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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Hey NecroBones, Do you think you could package this up into a small CKAN-supported module? It would make it easier to keep track of. I could do it, if you like. LGG
  2. For those interested, I've been working with the Historian mod to made AutomatedScreenshots able to work with it. I am happy to say that the work is complete. Currently you can get the (deleted, Zeenobit released) once Zeenobit makes his release I'll delete this. The first version of AutomatedScreenshots to support this will be 0.3.0, which I expect to release in a couple of days. LGG - - - Updated - - - Can you elaborate on this? While I haven't tested it, I'm sure that if MovieTime is running, that the screenshots will be modified by MovieTime.
  3. Was this fix committed to Github? Latest version on Github is 0.4.0
  4. Here it is, let me know when you've downloaded it so I can remove it. (removed link since author has updated Historian) For anyone who is curious, this is identical to the current release, except for the addition of a single function which will allow my Automated Screenshots mod to work with Historian. If you aren't using Automated Screenshots, then you don't need this. The first version of AutomatedScreenshots which will support this will be 0.3.0, I expect to release it in a couple of days.
  5. If you'd like, I can build an intermediate release, and either give it to you to upload, or just make it available in an alternative location.
  6. I've committed my changes to Github for you. I only added a simply function to set the m_Active flag true. If you create a better API, I'll be happy to use it, but this works for now. LGG
  7. You said midnight tonight, but it's only 7 pm EDT, and it seems to be closed. LinuxguruGamer
  8. That would be great. I have some minor changes which I did for the AutomatedScreenshots mod, so while I'd like to have a common codebase, I'm not sure we can. But when you send it to me, I'll see if there is a way to do that without increasing codesize. LGG
  9. Magico13, Can you let me know when you make the zero-padded dates change? I'd like to incorporate that into AutomatedScreenshots. Thanks LGG
  10. That's odd. These are simply ModuleManager patch files. Can you do this: 1. Backup your save 2. Uninstall KW,and then install it via CKAN with these fixes (not the interstage patch) 3. Start the game, and just verify that the problems are there. 4. In CKAN, select the Community Fixes mod, and then in the right side, go to the third tab, labeled Contents in this tab, find the location of the patch files. The specific files should be: KWPatch.cfg and KWPatch2.cfg 5. Find those files in the Gamedata directory, and move them elsewhere, outside the game 6. Start up the game, and see if you still have the problems. 7. If you do, then it's something else, because those two files are the only things that do anything 8. If you don't, then please upload those files somewhere so I can take a look at them. I use this exact file all the time, and don't have the problem. So if you are having a problem, either you have a bad file or there is an interaction with something else. I'm not discounting the fact that you have a problem. I just want to help you figure out what the problem is and get it fixed. LGG
  11. For those interested, blackleg submitted some patches to fix the Petal adapter and the 5m interstage node. I just released 0.2.0 of the community patches
  12. I do use Autopruner, thanks. I was more interested in if the code for the fairing was in a separate DLL, and could be deleted.
  13. problems solved, now just waiting to hear from Zeenobit to see if he will be willing to add a simple function to Historian which i can call. Thanks all for your help LGG
  14. Crash Spashdown Cre Killed Cre on eva Flag Planting Launch Part couple Part die (explode) Joint breaking undocking activating stage stage seperation changing vessel making orbit escaping orbit SOI changed
  15. I've made changes to allow this mod to talk to Historian. I just need Zeenobit to add a function to Historian. Thanks for the suggestion. LGG
  16. Zeenobit, I've finished modifying my AutomatedScreenshots mod to be able to call your Historian mod. It requires a slight modification to Historian. Add the following function to the Historian.cs file: public void set_m_Active() { m_Active = true; } When this is there Automatedscreenshots can tell it that a screenshot is about to be taken. Also, if you could update the AssemblyInfo.cs file, and set the AssemblyVersion to: [assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")] It would make it easier for my mod to be sure the correct version is loaded and available. Also, and this is getting a bit deeper, if you could come up with a way for me to tell you the situation, that would be useful as well. Thanks LinuxGuruGamer
  17. yes, that did it. Now I have another problem, but that should be simple (I know, famous last words)
  18. I've been trying to get this reflection code working. This is the top of the Historian.cs file: namespace KSEA.Historian { [KSPAddon(KSPAddon.Startup.MainMenu, true)] public class Historian : Singleton<Historian> I have a modified copy of Historian, with the following added functions: public bool set_m_Active(bool m) { m_Active = m; return m_Active; } public bool get_m_Active() { return m_Active; } I have the following: public static bool get_m_active() { if (!historianAvailable) { Log.Info ("historian not available"); return false; } try { Type calledType = Type.GetType("KSEA.Historian.Historian, Historian"); if (calledType != null) { Log.Info("calledType: " + calledType.ToString()); return (bool)calledType.InvokeMember("get_m_Active", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static , null, null, null); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Info ("Error calling type: " + e ); return false; } return false; } but I'm getting the following error: [LOG 17:09:26.356] AutomatedScreenshots: Error calling type: System.MissingMethodException: Cannot find method get_m_Active. at System.MonoType.InvokeMember (System.String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object target, System.Object[] args, System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] modifiers, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, System.String[] namedParameters) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Type.InvokeMember (System.String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object target, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AutomatedScreenshots.Version.get_m_active () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Any ideas? Thanks
  19. Many big thanks to Sarbian, who identified the fact that the DLLs weren't being loaded in the right order. Quick fix was to add a z to the beginning of the directory name. - - - Updated - - - It was, Sarbian helped me on IRC. I now have it working using the KSPAssemblyDependency, but will be looking at your code since I think that would be safer. Thanks
  20. Ok, I'm officially frustrated :-) First, what I'm trying to do: Using Xamarin Studio I created a local copy of the Historian mod, and added a couple of public functions so that I can properly tell it when to activate. I have verified that it is built targeting "Mono/.NET 3.5" in the project options After building it, I manually copied the DLL into my dev install. I'm trying to access this from my AutomatedScreenshots mod. I have verified that it is built targeting "Mono/.NET 3.5" in the project options First, I added a reference to the Historian dll in the References Then, I added the following to the top of my file. There are two lines for Historian, I've tried it with each one by itself, and both together: using System.Reflection; using KSEA.Historian; using Historian; When I build with just the above addition, it builds and then runs properly. The only thing I tried to do is to create a private variable which will be used to get a pointer to the component. For now, the ONLY code I added is the following: private Historian historian; I'm getting the following error in the log : [LOG 13:29:22.986] PhysicsGlobals: Loading database [LOG 13:29:23.304] Load(Assembly): /ModuleManager.2.6.6 [LOG 13:29:23.353] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at R:\KSP_1.0.4_Dev\GameData\ModuleManager.2.6.6.dll [LOG 13:29:24.139] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'ModuleManager' V2.5 [LOG 13:29:24.139] Load(Assembly): 000_Toolbar/Toolbar [LOG 13:29:24.140] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at R:\KSP_1.0.4_Dev\GameData\000_Toolbar\Toolbar.dll [LOG 13:29:24.142] AssemblyLoader: KSPAssembly 'Toolbar' V1.0 [LOG 13:29:24.142] Load(Assembly): AutomatedScreenShots/Plugins/AutomatedScreenshots [LOG 13:29:24.143] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at R:\KSP_1.0.4_Dev\GameData\AutomatedScreenShots\Plugins\AutomatedScreenshots.dll [LOG 13:29:24.145] Load(Assembly): KSEA/Historian/Historian [LOG 13:29:24.145] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at R:\KSP_1.0.4_Dev\GameData\KSEA\Historian\Historian.dll [LOG 13:29:24.147] Load(Assembly): MinAmbience/MinAmbience [LOG 13:29:24.147] AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at R:\KSP_1.0.4_Dev\GameData\MinAmbience\MinAmbience.dll [LOG 13:29:24.151] AssemblyLoader: Loading assemblies [ERR 13:29:24.173] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'AutomatedScreenshots': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded. at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool) at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Additional information about this exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'AutomatedScreenshots.AS' from assembly 'AutomatedScreenshots, Version=1.0.5690.22431, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. I'm obviously doing something wrong, but can't figure out what. I'm guessing it probably has to do with my unfamiliarity with the language. Help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  21. Thanks, #1 works well. Although you do have a function to look for RemoteTech internal to the Version class #2 is silly as you said, since not only do I need to know if it's there, I need to be able to access a public function in it. The name of the public function will be known, as will the parameter list. I think I've figured it out, I will need to use the function GetComponent. Suggestions are useful, but (hopefully) not needed right now. Thanks
  22. I'm looking at the possibility of having my AutomatedScreenshots mod do something if the Historian mod is loaded. Right now they don't play well together (Historian doesn't know when I take a screenshot), and I'm looking into the possibility of having my mod tell Historian that a screenshot is in progress. So, I'm looking for an example of one mod detecting if another is installed, and if it is, then calling a public function in that mod. Thanks in advance LGG
  23. Hi Zeenobit, I just released a mod called Automated Screenshots It's been suggested that I see if I can interface with mods like yours. From what I understand, your mod doesn't actually do the screenshot, it just works with the screenshot code. Do you intercept the F1 key, or do you do something else internally? Please PM me if you want, it seems that our mods complement each other. Thanks LinuxGuruGamer
  24. Ummm, what other screenshot automation mods? The only one I'm aware of is Historian, and it doesn't do screenshots, it just puts captions on Not sure about the frame, I'm trying to keep this small and simple. But I will think about it. LGG
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