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Everything posted by pTrevTrevs

  1. We do a little color television... Apollo 19 flight coverage (and maybe TUFX configs if people want) coming soon...
  2. Yeah, those textures are great! I hope you'll consider making them available for download.
  3. Changing Times December 1973: In a unique occurrence in spaceflight history, two Saturn Vs stand ready on the pads at LC-39. On LC-39A in the foreground, SA-513 with the Skylab space station is undergoing the first of its checkouts in preparation for a launch early next year. In the distance the final moonbound Saturn, SA-515, is performing a countdown demonstration test on LC-39B, preparing for the Apollo 19 mission to Hyginus Crater in a few days' time.
  4. Apollo 18 Part 2: Running out of witty flavor text for titles here... Again, all of these photos were taken before the ALSEP parts dropped and before I developed my TV camera TUFX profiles. Bonus Content: Pioneer 11 at Jupiter and Mariner 10 at Venus:
  5. Would like to know if anybody else has been having the same problem as I am. When I try to export a TUFX profile to my log I get an error message instead. Seems to work fine with other people's profiles, but not anything I've edited myself. Here's the error message itself, if that helps: [LOG 16:57:14.697] [TUFX] Enabling profile: Apollo CTV Camera. Current GameScene: FLIGHT [LOG 16:57:14.697] [TUFX] Setting HDR for camera: Camera 00 to: True [LOG 16:57:14.697] [TUFX] Profile enabled: Apollo CTV Camera [EXC 16:57:16.579] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings.saveTextureParameter (ConfigNode node, System.String name, UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride`1[T] param) (at <b00990d1d91e46a2b1595aa2f4b92334>:0) UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChromaticAberration.Save (ConfigNode config) (at <b00990d1d91e46a2b1595aa2f4b92334>:0) TUFX.TUFXProfile.SaveProfile (ConfigNode node) (at <b00990d1d91e46a2b1595aa2f4b92334>:0) TUFX.TexturesUnlimitedFXLoader.exportProfile (TUFX.TUFXProfile profile, System.Text.StringBuilder builder) (at <b0
  6. Maybe, although it seems like neither of them are sending the profile to the log. Looking through the file I see a NullReferenceException where the exported profile should be.
  7. The masculine urge to kill your game's picture quality for added immersion. I would like to upload these TUFX configs once I get them polished out, but I'm having trouble getting them to export properly. I unfortunately lost my entire color TV config I previewed the other day because it didn't show up in the KSP.log where the TUFX thread says it's supposed to. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. >Barges into KSP modding community >Drops the hottest new mod of [current year] that everyone is going to start using in their games >Refuses to elaborate >Leaves
  9. Hate to sound greedy because this looks seriously awesome, but is there a possibility that we could get Constellation-era round solar panels for Orion as well?
  10. Apollo 18 Part 1: What Could Have Been: Note: This mission was performed before the ALSEP parts were uploaded to the dev branch, and before I developed my Apollo CTV Camera config. Unfortunately neither of those will make an appearance in this album. The crater Aristarchus is one of the more unique features of the lunar nearside; when fully illuminated it is the brightest part of the Moon visible from Earth. Deeper than the Grand Canyon and with an albedo roughly double that of most lunar surfaces, it is sure to catch the eye of any earthbound observer, whether they use a small telescope or the naked eye alone. Of even greater interest to lunar geologists however, is the nearby sinuous rille known as Schroter's Valley. This meandering canyon begins northwest of Aristarchus at a 6km-wide crater colloquially known as the Cobra' Head and snakes first north and west before turning south until it reaches its terminus some 160 kilometers from where it began. With a maximum width of over ten kilometers, it is the largest sinuous rille on the Moon. The valley is believed to have volcanic origins, which alone is enough to attract the attention of an Apollo landing. What's more, the floor of the valley appears to be relatively young, having been resurfaced sometime in recent geologic history. A smaller, younger rille also snakes its way through the valley and can be seen with the aid of a good telescope. Overall, the mission of Apollo 18 has an incredible bounty to claim at this unique place where three geological formations, Aristarchus, Schroter, and smaller crater Herodotus, all lie within reach of their rover. Additionally, the '18 landing will be the first since Apollo 13 to land within range of the Oceanus Procellarum basin and the Copernicus impact blanket, providing geologists an opportunity to compare the more capable scientific exploration of an Apollo J-mission with the findings of previous landings on Apollos 12 and 13. Originally scheduled for a July 1973 liftoff, hardware issues cause the mission to be delayed a month, as the Saturn V is rolled back to the VAB to have the APUs on its third stage replaced. Finally, in August 1973, the mission begins...
  11. Gnomon is an island. Oh yeah new TV camera TUFX config too, it's a WIP. Here's a non-fuzzy picture for comparison:
  12. I've noticed that your shuttle doesn't use the standard vertical stabilizer from SOCK, or at least it has a different texture, since that particular tile arrangement seen on Columbia and Challenger isn't present in SOCK to my knowledge. Also, are your SSMEs from a different mod? They look really nice.
  13. Just spitballing here, but I was wondering if it might be possible to add inventory space to the LM MESA or to create a dedicated part to carrying extra BG surface equipment. The MESA was used to carry some of the equipment used on the surface, but also the ELMs used by Apollo J missions had expanded SEQ bays to carry the extra gear needed for their activities. Right now the LM only has six slots which is enough for a central station, a single RTG, and four experiments. This isn’t enough. To recreate, for example, the Apollo 12 equipment suite one would need nine inventory slots; six for the ALSEP proper (Station, RTG, LSM, PSE, SWS, SIDE/CCIG) and three for miscellaneous gear (TV camera, S-band dish, SWC experiment). None of the stock cargo parts are really small enough to carry the extra gear on the LM without looking goofy, and it doesn’t feel right to just clip one into the center of the descent stage.
  14. Might not be the most relevant thing to post here, but there is BDB content so I'm doing it anyway. Been messing around with TUFX tonight, trying to create a profile that works for the "crappy, grainy film" of the 1960s and 1970s. For what it's worth I started with one of @Pioneer_Steve's profiles as a base, but changed so much of the color grading that it's really an entirely new profile. Cranked up the film grain to the max and put some dirt on the lens; I think that's what helped the most. I also nearly maxed out the bloom to get the SRB plumes to really pop. Still not sure if I like the final color grading, because I'd like it to be a little more "neutral". Might do some more fiddling with it in the next few days, especially when I go back to the Moon with Kerbals. I'm after that blurry Apollo film aesthetic... Anyway I tested it on a normal Titan 23C carrying a DSCS-2 to GEO:
  15. Whoa, I didn't know he did the S-band antenna too! Heck, I assumed from the photos that only the EASEP hardware was in the latest dev branch. Guess I don't have any more excuses for stalling on Apollo 19 then...
  16. ver nize how much? Seriously though, are you using Parallax? If so, are you in KSRSS or JNSQ? I'm told Parallax still doesn't work on the former.
  17. The crew of Apollo 18 gazing into the blinding white pit of Aristarchus crater, counting the days until the new ALSEP equipment drops...
  18. If I'm remembering right it's somewhere around 8,640,000m; if that's not exact then you should be able to get it to be synchronous by slowly raising your apogee and watching your orbital period tick up to 1 day. Actually now that I think about it, Earth in my game has a rotation period of about twelve hours, and I cannot remember if it's like that by default or if I tampered with the files to get it that way. Fair warning.
  19. It's been hard to find good sources on this but in this photo you can see the cosmic ray detector hung from one of Challenger's landing legs: My guess is that it was probably installed there after landing, similar to how the cosmic experiment on Apollo 16 was set up on EVA. On that mission, however, the experiment looked a little different:
  20. Apollo 18 at Schroter-Aristarchus, just returned from a trek to Herodotus crater. Finally worked up the motivation to progress this flight a little bit, but with new ALSEP parts on the horizon I think I'm gonna slow down my pace so I can take them with me on Apollo 19. Hell, if I can't fit them all I might even consider reinstating Apollo 20...
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