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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. If you are willing to pay, then go to the Patreon page and sign up. I did, I'm doing $5/month for this. Otherwise, stop complaining
  2. Ok, thanks. I'll see if I can do something with it in the next week or so, busy with my current mod and an upcoming surgery
  3. Sure. This mod as is, does too much. I want to do my own landings, but sometimes, when landing, I'll thrust too much and start going up. All I'm looking for is something that will monitor the descent velocity, and if it drops below a specified amount, to cut the throttle. Maybe include a horizontal component in that as well. I don't want it to do anything else, I want to do the landing, if possible. I was thinking maybe a new mod, with most of this stripped out and leaving the minimal amount in there.
  4. Ummm, I'm seeding it, at about 2 Mbit/second. Currently have about a dozen peers
  5. @Diazo I was wondering if you could make a modification of this: Instead of controlling the vertical speed, I'm looking for something which I can use while landing, which will prevent me while landing from thrusting too much and going up again. Seems like a fairly simple modification of this, if the vertical speed drops below a set point, reduce throttle to 0
  6. For a new mod I'm writing, I need to have a text resource for each command pod. This mod will be an auto-namer mod, which will rename a ship upon launch (based on a template). I also want to be able to have subassemblies have their own name, so that when they are detached from the mothership (such as rovers, landers, etc), they will have their own name. My thought is to have a text-based resource which you can assign a name and then save the ship as a subassembly, and when it is detached/undocked from the mother ship, that text resource will be assigned as the ship name. I've never done this before, this is the first time I'm working with parts. So, I'm kind of looking for some sort of example. I'm thinking that the resource will be set to the ship name before it is saved as a subassembly, either that or set it via a right-click in the editor. But I have no idea how to set a resource in a part. I've been looking, and have seen many examples, all different. Thanks
  7. Are you talking about your fork of the mod, or also removing cychotha's versions? if cychotha's, I vote for pleeze leaving them... I know some people still like to pay older versions of KSP... I for one still play 0.25 occasionally, and have 0.25 & 0.90 installs just for my son to play (easier aero & physics, stuff)... Thanx for putting it up on SpaceDock, either way... I can't and won't touch cychotha's versions. Only mine.
  8. I have the following code to add a button to the stock toolbar: private void OnGuiAppLauncherReady () { try { button = ApplicationLauncher.Instance.AddModApplication ( GUIToggle, GUIToggle, null, null, null, null, ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes.VAB | ApplicationLauncher.AppScenes.SPH, //visibleInScenes GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture (texPathDefault, false) //texture ); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error ("Error adding ApplicationLauncher button: " + ex.Message); } } there are times I want the button to be disabled, and to be greyed out (like the launch icon gets greyed out when there isn't a ship to launch). I have the code to do this, how can I disable/enable the toolbar button? Thanks
  9. All my mods are on spacedock and are now available through CKAN
  10. It's on spacedock.info, I'm going to remove it from Curse
  11. ah. found the problem, was calling it two times, second time was overriding the first thanks
  12. That's what I'm doing, so there must be something else which is not doing it. OK, gives me a place to start thanks
  13. Already on spacedoc, CKAN is having a problem with my updaes, working onit
  14. Craft Import already does that. It allows importing craft from anywhere, including the web
  15. I would't recommend doing that with save folders. Saves are specific to a game and the mods installed there.
  16. Actually, Kerbinside uses KerbinKonstructs, which I've already looked at. But the code there doesn't seem to work for me, and it seems to be black magic (his words, not mine)
  17. Please remember that when Squad made their LEGAL agreement with Curse, Kerbalstuff wasn't around. Squad had a legal agreement with Curse, it's not easy to get out of these things. So they did what they could. They had nothing to do with Kerbalstuff, and after an initial inquiry at the beginning about the name, they left it alone. They may not have been allowed by the agreement to promote an alternative. The Kerbalstuff owner never asked for money from anyone or anywhere. He mentioned the cost as merely a factor, but essentially, he got fed up and burned out
  18. I have a CoolerMaster HAX X case. Totally quiet, i added an extra fan where they left space for it. The video card makes more noise than the case
  19. Why not put a link to the Patreon page somewhere on the site? At the bottom might be a good place, although it might not get seen. Maybe a very occasioinal popup?
  20. will do, thanks. Still, if someone can give an answer, that would be nice.
  21. I know that, but I want to be in the vague and tell it to launch for the runway. Right now in order to launch from the runway you have to be in the sph. For example you are designing a rocker, but want to test launch it from the runway
  22. Anyone know how to do this? Normally, if you are in the VAB, you launch from the launchpad, and SPH launches from runway. I'd like to have my mod (simulation mod) allow either. Thanks in advance. LGG
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