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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Oh boy, an improved challenge! Watch for my next entry in the next few days, it will most likely be a modification of this one, but with 3 communication satellites to be included for launch in space. Can I assume that, once the initial orbit is reached and the lifter is separated, that is the conclusion, and that anything else after that would be a candidate for the AoA?
  2. Yahoo! I'll update my post to specify what was Tweakscaled. Also, does having RemoteTech mean anything? It gave me a headache initially until I added an antenna. Thank you - - - Updated - - - A suggestion for this and future challenges. It would be nice to be able to examine other people's ships. Why not require that the ship be available on KerbalX? Or at least a strong suggestion? Thanks
  3. I did not use Tweakscale on the lifter, the only thing I did was to make the battery smaller (the battery is under the nosecone). I'm going to redo it without that battery, I'l try to get it uploaded in an hour or so If you think that this was an ok use of tweakscale, then call it: Babyzilla Thanks
  4. So how do you destroy an entire ship, the "clear" function doesn't seem to do anything.
  5. Ok, here is my entry, Babyzilla: Craft file available on KerbalX Total parts on the pad: 22 Total parts in orbit after separation:11 Total mass after separation: 206.49 Score: 18.77 Mods Used Ferram Aerospace Research KW Rocketry MechJeb 2 RemoteTech SpaceY Heavy Lifters Parts Pack Squad (stock) TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (used to rescale a battery in the payload only) TweakableEverything Mods used to capture screenshots AutomatedScreenshots Historian (for ribbon) Awesomeness: First entry into any challenge, SSTO I wasn't happy about having RemoteTech there, but I was using my main install and didn't want to make another install. So there is an antenna under the nosecone to allow for communications. Imgur album showing flight:
  6. Since this is a design challange, would Mechjeb count as a part? Also, I assume that the "isp of 400 or less" refers to the ISP in atmosphere?
  7. I recently upgraded to 32 gig: 8 gig for a ramdisk Chrome windows typically take up 16 gig (I keep a lot of tabs open) Leaves me 8 gig for everything else. I usually load the game to ramdisk and run from there.
  8. After more testing, it seems that when I load a craft in the VAB using the above code, sometimes it will get loaded as a ship, and sometimes as a part, into the VAB scene itself. It's repeatable, so is obviously dependent on something in the .craft files.
  9. Does anybody have a copy of his latest release? if so, it might be possible to reconstruct the entire release from that.
  10. for those who are interested, this change has been implemented.
  11. I'll look at the download json, but really need the upload. So far, after looking at the site and uploading one of my ships, I think I would need to be able to upload the following fields: craft file class/style tags image url and/or imgur album video link description I would need to get back, assuming it's good, a url to the edit page on KerbalX for the uploaded craft, so that I could open a browser window for the user to fine-tune it. I'm not sure if the craft file should be part of the json or a separate upload, that is your decision. For example (I copied this from the sample you gave): { "name": "77I-B25 Mitchell 1.1", "picture_url": "http://i.imgur.com/91ANabZ.jpg", "subassembly": false, "style": "aircraft", "tag":"tag1", "tag", tag2", "video_url":"http://videourl.com", "description": "this is the description of the craft", "craft": "[FONT=Verdana]ship = 3 Scanner Sat Launcher[/FONT]version = 1.0.4 description = type = VAB size = 8.449691,31.45635,3.274948 PART { part = NP.lfb.25m.Adv_4293313452 partName = Part pos = 0.01181061,15.12266,0.241172 attPos = 0,0,0 attPos0 = 0.01181061,15.12266,0.241172 rot = 0,0,0,1 attRot = 0,0,0,1 attRot0 = 0,0,0,1 mir = 1,1,1 symMethod = Radial istg = 3 dstg = 0 sidx = 0 sqor = 3 sepI = 0 attm = 0 modCost = 0 modMass = 0 modSize = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) link = SYdecouplerRadial1_4291660780 link = SYdecouplerRadial1_4291612890 link = torpod_4292785976 attN = top,torpod_4292785976 EVENTS { } ACTIONS { } PARTDATA { } MODULE { name = ModuleEnginesFX isEnabled = True staged = False flameout = False EngineIgnited = False engineShutdown = False currentThrottle = 0 thrustPercentage = 100 manuallyOverridden = False thrustPercentage_UIFlight { controlEnabled = True minValue = 0 maxValue = 100 stepIncrement = 0.5 } EVENTS { Activate { active = True guiActive = True guiIcon = Activate Engine guiName = Activate Engine category = Activate Engine guiActiveUnfocused = False unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } Shutdown { active = False guiActive = True guiIcon = Shutdown Engine guiName = Shutdown Engine category = Shutdown Engine guiActiveUnfocused = False unfocusedRange = 2 externalToEVAOnly = True } }" }
  12. Ummm, look at what? The source for kerbalX is not available. I need to work with katateochi to have him write an API which I can then call. LGG
  13. Passing Das would be quite a feat, especially if they are all good craft. - - - Updated - - - Congratulations on the milestone. I'll watch for your PM LGG
  14. After a lot of tests, I've been able to conclude that for some reason, loading multiple ships will, after loading 2 or 3 ships, start corrupting the loaded ships. I'm not sure why yet. But what I've done is to load all the ships, but only make one thumbnail and it is bad, but if I load the same ship by itself and make the thumbnail, it's correct. I tried adding a ship.Clear(), in the hope that it would clear whatever memory is being used, but that didn't help. This happens even when the variable goes out of context and therefore the memory it uses is released. Anybody have any suggestions? Edit: Interesting observation. the "ship.LoadShip" actually loads the ship into the current scene. So what I'm guessing is happening is that all the ships are being loaded into the scene and mashed together. Looks kind of interesting, but crashes the VAB So, I'm trying to find the following: A function to find the currently loaded ship and copy it A function to clear the currently loaded ship What I want to do is to first copy the currently loaded ship, clear it, then load each craft file and take a thumbnail snapshot, and finally to restore the originally loaded ship
  15. I've started work on a website & database for this.
  16. On second thought, it might be that it hasn't finished clearing out the previous ship before I load the next one. But how can I tell if that's the problem, and if so, how can I prevent this from happening?
  17. I found this posting: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119609-Manually-generating-ship-thumbnail and it works well for a single ship. however, i'm having a problem with generating a number of images all at once: for (int i = 0; i < m_filesWithImages.Length; ++i) { if (m_files [i].Contains (".craft")) { string f = m_newDirectory + "/" + m_files [i]; if (System.IO.File.Exists (f)) { var configFile = ConfigNode.Load (f); ShipConstruct ship = new ShipConstruct (); ship.LoadShip (configFile); ThumbnailHelper.CaptureThumbnail (ship, 256, "tmp", m_files [i] + i.ToString()); ShipConstruction.CaptureThumbnail (ship, "tmp", m_files [i] + "-2-" + i.ToString ()); configFile = null; ship = null; } } } The first one or two work fine, but then the images start to become a mishmosh of all the previous craft. If I only do a single craft, there is no problem. My guess is that the CraftThumbnail.TakeSnapshot function (which both the above functions use) is in a different thread and takes longer to generate the images than it takes to loop through that array Another clue is that in the log, I see message like this: Two-Stage Lander loaded which are not from my mod, so maybe the craft has to be loaded first before taking the snapshot, and there is a race condition somewhere I added some code to watch the png files to be sure they are done being written, but that didn't help Any other ideas?
  18. I know that, I'd like to be able to generate them BEFORE putting a craft into the craft directory.
  19. Well, for now you can to to KerbalX and get the URL, and using CraftImport, download it directly into the game I'd like to see if I can upload to KerbalX as well
  20. I need to know how to generate the "thumbs" file Thanks
  21. Any know how to generate an image of a craft from a craft file? Specifically, small images like shown when selecting a craft in the VAB Thanks
  22. I recently released a mod called CraftImport to allow people to be able to download and install craft files from sites like yours. Right now the user has to enter the URL, and I have no way to determine if the craft is compatible or not. Would it be possible to add the following: 1. API or some way to get a list of the mods that the craft requires 2. API to allow a user to upload a craft to kerbalx by using a post? Thanks LGG
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