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Everything posted by Skalou

  1. even parts mod with stock only modules can break if you don't install them in the right place (for example with a MODEL module targeting a texture somewhere in the gamedata/mod/etc../... )
  2. nothing is impossible in kerbal! here you go with a module manager patch ( read the instructions in the thread linked below to "install" it if you need) //Add Class Descriptions to Antenna //Author: tg626 @PART[longAntenna]:FINAL { +description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 1 Antenna.</color> : } @PART[SurfAntenna]:FINAL { +description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 1 Antenna.</color> : } @PART[HighGainAntenna5]:FINAL { +description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 2 Antenna.</color> : } @PART[mediumDishAntenna]:FINAL { +description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 3 Antenna.</color> : } @PART[RelayAntenna5]:FINAL { +description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 3 Antenna.</color> : } @PART[HighGainAntenna]:FINAL { +description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 4 Antenna.</color> : } @PART[RelayAntenna50]:FINAL { +description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 4 Antenna.</color> : } @PART[commDish]:FINAL { +description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 5 Antenna.</color> : } @PART[RelayAntenna100]:FINAL { +description ^= :^:<color=orange>Class 5 Antenna.</color> : } by @tg626 from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/139980-130-community-database-of-module-manager-patches-for-stock-ksp/ ( Add Class Descriptions to Antennas )
  3. they are here: GameData\TakeCommand\TakeCommand.cfg GameData\TakeCommand\ModuleManager\BetterCrewAssignment.cfg and i don't fork the mod, i just have it in my gamedata when using Unity for modeling.
  4. on my side i don't care, i found the problem, it's for other modders...
  5. hi, here is a small issue with this mod: there is 2 files considered as empty by the partools script for Unity and it brakes it: BetterCrewAssignment.cfg TakeCommand.cfg it could be great to add the extension .txt to them or change something.
  6. I succesfully targeted the kerbalEVA part with a module manager patch like this: @PART[kerbalEVA] { ...add stuff } maybe a workaround could be to add this exception to your first patch, then do the same specifically for the kerbalEVA, kerbalEVAfemale, ... ? @PART[*!kerbalEVA]:HAS[#module[Part]]:Final { @module = PartTapIn } @PART[kerbalEVA]:HAS[#module[Part]]:Final { @module = PartTapIn } --------------------------------------- On my side i have a question too: IS it possible to target the new localisation config file "GameData\Squad\Localization\dictionary.cfg" with a module manager patch? it look likes this: Localization { en-us { #autoLOC_18284 = Stability Assist #autoLOC_18285 = Prograde/Retrograde Hold ... thank's.
  7. works for KSP 1.3 ( but not translated)
  8. Works with KSP 1.3 ( no translation though)
  9. Works with KSP v1.3.0 (but not translated)
  10. hi, here is a really small bug report: the link to the forum page in the Help/about/Forum Thread seems broken to me: and thank you for you efforts on this project
  11. 1)VAB too? not only SPH? didn't noticed it, thank's. 2) the graph don't show me WHERE is the COL (blue marker), for the same torque the COL can be more down, or more backward, etc...depending of the position of the different parts, and it doesn't have the same effect on a craft. It can be easier to design plane (keep the craft horizontal in the SPH but move the numbers), maybe it is possible to deduce it by reading accurately the graph but i think it's harder.
  12. great update, thank you! i answers from the original thread: I think this mod is touching the COL marker ( the blue ball), for example it takes care of the structural pannel as shown in the 1st post but it changes also the alpha-zero from the stock 1° to 3° in the SPH, doesnt changez in the VAB (vertical down), also with the graph we can see the amount of torque for a given AoA, but not where the COL is, it can move backward or up or both etc... but we only the graph we can't know easily (or we have to rotate the whole craft that will mess the part placement after this) See this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130783-12-correctcol-v144-stock-aerodynamics-design-aid/&do=findComment&comment=2381097 why this suggest? because i try to give angle to my wings instead of flying with a pitch angle (for a level flight), so my plane is horizontal and my wing a bit tilted instead of tilting the whole craft (more drag): not really level here, but you can see the idea. so my suggest are: -be able to change this alpha-zero ( at least in a .cfg file) - display the red arrow show in my picture in the hangars to visualize it easily. thank you for having read this.
  13. great to see some love on this mod! 1- no! (allow it in VAB too please) 2- not really needed but great if it already works, does it impact performance? 3- maybe a box "auto update" to tick to enable/disable this feature? - label the things (or infos on hovering it), yes! other suggests: 4- be able to select other bodies with atmospheres (Laythe, Eve, whatever modded planets). 5- be able to select an other alpha-zero angle (AoA), to visualize the COL marker. (see this post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/130783-12-correctcol-v144-stock-aerodynamics-design-aid-looking-for-maintainer/&do=findComment&comment=2380965, but images not working anymore ) selectable by entering a number in a box or sliding a ...slider, to see the COL moving. could be easier to let the user move the craft indstead with the stock gizmo? but display the pitch (and yaw and roll) of the root part?(the mod "part angle display" can help to to do this?), 5bis- same as 5- but for yaw and roll? 6- show graphicaly this alpha-0 with an arrow in the direction of the relative wind? 7- display the terminal velocity (for the selected alpha-zero AoA and planet), could be awesome if it can take care of parachutes to know approximatively the speed when landind. thank's guys!
  14. if you can't find it yourself you will have really hard time at modding because you will have to search a lot for informations, for blender, unity, ksp, etc... But don't worry, there is a beginning to everything, and this forum is here to help you as long as you are doing an show good efforts on your side. for your question i suggest you to look at it in google and find the official blender.org website.
  15. hey Vale i finally repaired this broken hatch myself Aaargh... my head! https://youtu.be/WfycX11CVaE
  16. hi guys, i added 2 weeks ago my new mod on spacedock, i ticked to get it on CKAN bit there is still nothing, i guess you have something to do ( or i?), here some maybe useful info for you: License: GPLv3 Identifier on spacedock: 1245 no dependency mod there is an included KSP-AVC file inside the download https://spacedock.info/mod/1245/Ablative-Airbrake thank you, tell me if you need something else or if there is anything i have to do.
  17. for now i don't plan to do much on the model, but if a talented modeller/painter want to contribute it will be really welcome However any suggest is really welcome, maybe you have an idea for something simple to do. do you prefer ( ugly) solid texture instead of transparent?
  18. great! What size was the ablative-airbrake with 800 max ablator on the 1st pic?
  19. i guess for a scaling s you will get things mutiplied by s² because of the tweakscale config patch(and not s^3 as it should, but i haven't tried myself). so for a size 400%, ablator x16? Don't forget, you can also tweak the ablator in the hangars, and reduce it if you want.
  20. Yes, i based on this myself too. ( even if the airbrake is maybe too thin to get as much ablator) nope, 200 ablator for the 1.25m Heat shield. maybe, i don't use tweakscale myself, but fell free to send me a better patch. Yup, that's what i wanted, as it seems to me this part is more fragile than the classic heatshield. and a bit to balance the power of this part. Great! feel free to send pics of ablative-airbrake use here! ( beware i don't know how it is balanced for RSS, feel free to send a patch too... )
  21. something like this can be more user friendly https://twominutetutorials.wikispaces.com/Scale+Factors+of+Perimeter,+Area,+and+Volume
  22. Hello, i've included a patch in my mod for Tweakscale: So i came here to notify you as asked in the first page here is the patch, if you want to check it, as i haven't tried myself: https://github.com/skalou/Ablative-Airbrake/blob/master/GameData/Ablative-Airbrake/ModuleManager_Patches/MM_TweakScale.cfg Thank's
  23. Here is the KSP.log and output_log.txt (not easy to find this one , https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/LogFiles.html) : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/otqbr58bg58lsb9/AACeQdDVNFX2K9iFq7uGiFCAa?dl=0 I also included a minimod to test this things easily, available in the GameData of the dropbox link. @Jenyaza, thank you, it could be a workaround, i will probably have to deal with how to delete everything except the RESOURCE nodes.
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