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Everything posted by Boris-Barboris

  1. dragMultiplier = 4 // Global multiplier to drag This one is the easiest to tweak. Should suffice for your tasks.
  2. yes There is a global drag magnitude modifier somewhere in physics.cfg or smth, I used it along with some MM patches to scale up parachute drag cubes accordingly in order to tune the stock aerosoup up to my taste.
  3. @etheoma I'm busy with other stuff and probably won't touch AA unless new KSP patch breaks something. You can set AoA limit to desired value and pitch up to it FBW mode. Keep in mind the limit is considered strating from some non-zero dynamic pressure, moderation turns off in upper atmosphere. Imprecise, but it's not like there is any foundation behind the exact number you would enter in that text field you mention.
  4. @gilflo for profiles under "craft settings" there is a section in global_settings.txt. designs folder is for other, more verbose stuff.
  5. It's CorrectCOL mod. You're fine.
  6. AFAIK AFBW dlls are actually different for NT and POSIX, at least I remember some ifdef-alike structures in source code. And my dll was built on Windows. You probably should try to rebuild one from taninwa's master, or poke him.
  7. 1). Object's getComponents can take base type and will return instances of derived types, so typeof(MonoBehaviour) or typeof(Component) should return all sorts of stuff. 2). By reading the docs of components I've found \ googling similar questions, if the class in question is stock and not developed by Squad. If it is, reversing is the fastest way to learn how to use it. 3). Unity scripting docs. https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/ScriptingImportantClasses.html https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/GameObject.html etc.. Or create your own. For your case, I think you can try to assign new sprite to an image, by creating it from the texture (your second code snippet, assing sprite itself instead of it's texture): https://docs.unity3d.com/460/Documentation/ScriptReference/Sprite.Create.html but i'm not an expert in Unity's UI.
  8. @Kobymaru I think changing the version on http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/ should be enough, wich I just did. Not sure about actual local file, it may or may not be irrelevant. Even after PR, I'm too lazy to publish it in three places just for one changed number in text file.
  9. I believe there's no general way to know the mod name of a part ingame. It's very easy to do from your OS though - remember the name of the part and then go to Gamedata and use text search tool, specific to your OS. grep for GNU, findstr for windows ( findstr /sinp /c:"ModdedPartName" C:\Games\KSP\Gamedata* ). It should show you the files that define this part, and the location of those files gives you the mod.
  10. That's why you don't assume anything about "the tasks it was designed for" and form your own opinion, comparing with other solutions and your needs\ideals. You've seen my opinion, I've seen yours.
  11. Enter "Unity3d" in google. First sentence I see, quote: "Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the..." I expect much more from an ultimate platform for high-quality games.
  12. I personally don't judge things for "what they were ment for".
  13. They depend on part-sun orientation\relative position, wich requires said position. Unity does not allow to qeury and modify it's objects from threads other than main, wich forces the programmer to reinvent the wheel and move most of the game state to C# runtime. And the reason for that is very simple - crap engine.
  14. Yes, it would be unplayable. Difference schemes build like this (equations used to get world state on the next time slice) tend to be unstable and violate physical laws, no matter how small the time step is, that's why alternative class of methods are used - and those methods are naturally serial.
  15. This problem is not exactly new, they even made two movies about it:
  16. _____ |__| - meh \___/ |__| - better nvm. you've already done it. I can only suggest more.
  17. @Rigel Kerman Looks more like FAR fails to load when that specific MFI is present. Are you sure that combo works without AA?
  18. PIDs are old, but well tested tools. They do their job, provided they are tuned. Tuning methods are well researched for linear systems, wich have some things to share with KSP cases. They can be manually tuned on sight, wich is a plus for maintance. Jack of all trades, master of none. Mindless, simple, werks, will work and be used decades later. Neural nets are last resort for control. Their domain lies elswhere, on problems too complex to analyze. Not only flight is well researched problem, it is also a relatively easy one. AA could use them twice during it's lifespan, twice they were outperfomed thanks to human insight on the problem itself. There are no neural networks at work in release AA code.
  19. Existing mods and respective github repos, obviously. Thrilling read.
  20. I'd rather much more like a campaign or two, not a career mode. Carefully, manually designed sequence of missions (with mutually exclusive branches), with harsh financial pressure that guarantees that even experienced player fails one or two runs, passable story, and, most importantly, interesting, complex, but not grindy tasks. No missions other that that. Zero ore buying price. Have missions intertwine, make player reuse the vessel he left on the Duna three missions ago, slap some fancy unique plot-related structures. Have a mission on Laythe and make the player to bring vtol with claw with him. Make him catch some mad-AI-driven little diddler rover with it two missions later. Pay some respect to existing or new easter eggs... Decades ago it was an a standard to have a campaign in a game, but then devs learned, that rng is cheaper. Rng will never replace an artist, writer will never outperform rng. Leave simulation and routine to rng. Keep machine away from goal designation and plot. Best in can do is to throw prefabbed events at you. Technology just isn't there yet. Obligatory https://github.com/crawl/crawl/blob/master/crawl-ref/docs/crawl_manual.rst#crusade-against-no-brainers
  21. 1). it is changed to 3 degrees in VAB. 2). there's no difference four your positively inclined wings. You'll move the slider to try to learn something graph already shows to you. In terms of suggestions: graphs are always normalized, so it's currently not possible to see how overdamped the craft is by the graph, you need both the graph and CoL. You could solve it by calculating short-period frequency of each axis: sqrt(k / MOI) / (2 * pi), k - linear slope of the graph ... and present it near the graph.
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