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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Well, it really sounds like you don't have the latest version, you are describing bugs from several releases ago. So I would suggest that you first make sure your install is fully updated. And, before the next time you post, please read the following on how to get support for mods:
  2. It was described a few posts above: To view through the eyes of your Kerbal(s): EVA the Kerbal Right-click on it Select "Activate Camera" Press "Backspace" to deactivate the view. I suggest doing this in space, as walking around on Kerbin ... well ... the view can be quite dizzying. lol Please read this post for what information you need to supply. This post if from the stock, but the information required is the same:
  3. How did you install it? Is the latest module manager installed? Please provide logs, otherwise I can't help you
  4. I'll contact him to see what needs to be done There was and then there wasn't. I accidently uploaded a file to the Quiztech spacedock entry; it was the wrong upload. I've deleted it and things should be back to normal.
  5. The mod (I believe) adds the docking camera to ALL docking ports Some more information please. Please remember that since I just took it over, I may not be aware of things like this glitch, so a fuller description would be helpful. Thanks
  6. It was available as a WIP, but I'm only doing it in a maintenance mode, with minor updates. So this does belong here
  7. You do have the latest ModuleManager installed?
  8. That should be taken care of by stock. Regardless, this mod wouldn't have anything to do with that.
  9. Can you be a little more specific? For example, tell me what you did, and provide a log file. Naming specific cameras, and what isn't working would also be useful. Thanks
  10. If you could open a github issue, and put in as much info as you can, it will help me when i get back to this
  11. Just released an update: 0.3.22 Added checks for impossible (in-game) Kolniya orbits Added Tundra orbits You MUST be running Contractconfigurator 1.17.0 or later (just released last night)
  12. That can be done to any wing out there, it's merely a matter of writing the config. I would suggest, however, that the cost should be equal to the sum of the wing and an equivalent tank, to account for the extra cost in developing and building a hollow, strong wing
  13. Lack isn't around, we are just doing what needs to be done to bring it up to 1.1.3 standards
  14. Once @Deimos Rast and I release the updated version, I'll see about creating special CKAN configs for the subpacks. Not sure if it can be done easily, it's actually last on my list of TODOs
  15. Please move all future conversation about this mod to the new release thread: It should be pointing to the new release thread in a little while
  16. @Quiznos323 has graciously given me permission to continue supporting this mod pack. As I am not a modeler, I'm supporting it in a maintenance mode, fixing bugs, keeping it working. WARNING There is a bug 1.4.* (and possibly in 1.3.1) which causes a plane with certain parts to immediatly jump to 1000m in height upon launching, and then slowly descend to the runway. It can be fixed by installing the WorldStabilizer mod, available at the following link. Note that the 1.3.1 version DOES work in 1.4.*, although the author will be coming out with a 1.4.* version soon Donations gratefully accepted https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer Please delete the QuizTechAero folder from previous versions to avoid any issues! Please read the included installation document before posting about missing parts and installation problems. If you have followed those instructions and still have issues let me know. Thanks! QuizTech Aero Pack v1.3.3 An expansion for stock and modded spaceplane parts! Parts: Videos: WIP: Recommended Mods: RastorPropMonitor Throttle Control Avionics B9 Procedural Parts/Wings Adjustable Landing Gear Mk2 Essentials Bundled Plugins: -BDAnimationModules.dll -km_Gimbal.dll -Firespitter.dll No plugins are bundled anymore. The following are required: ModuleManager Firespitter Core (https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/releases) BahamutoD Animation Modules (https://github.com/raidernick/BDAnimationModules/releases/) Download: http://spacedock.info/mod/836/QuizTechAeroPackContinued Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/QuizTechAeroPackContinued/releases/tag/1.3.0 License: CC-BY 4.0 International @SpaceCommanderNemo Please define "Modular fuel tank compatibility". There are lots of fuel tank mods out ther Thanks to @flx for writing a patch for FAR
  17. Please move all conversation about this mod to the new release thread here:
  18. @Albert VDS has passed the mod over to me, please consider this the official forum now for the Hullcam VDS Continued mod. The original thread can be found here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/42739-11hullcam-vds-mod-adopted-by-linuxgamer/ Hullcam VDS - A Mechjeb hullcam fork Hullcam let's you add different cameras(black and white, grainy tv, nightvision, etc) to any part of your vehicle or construction. Docking ports have special docking cameras now and you can also see through the eyes of your Kerbals in EVA. Scroll down for a video demonstration of the new filters. Controls: Next camera: - (Minus) Previous camera: = (Equals) Exits hullcam view: Backspace Holding down the modifier key (Alt on Windows) while doing the Next/Previous/Exit will change the control point to the new camera You can change these keys by editing \Gamedata\HullcameraVDS\Plugin\settings.cfg To view through the eyes of your Kerbal(s): EVA the Kerbal Right-click on it Select "Activate Camera" Press "Backspace" to deactivate the view. I suggest doing this in space, as walking around on Kerbin ... well ... the view can be quite dizzying. lol Also, first person view does work with no problems on a a command chair. Also, if you right-click and drag while in the view, you can 'look around' a little. Keep in mind that if you are cycling through all the cameras, then you will cycle through ALL the docking ports in range, not just those on the active vessel. So if you have a space station with 10 docking ports, you will cycle through all 10. Please don't forget to delete any previous version before installing the latest one and back up your saved game Download: http://spacedock.info/mod/885/HullcamVDS Continued Source available: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/HullcamVDSContinued License: GPLv3 https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer If you are having a problem, please read this and follow the instructions BEFORE posting a bug report: Action groups: Zoom in Zoom out Activate Camera Deactivate Camera Next Camera Previous Camera Command Pod MK-1 with hullcam on the bottom looking at dropping heatshield. Hullcam view of the bottom of a rocket Videos
  19. For me it was my first real space station. Built with 1.25m parts, it was longer, skinny and had reaction wheels in several places. Switched to it, and watched on disbelief as it started oscillating back and forth until it exploded
  20. That's the idea. It was written to support SXT, but should be flexible enough for a lot more Yup. Now all you modelers, get to work :-)
  21. The blizzy code isn't well tested, and I don't recommend it at this time. I did raise it as a Github issue so I won't lose track of it
  22. While I don't think is relevant, make sure you are running the latest mechjeb
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