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Everything posted by pTrevTrevs

  1. I'm one of Cobalt's testers for the LRV because of my experience kitbashing my own in the past, and he gave me permission to post a couple screenshots to enjoy while you all wait for the GitHub drop. I can confirm that the parts still need some work before they're released to the public: Kudos if you can identify the landing site.
  2. Looks great! Would you eventually consider adding more minute changes that the orbiters had? Examples would be Challenger's unique hatch pattern, Discovery's teardrop, or the tile patterns early orbiters had on their OMS pods and elevons: https://axmpaperspacescalemodels.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Space-Shuttle-External-Markings.pdf
  3. AAP-1: The Return of the King: The date is June 30th, 1976. For the first time in over two and a half years, a Saturn V stands on the pad at LC-39. The sight of the King of Thrust once again atop its throne draws crowds from across the nation. Of particular note is the serial number of this Saturn, SA-516. This is the first of a limited number of second-generation Saturn Vs commissioned by NASA in 1971 and incorporates a number of technical improvements and upgrades which the original fifteen flight articles originally lacked, namely uprated engines on all three stages. Such fine details, however, pass over the heads of most spectators as they gather for the launch this morning. In fact, the main attraction this mission holds for most is the fact that it has been timed to coincide with the bicentennial anniversary of the United States. To capitalize on this momentous occasion NASA has organized a massive PR program for the launch of Apollo Applications Program Mission 1 (abbreviated AAP-1), with planned astronaut appearances, television broadcasts from space, and presentations on the future of the American space program. The parking lot of the VAB plays host to a number of artifacts from the Apollo lunar missions, as well as the Pioneer H spacecraft, a Skylab engineering mockup, and the backup flight article for the Viking Mars landers. Patriotic banners decorate the scene and the theme of the Fourth of July extends even to the name chosen for the spacecraft being launched today, Independence. The actual mission of AAP-1 is relatively simple, nothing so ambitious as the lunar landings of years past. Over the course of a week in orbit, the crew of Independence will perform a series of experiments on topics including microgravity research, geophysical observation, and orbital astronomy, using a surplus Lunar Module converted into a disposable orbital lab. In addition to proving the versatility and resilience of the Apollo hardware, the free-flying mission of AAP-1 will pioneer numerous techniques and procedures to us used later on Skylab Phase 2 and the Space Shuttle. Happy Fourth, to the Americans here; you can bet I'll be celebrating.
  4. Maybe if I can fix some of the problems with it, but right now it’s not in a state where I would ever consider releasing it. The heatshield and aeroshell in particular are very finicky and cost me a lot of time quickloading to figure out how to make them work.
  5. "Invader, can we have Viking in BDB?" "We have Viking at home" Viking at home: Admittedly not my finest kitbash. Don't ask how many tries the landing took. Also I have some TV stills since I love making them so much:
  6. "We are live at the Bicentennial celebrations at Kennedy Space Center, where NASA is preparing a special exhibit of the new Space Shuttle orbiter Enterprise. Revolutionary, reusable, and state-of-the-art, this new winged wonder is set to render conventional rocketry obsolete by the year 1980 and-- wait, what's this?" "It's... it's... BY GOD IT'S SATURN V WITH A STEEL CHAIR!!" July 1, 1976, 14:03 EDT. The Revenge of AAP Incident...
  7. I don't suppose you ever put that escape hatch marker decal up for download?
  8. In a world where funding is no issue… Actually a few months back I think I was pondering whether to go Shuttle or ETS/AAP after I finished my moon landings, had one too many drinks, and decided “¿Porque no los dos?”
  9. Skylab 5: We Renovate Anything!: July 1975: NASA prepares to round out Phase One of Skylab's lifetime with the addition of a final manned mission added to the original planned series of three. Skylab 5 was initially planned to use the new Apollo Block III spacecraft and Saturn IC launch vehicle, and would have flown a 60-day mission to the orbiting outpost to continue the research begun by Skylab 2, 3, and 4. Unfortunately, complications with the new Saturn and its new facilities at the reactivated LC-34 and LC-37 Saturn Launch Complex threatened to postpone the vehicle's man-rating certification far into next year. Bonus: One of the secondary objectives of Skylab 5 was to perform orbital observation of the launch of Satcom 1 on the first 3000-series Delta. From its position in GEO over the Pacific Ocean, Satcom would provide reliable communication between Alaska, Hawaii, and the mainland United States.
  10. So many neat retextures and still nobody has made an accurate early tile pattern variant for Columbia that they’re willing to release…
  11. Well, the other part of my decision to do this was that I want to fly shuttle missions from LC-39 and I couldn’t justify the idea of keeping those pads equipped with infrastructure for both Saturn and STS hardware. Hence the downsize to the original Saturn pads.
  12. Modernized LC-34 isn't real, it can't hurt you. Decided it would be stupid for an ETS-type NASA to continue using Apollo lunar infrastructure for a smaller vehicle like Saturn IC when they had two perfectly good Saturn I pads available that don't require a six-to-eight hour drive from the VAB to the pad. Might make a copy of this setup next door on LC-37 so I have a couple pads for launching generation 2 Saturns.
  13. Nothing much to share tonight, just a couple stills of the launch coverage of Skylab 5. Will share more once the mission has progressed a ways: Bonus non-BDB-related screenshot:
  14. "I will never make LRV parts because of how badly wheels are done" -Someone who will eventually break down and make LRV parts, including his own wheels
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