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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. Because its uncontrolled? Please elaborate, "why no work" is not helpful to mod developers.
  2. What? We have Spacedock, which is the same thing, just with different colors.... Also, it dosen't work that way. You can't just "vote" multi-hundred-dollar servers back online. Someone needs to maintain them. Also, please use proper english. You are tehnically in violation of forum rules, by not doing so.
  3. You may not remove the download, but the moderators will if you don't add a license. Just look up "creative commons licenses" on google (or bing, or yahoo, or wherever) and pick which type you want. You must include a license or your mod will be deleted! On to downloads: How about you use Dropbox? All you have to do is create an account, and click "new", and share the link here. For Spacedock all you need to do is make an account, and then hit 'create a mod' and choose the file. I think. Also, you might want to add pictures. You can do this by pressing the F1 key in-game when you are looking at what you want to take a picture of. Then, go to your Kerbal Space Program folder (where "gamedata" is) and open the "screenshots" folder. Then upload them to an image sharing website, like "imgur". You woukd do that by making an account, and then clicking "new post" and selecting your images. Then you would share the link here.
  4. Well since you are including WBT, how about part switching? Then we'd only need 3 parts for 6+engines.
  5. Couldn't you make them baloon tanks, and for balance make them more expensive and/or super breakable? Especially with the new pressure and gee damage mechanics....
  6. That was my bad, I'm the one who struck the low blow. I apoligize to the forum, and especially to @CobaltWolf and @KSPNerd
  7. 1. What? Mods provide only short term content? Have you seen, say, RSS? MKS? BDB? Those all at least double the size/scope of the game, and are just individual mods. How about RO or BDA, that completely change the game? 2.DLC oriented. So you want KSP to turn into Advanced Warfare? Microtransactions out the wazooo? No. I shouldn't even have to explain why. 3.Frequent updates just break mods. So no. 4.all "monetary incentives" does is make people steal others' work, scream 'he copied me', ect. and promote people to make mods, then abandon them once they have their money. 5.KSP already is that. All you would be doing is limiting it - mods are infinite, but if they are tied to money or broken by updates it defeats the whole purpose. Tl;dr: No.
  8. Look up Saturn MLV on google and you'll see all the concepts. In fact, some variants are even on the craft repo in the OP, with more coming soon(tm).
  9. That is not what he is saying. He is talking about a change of partnames. Seeing as this happened fairly long ago, your best bet is to download the old version and the new version (whatever those may be for you) from the spacedock changelog and compare.
  10. I have not had this option, I would recommend seeing if you can replicate it with a clean install with only a new copy of SPT installed.
  11. I would also like to say the problem occurs with both the Umbilical and the Launch Tower, in my, erm, "experiments" (to be released at a later date)
  12. I have noticed that with large craft (Saturn-V size, for example) the physics-load jittering is *just* enough to disconnect it, but not enough to make it explode/fall off. No stock features remedy this, so just remove them and wait until Kerbal Joint Reinforcement updates to 1.2.
  13. Noted, I will do that on the MRLV on the repo. EDIT: I will, of course, give you credit for the idea.
  14. 1. I think Atlas V is fairly well balanced, but I get your point. 2. I really don't know. I haven't used that lately, but it does seem like that is wrong. 3. Are you remembering to drop the boosters at around 30km up? Also, a note for 2 & 3 - iirc the early rockets are balanced to stock-scale, for gameplay reasons, but later rockets are balanced to 3.2x scale for accuracy.
  15. If you are upset about being inconvenienced, don't become an inconvenience for others.
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