/tag/1.11.3-lgg Please note that this is totally unofficial. Other than fixing one syntax error and adding a single "if" to avoid an exception at startup, there are no changes to the files. I can say that I am NOT getting any more errors in the log from this.
  2. I'm trying to learn how to use this, and am having problems. On at least one plane,I start on the runway, and set the altitude to about 2000, speed to 150 and direction to 90. It starts (once I stage the engines), brings the engines to full speed, but about 1/2 way down the runway, and before it is even at the target speed, it cuts the throttle. no messages show up. I also tried getting this plane to altitude and then engaging, but it would set the thhrottle to 0 Any idea what I should be looking for?
  3. Got a bunch of errors for you. I have a highly modded game. usually ok, but this just came up: I launched a rover from the SPH (no action groups created at all), and the following errors started spamming: AGX Flight Update Error 7i System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXFlight.LoadVesselDataFromPM (ActionGroupsExtended.ModuleAGX rootAGX) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ActionGroupsExtended.AGXFlight.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Here is a link to the full log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/35lmaa9wjfu706v/agx errors.zip?dl=0 I know there are other errors in there, but this one seemed to be totally unrelated to anything else. KSP 1.1.3 Most mods installed via CKAN, AGX is 2.0b For this log, I entered the game, went into the SPH to create the rover, added a crew module to it attached via a decoupler. Then I put the crew into the crew module (2 of them), and launched. Once launched, I disembarked the crew and had them mount the external command seat. Then I decoupled the crew module and recovered it. After recovery, I made the rover active again (flew the rover from the space center scene)
  4. Why dont you read the previous page or so, your question has been answere already
  5. That was the problem, it was halfway around Kerbin, and I'm in a slow plane. thanks
  6. For anyone who would be interested, here is a version of Kramax which is compiled for 1.1.3: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/3pb0g71eh96na69/AAArnbPqD5pjlu3gKMyiVuJCa?dl=0
  7. Is the ability to see waypoints in flight view based on some sort of level?
  8. You could also try using this mod (another FTL mod I'm maintaining): https://spacedock.info/mod/835/FTL Drive Continued It should work in 1.1.2, if it doesn't, let me know and I can do a quick 1.1.2 build
  9. Thank you Got it done, will do a better job testing this time before releasing
  10. @Nereid Are you going to be continuing with S.A.V.E.? It currently has two issues: Not compiled for 1.1.3, although it does seem to work. At the least, the .version file needs to be updated Cloning doesn't work
  11. @nightingale, I see that the notes say that the Kolniya method has been added, but I'm getting an error. So, before I start with the debugging, can you tell me if this is correct. the following is in the CONTRACT_GROUP: DATA { type = CelestialBody hidden = true requiredValue = false // Following line works UnmannedMissionPlanet = Prestige() == Trivial ? @/easyPlanets.Random() : Prestige() == Significant ? @/mediumPlanets.Random() : @/hardPlanets.Random() Following line seems to generate error KolniyaMissionPlanet = Prestige() == Trivial ? @/easyPlanets.CanHaveKolniyaOrbit().Random() : Prestige() == Significant ? @/mediumPlanets.CanHaveKolniyaOrbit().Random() : @/hardPlanets.CanHaveKolniyaOrbit().Random() } and the following is in the contract: DATA { type = String hidden = true uniquenessCheck = GROUP_ALL requiredValue = true uid = KolniyaOrbitalSatellite:@STGUnmannedMissions:KolniyaMissionPlanet.Name() }
  12. Sal, It would be wonderful if either/or/both KRASH and/or Persistent Dynamic Pod Names was highlighted and yes, I am the author of both
  13. All contributions are welcome. We weren't working on wheels at this time, if you want to, go ahead. Keep in mind the 1.2 update, and expect that whatever you do for 1.1.3 will need to be, at the least, updated for 1.2
  14. So, you do have a reproducable set of steps? Would be helpful if you did the following: Reproduce the problem, record each step Post the steps Send me the log
  15. Well, it really sounds like you don't have the latest version, you are describing bugs from several releases ago. So I would suggest that you first make sure your install is fully updated. And, before the next time you post, please read the following on how to get support for mods:
  16. It was described a few posts above: To view through the eyes of your Kerbal(s): EVA the Kerbal Right-click on it Select "Activate Camera" Press "Backspace" to deactivate the view. I suggest doing this in space, as walking around on Kerbin ... well ... the view can be quite dizzying. lol Please read this post for what information you need to supply. This post if from the stock, but the information required is the same:
  17. How did you install it? Is the latest module manager installed? Please provide logs, otherwise I can't help you
  18. I'll contact him to see what needs to be done There was and then there wasn't. I accidently uploaded a file to the Quiztech spacedock entry; it was the wrong upload. I've deleted it and things should be back to normal.
  19. The mod (I believe) adds the docking camera to ALL docking ports Some more information please. Please remember that since I just took it over, I may not be aware of things like this glitch, so a fuller description would be helpful. Thanks
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