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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I would say given the scope and complexities of the game that they ARE better off using an existing engine, rather than first having to totally reinvent the wheel, having numerous bugs along the way, before even beginning on coding the game itself.
  2. And you even used a picture of my favorite plane, the P-38
  3. Are you running the latest rover mission release? That "Benchmark" is a location name, you simply need to run all the science available on the rover
  4. Try the following: 1. Move the PartValidation BEFORE the ReachState 2. Add the following: completeInSequence = true to all the parameter groups
  5. If you got to the Mun, then it will give you contracts for further planets. However, I'm going to be releasing a major rewrite later today, which fixes a lot of little stuff as well as making the right contracts come up.
  6. Not a problem, just reporting what I saw. The first one, however, is a bug. The mod should not shut down just because the window is hidden
  7. While I'm not a space shuttle pilot (speak to EJ for that), I tried the one in stock. You may want to put an option in to not reduce the main throttle until all SRBs are detached. I got it launched by changing the sensitivity to 0.5, but after dropping the boosters it seemed to be too high. Not sure what is going on, when it got high enough it couldn't seem to stabilize. Maybe due to the sensitivity being too high, but whatever the case, it was not able to get to orbit
  8. Just downloaded and tested the latest version. Looks much nicer in the formatting. Bugs: If you click the toolbar button to hide the window during the ascent, it stops working, and even if you click the button to bring it back, it will still be nonfunctional until the launch is reset. It's almost as if you hit the abort button, however the Abort button I'd suggest that hiding it via the toolbar button should not equate to a full shutdown of the mod. It should continue to run, even if not being shown Clicking the tip button (the questionmark) brings up the tip window, but clicking it again doesn't hide it. This requires a little extra unnecessary mouse movement Overall, a very nice improvement.
  9. Do you think you could add AVC compatibility? All it needs is a file containing the version (gravityturn.version) in a specific format, and an entry on the website so AVC can check to see if it is updated. Actually, the website will even generate the file for you, to make it easy. http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/?page=Home Also, if you include the miniavc.dll, then it will self-check at start time.
  10. @nightingaleJust an FYI, I closed the original pull request, redid the logging for CC the way you suggested, and did another pull request LGG
  11. How do I set the real wiki as the upstream? When I cloned CC, and went into the wiki on my clone, there was nothing there. From what I found online, the wiki is saved as a seperate repo
  12. That usually happens when there is a syntax error in a config file. Post the log for us to see.
  13. Think about the fact that the game already has memory problems. Every new part that is added takes more memory if it doesn't reuse any textures, also an IVA takes even more memory for coding, etc. Also, it increases the support needed. I don't know their reasoning, but it may be that the old IVA had problems and they replaced it with a new one. It would be nice if someone were to take the old IVA and make it available as a mod
  14. Is there any way I can update the wiki with some of the answers you've given here? I looked, but other than cloning the entire thing, it doesn't seem to be doable easily
  15. ok. Is there any way to be able to dump that to a file, I have a lot of them and it would be easier to look at in an editor
  16. In the log file output_log.txt Here is a link to the log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzid7e3pW1k7clkyRkxsQ1VjWW8/view?usp=sharing I search for the text strings "storing easyPlanets", nothing there. Search for "storing mediumPlanets", and you find it, etc.
  17. So, I have the following contract group: CONTRACT_GROUP { trace = true // Name of the contract group name = STGUnmannedMissions displayName = Unmanned Missions // Use this to specify the minimum version of Contract Configurator // That is required to run contracts in this group. minVersion = 1.9.3 // The maximum number of times that contracts within this contract // group can be completed (0 being unlimited). // Default = 0 // maxCompletions = 3 // The maximum instances of this contract within this contract group // that can be active at one time (0 being unlimited). // Default = 0 maxSimultaneous = 4 DATA { type = bool homeIsMoon = HomeWorld().IsMoon() } DATA { type = double sma = @/homeIsMoon? HomeWorld().Parent().SemiMajorAxis() : HomeWorld().SemiMajorAxis() outerTargetSMA = @/sma * 1.55 innerTargetSMA = @/sma * 0.66 } DATA { type = List<CelestialBody> unreachedBodies = AllBodies().ExcludeAll(ReachedBodies()) // uniqueValue = true outerPlanets1 = AllBodies().Where(cb => (cb.SemiMajorAxis() > @/outerTargetSMA) && cb.IsPlanet() ) outerMoons = AllBodies().Where(cb => cb.IsMoon() && cb.Parent().SemiMajorAxis() > @/outerTargetSMA) outerPlanets = @/outerPlanets1.Concat(@/outerMoons) innerPlanets1 = AllBodies().Where(cb => (cb.SemiMajorAxis() < @/innerTargetSMA) && cb.IsPlanet()) innerMoons = AllBodies().Where(cb => cb.IsMoon() && cb.Parent().SemiMajorAxis() < @/innerTargetSMA) innerPlanets = @/innerPlanets1.Concat(@/innerMoons) validBodies = AllBodies().Where(cb => (cb.IsPlanet() || cb.IsMoon()) && cb != HomeWorld()) easyPlanets1 = @/validBodies.Where(cb => cb == (HomeWorld().IsMoon() ? HomeWorld().Parent() : HomeWorld() ) ) easyPlanets2 = @/validBodies.Where(cb => @/homeIsMoon ? cb.Parent() == HomeWorld().Parent() : HomeWorld().Children().Contains(cb)) easyPlanets = @/easyPlanets2.Concat(@/easyPlanets1).Exclude(HomeWorld()) // If any moon has been reached, then allow contracts for the medium planets mediumPlanets1 = AllBodies().ExcludeAll(@/innerPlanets).ExcludeAll(@/outerPlanets) // Only the following values seem to get stored mediumPlanets = @/moonsReached ? @/mediumPlanets1 : @/easyPlanets // If any of the medium planets have been reached, then hard planets are the rest of the system hardPlanets= @/mediumPlanetsReached ? AllBodies().ExcludeAll(@/easyPlanets).ExcludeAll(@/mediumPlanets) : @/mediumPlanets } When I look at the log to see the values of what is being stored, I don't see ANY of the values before the mediumPlanets. But there aren't any errors shown I have the tracing on for all of these contracts. They aren't behaving because (I think) the above values aren't working. Any ideas?
  18. One more comment on the mod: I notice that the window is not draggable, can you please enable that so that it can be positioned manually? Also, if I hide the window, it seems to disable the mod??? Another bug: If I hide the window during the ascent, it disables the mod (already mentioned). If I then reshow the window, and manually attain orbit, the window stays, and the button is gone, so I can't hide it anymore
  19. After reading your comment on the new issue I raised, I've been looking at the uniquenessCheck: (Optional, default = NONE) Whether (and how to check uniqueness of this value). Use this to prevent duplicate contracts (eg. for the same Kerbal, Vessel, etc.). This can check against contracts of the same type, or contracts in the same parent group. It can also check only active contracts or all contracts (to make it so a contract can only ever be completed once for the given value). The valid values are NONE, CONTRACT_ACTIVE, CONTRACT_ALL, GROUP_ACTIVE and GROUP_ALL. So I'm a little puzzled and am looking for some explanations. I've written here what I think they mean, can you confirm, deny or elaborate/correct: NONE Does not check for any uniqueness (ie: multiple, duplicate contracts are allowed) CONTRACT_ACTIVE Checks the currently active contracts to be sure it is unique CONTRACT_ALL Checks all contracts (active and completed) GROUP_ACTIVE Checks all the contracts in the group which are active GROUP_ALL Checks all contract in the group (active and completed) What needs to be unique is the identifier. ================== So,I was thinking about how to do this (assuming what I wrote above is correct), and wanted to create a unique id based on joining (concating) two strings together. I can't find any, and was wondering if this would work: DATA { type = String uniquenessCheck = GROUP_ALL requiredValue = true uid = FirstUnmannedFlyby:@STGUnmannedMissions:UnmannedMissionPlanet.Name() } So, what this is supposed to do is to make sure that the uid will be generated to look like (using the Mun as an example): FirstUnmannedFlyby:Mun and this data node will make sure that this will only allow this contract to be generated for the Mun once
  20. If he is using StageRecovery, the parachutes don't deploy at all, but SR will use them to calculate how fast the stages would be dropping IF they were deployed safely when the stages finally hit the ground or ocean Please provide a list of the mods you have installed.
  21. Looks good, but there is one thing which came up while I was on a bus. The maxCompletions setting. I had to disable it because I want each of these contracts to come up no more than 1 or 2 times for each planet. This was fine when I was generating those hundreds of contracts, but this revamp means that it won't work, since a contract name can't be variable. I just raised the issue (#446). While I don't expect it for this release (although I would be thrilled if it was), please take a look and see how difficult it would be. Edit: I just realized that this would probably be done at the same time as #444, I would think it would be essentially use the same code internally Thanks
  22. Is there an ETA for #420? Re the other, I'll just dummy it up for now, and when 1.9.4 comes out with the persistent lists, I'll implement it there and put some extra info into the README Thanks
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