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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. It used to add them to the open lower space below the rear windows, unless that got removed?
  2. Hello Kosmonauts! I'm here to bring you a cheesy, shameless self-plug for a mod I'm helping make, the Cold War Progression tech tree! Considering the Sovi- *ahem* "Russian" tree is basically complete, we now need alpha testers! Don't worry, it is playable, and I did get permission from @Beale before advertizing here.
  3. Wait...didnt that mod add the 2 seats to the fligt deck? Wasnt there 2 more in the middeck area to make 8? (Between the hatches)
  4. You could easily edit the crew capacity to 8 (or 10 for buran) in the CFG, but only the first 6 would have IVA portraits.
  5. Srsly tho I install KJR *and* autostrut around interstages and boosters. And the LES....don't forget the LES.
  6. Those parts are in the dev version, AKA the github master.
  7. Near Future Solar has some big panels. Also, Near Future Electrical has nuclear reactors! I also think SSTU has some panels, and so does Habtech. I thought Cx had the ISS ones? Or was it only Habtech?
  8. We've finally got something remotely close to playable! The Soviet/Russian tree is basically done, however it still needs refining. We appreciate any ideas, comments, or concerns you have! The Int'l tree(s) is/are almost done as well, however the US tree is nowhere near complete. So....I wouldn't try playing with US stuff just yet . Otherwise, knock yourselves out & tell us what you think! Link to the Github in the OP!
  9. Well, these parts are meant as orbital station parts, and had to be balanced so they could not survive atmospheric reentry without heavy sheilding. @cxg2827 *might* be able to use the new seprate internal/external temps, keeping the external tolerance down but increasing the internal tolerance. Other than that, nothing can really be done without "ruining the feel" so to speak.
  10. Fair enough, guess I'm just used to people begging for things on here without offering to help . (See 2 posts above your 1st one for exhibit A)
  11. And a person pestering isn't really important either. If it is that important to you, I know @CobaltWolfwould be more than happy to include any cfgs you make. TL;DR: BDB operates under a "you want it, you make it" policy.
  12. No, they actually changed engines. Instead on one SPS, it has 2 LEM Ascent stage engines (for safety, and size). I assume the shroud is for further protection.
  13. Umm, how so? I've used it for a long time and its always worked fine....
  14. Please don't tell Pak what to do. It is annoying to us and surely must aggrevate him. It is his mod, not yours, after all. Let me make clear, however, that I am in no way saying that player imput is bad. But at least 2 other people have said things similar to what you said, but in a much nicer & more constructive way. Please, everyone, remember to be nice to each other, especially people who devote countless hours of their own free time to give you great things - all for free. And of course, Merry Christmas, Happy 1st day of Haunakkah, and spread love this season.
  15. How about having it be somthing based on the solar panel module, where it is depended on sunlight? I mean, being in the dark wouldn't completely negate boiloff, but that way you can make it so that people can deploy shields, have "insulation," whatever.
  16. Did you make sure to install B9 Partswitch? It is included in the download for a reason... Also make sure you have Community Resource Pack (also included)
  17. Alright @CobaltWolf, they are! http://imgur.com/a/7cwAV I mean, not all of them have 100% BDB parts, and some of them have a TAC icon hiding in the corner, but...good enough?
  18. Yes, those are from the dev version of BDB. They are availible on the Github, however are not compatible with pre-1.2 builds of KSP. However, if you are in a carrer or science save I would not recommend updating, as there have also been some tech tree rebalances which may affect your save. I mean, you *could* try updating, but deleting the "TechTreeRebalance" folder from in the zip.
  19. I mean, it *should* be more stable since now the boosters will be custom-made, rather than borrowed from another mod.
  20. Tantares has been updated for a bit now, however the Tantares LV update included a full revamp of some (all?) rockets, so it took longer.
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