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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I like the camera, but I use HullcamVDS, which this appears to conflict with regarding a camera on the docking port
  2. @AdamMil, Do you have this customized version up in Github yet? I would suggest forking the original and then saving your changes there, would make it easy to push back to the original
  3. Does the level of the tracking station have any effect on the range?
  4. I looking to learn some more about the environment, to improve my current mods and write some new ones. I've used and seen the following, but don't have a clear explanation: [KSPScenario(ScenarioCreationOptions.AddToAllGames, new GameScenes[] { GameScenes.SPACECENTER, GameScenes.EDITOR, GameScenes.FLIGHT, GameScenes.TRACKSTATION })] [KSPField(isPersistant = true)] [KSPAddon (KSPAddon.Startup.EditorAny, false)] Can someone point me to some documentation which will explain these (and any others)? I've been looking, but obviously haven't used the right searches Thanks in advance
  5. No, it's not WASD. I just removed it and still have the problem. Sorry to say, it's the mod itself. Here is how to reproduce the problem: Install mod in totally clean game enter game, click on VAB Click on a command pod, then, WITHOUT PASSING MOUSE OVER THE COMMAND POD, click on the launch icon Now move the mouse over the displayed menu. Notice how the buttons don't get highlighted as you pass the mouse over Now, click Cancel Launch Move the mouse over the command pod. No need to click on it, just highlighting it is enough Now click the Launch button Move the mouse over the displayed menu. See how the buttons are now highlighted Once it starts working, it continues to work The workaround is fairly easy, it's to move the mouse over the vessel before launching. I found this because I went into the VAB to test a vehicle, I loaded it up and them immediately went to the launch button without ever moving the mouse over the vessel. I hope the fix is easy, I'd really like to see this continue
  6. Fixed. For right now, I just disabled the ability to change modes while a part is selected, it will display a message if you do try to do it
  7. an alternative would be to disallow changing modes while something is selected. But I'll take a look first, may be simple
  8. No idea, but I'm able to reproduce it. I probably won't get to it until the weekend, although if I get some time in an evening I will see what I can do
  9. Found the offender, it's WASDEditorCameraRedux. Since I'm maintaining this, I'll have to figure it out. Apparently when the WASD is active, it seems to override the mouse on the menu, but only some of the time. What's even stranger is that all I need to do is mouse over a part, then it works. So at least I have a clue Edit: See my last post, it's a bug in the mod
  10. Not for me. Just tried this in a 1.0.5 on Linux, with a bunch of other mods, and, other than getting the initial dialog which asks to simulate this flight or not, I don't see this when in the flight scene: http://i.imgur.com/VkEQ8kv.png Update: Tried it in a clean install, it seems to work. So there is some interference with/from other mods (I have nearly 200 installed). I'll see if I can narrow it now. A clue was that moving the mouse over the three buttons didn't highlight the button it was over Edit: See my last post, it's a bug in the mod
  11. Question: since this defaults to WASD mode when first entering, I assume that you switched out of it (back to normal by using the Alpha5 key) first, then selected a piece, and then hit the alpha5 key to go back in?
  12. This is excellent. Once I can replicate this, it should be fairly easy to find. Thanks
  13. For those interested: I'm developing a rover checklist for the WerherChecker mod. I'm very interested in hearing what you would consider to be necessary for a rover. To start this discussion off, here is what I'm starting with: Control Source (ie: command module) Wheels Lights Power Source Electricity storage Communication Science I look forward to your ideas and suggestions.
  14. For all who visit: I'm developing a checklist for the WernerChecker mod to have a checklist for space stations. So I'm interested in your ideas as to what should be included in this type of checklist. To start this off, here is what I would expect to check before launching: Control Source (ie: command module) Reaction wheels RCS SAS (?) Power Source Electricity storage Communication Science Docking Ports Looking forward to your ideas, thanks
  15. Thanks re. the first. The second, I think that it would be reasonable to allow a mod developer to specify that the directory be cleared out first. There are a number of mods which don't work if there is old data left behind. Also, to be able to clean up a disk, if someone uninstalls a mod, it would be nice if at least the option was presented to delete the old directory or not. In fact, why not have the netkan recommend that the directory be cleaned out before updating? I understand the topic, but think that this is a place where by adhering to a very rigid rule, problems are caused for a number of mods.
  16. are you still around? Is this still an issue?
  17. Thanks. I'll have to figure out a small tree, since some of these are mutually exclusive, and at least one needs to be provided. On another note, do you think it might be a good idea to have a way to specify to CKAN that before an install, to delete everything in the destination directory? This would solve problems where the mod might be leaving bits behind (such as cache files,etc).
  18. Is there any way in the CKAN spec to be able to specify an optional config? For example, a mod has a standard config, but also ships (in the zip file) an optional config which replaces it. I'm not aware of any way to do this, is it something which might be considered?
  19. I saw a comment somewhere that you were working on doing your development on Linux. I currently use Xamian on Windows, and would like to be able to work on Linux. Any suggestions or hints? Thanks in advance
  20. Are you on Windows, OSX or Linux? I'm using CKAN on Linux, and I don't see that behaviour I've offered several times to help people with their netkan files. Feel free to send people to me if they need help with this. Linuxgurugamer I saw this as well, I think it was an issue with Kerbalstuff, since I had a lot of problems at the same time on kerbalstuff.com
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