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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Did you try deleting the firespitter in the Quiztech pack instead of the one in LLL? Also, regarding Quiztech, are you running the latest ( If so, then that's something I maintain as well, and will be updating the Firespitter pack to 7.3.0 I suspect you are hitting a conflict between the two firespitters. Re. the log file, Dropbox or Google drive would be fine, just post a link to the file
  2. My understanding is that they should work, but updates will help. I know about the changes, have been very busy with other stuff, will get around to it soon.
  3. Send me the log file anyway, it has information not necessarily related to the crash which would be useful. However, one thing I don't see in any of your messages is what version of KSP you are running. I need to know, because, some of what I see (specifically BDarmory) is not compatible with 1.1.3. Also, look for another version of Firespitter in some of the other directories
  4. That's very interesting, since it is the current version of FireSpitter (I just double-checked). Please provide a copy of the output_log.txt, among other things, it lists all the mods that are installed (those with DLLs, at least). Are you running in Career, Science, or Sandbox mode? If career or science, please provide a copy of your peristent.sfs file as well
  5. It's not you, and I'm not upset. Read the post above to find out what you need. I will be happy to help, once I have something other than "it's broken" :-) If there are problems, then they will be fixed, but we need the logs. LGG
  6. The Reaction Wheels On The Game are so overpowered, it doest matter. But in real life, it does
  7. Still need logs. so, when you take your car to a mechanic, do you say "fix it" and just leave, or do you tell him what is wrong, symptoms, etc? When you go to a doctor, do you tell him how you are feeling, or do you expect him to read your mind? Saying that it's crashing without logs is exactly the same thing, and will get exactly the same amount of attention from me: NONE Post logs so we can see what is going on. Maybe it's a conflict with another mod. Maybe there is something else. But without logs, you aren't going to hear back from me again on this subject. I write and maintain a LOT of mods, and in all cases, when there is a problem (unless it is obvious like the one above when I had a typo in the version file), I (and ALL other mod authors) need the logs. I can't spend time tracking down something which for everyone else seems to work.
  8. Thanks, obviously a typo, I'll fix it Edit: it's been updated on Github, and I'm now adding it to Spacedock
  9. Is this the first time you downloaded it? Need logs. This is a parts mod only, it depends on other mods. It is also a very big mod, if you have limited memory, you might be running out of memory.
  10. not really. It would actually be a fair amount of work to do that. Why not put in a Github issue about this, it's an interesting idea and I can look into it when I get back to this mod
  11. Are you installing through CKAN or manually? Did you install Modulemanager, FireSpitter & the BDAnimationModules.dll?
  12. I'm not sure that should be considered a bug. If it can't be installed, then (IMHO) it shouldn't be shown.
  13. Did you install the new version from here: http://spacedock.info/mod/836/QuizTechAeroPackContinued
  14. I have an initial release available, you can get it here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/LLL-Continued/releases/tag/1.0.0 Feedback is asked for and welcomed, changes also gratefully accepted It includes the following changes:
  15. Think of Chaff as a cloud of tiny pieces of tinfoil. Anything which can block light is good for blocking lasers, so Chaff would work. Also smoke, clouds, etc.
  16. This works: @PART[LLLUnderLeg]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleLandingLeg]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleLandingLeg] { @name = ModuleAnimateGeneric } } @PART[LLLSkid]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleLandingGear]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleLandingGear] { @name = ModuleAnimateGeneric } }
  17. Well, I find the following: The part "LLL Skid" (LLLSkid), uses ModuleLandingGear "Landing Leg - Underside" (LLLUnderLeg) uses ModuleLandingLeg "Landing Leg - Small Underside" (LLLUnderLeg2) uses ModuleAnimateGeneric So I assume that I should change all to use ModuleAnimateGeneric (The LLLUnderLeg2 already uses ModuleAnimateGeneric, so it isn't needed in this patch): @Part[LLLUnderLeg] { @MODULE[ModuleLandingLeg] { -name = ModuleLandingLeg +name = ModuleAnimateGeneric } } @Part[LLLSkid] { @MODULE[ModuleLandingGear] { -name = ModuleLandingGear +name = ModuleAnimateGeneric } } Edit: This patch isn't working (yet), I'll keep working on it
  18. For those interested, this patch changes the ModuleLandingLeg to moduleAnimateGeneric: @Part[LLLUnderLeg2] { @MODULE[ModuleLandingLeg] { -name = ModuleLandingLeg +name = ModuleAnimateGeneric } }
  19. Oh well. I have it, but am not going to do anything with it. I don't model at all (I code, do cfgs, etc), will just have to wait for him to do it.
  20. The only part in the mod which uses the ModuleLandingGear that I can find is the LLL Skid I put the skid on a simple ship, and went bouncing happily on the Mun and Minmus, no explosions. But if you feel this change is necessary, I'll do the patch
  21. Would that be in the old kerbalstuff torrent (I have that on disk)? [V5.0 RC1 released] AeroKerbin Industries Modified IVAs
  22. I did catch the QuizTechContinued comment. KWRedux is mostly mature, QuizTech seems to be mature and working. It looks like this is working fairly well also, and hopefully the community would step up with any additional patches. Oh, and I was looking at SXT as well Thank you for your compliment.
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