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Everything posted by PocketBrotector

  1. This is correct. Get 1.5.3 from Mega, then get Deimos' patches from GitHub. If you run into problems during gameplay, check the last couple of pages of discussion for known issues. The download links in the OP are a cluster.
  2. Just discovered this mod, and I'm looking forward to trying it out (as soon as I have a working computer again.) At first glance it looks like using this in conjunction with Snacks will provide a modular alternative to all-in-one life-support mods like USI-LS or Kerbalism.
  3. MaterialKits are a CRP resource. So rather than detect the presence of other MaterialKits-using mods, you could bundle CRP as a dependency and just use MaterialKits (or any of the other CRP resources). Saves you the trouble of introducing a new resource and then maintaining two different configurations for the same thing.
  4. Oh... well, yeah, the DIRECT Orion uses the stock Mk1-2 IVA as a placeholder, so anything that replaces the Mk1-2 IVA will affect the Orion. But the windows will still be in the wrong place & too small, not to mention that the Mk1-2 only has three seats while the Orion has six...
  5. LH2 is not very dense. It sounds like you have lots of engine and payload and very little fuel.
  6. I believe it indicates the max safe core temp, beyond which a reactor will gradually accumulate damage - if I recall correctly, damaged reactors have permanently impaired capabilities. So while you are allowed to tweak reactor temperature settings, under normal operating conditions doing so has significant more downside than upside. There might be a mechanism by which highly skilled engineers can partly repair a damaged reactor - I think there was something like that in previous versions, but I don't know if it's still around.
  7. Not yet created, though there are intentions to create pages for KSPedia and/or an online wiki (with no specific announced timeframe). The reactor control panel unfortunately uses some semi-cryptic icons instead of text labels (there was an adage in the early days of GUI design that "a word is worth a thousand pictures"). The bits you're referring to are probably auto-shutdown options triggered by specific reactor core temps or time warp levels. @Nertea / @Streetwind - is there any interest in community-generated documentation for Near Future, etc.? I know that there were successful volunteers doing such work for MKS, and Nert's mods are similar in that they introduce gameplay mechanics that extend/supplement stock (though thankfully with less complexity than some of the MKS stuff). I can't say that I've generated content in the KSPedia format before, but I'd be interested in tackling it as long as I'd be producing something that would be useful/desired.
  8. Please correct this to read "Asteroid Day Mod" by the time 1.3 officially arrives. It may seem like a small detail but it should be frankly embarrassing to Squad that they don't seem to know the difference between two completely different parts of their own game's development history. The Asteroid Redirect Mission (aka ARM update) was v0.23.5 released in April 2014. It included several parts inspired by the then-planned mission to use SLS to capture an asteroid into lunar orbit. Notably this includes SLS-style launchers (all of the 3.75m parts, plus the Twin-Boar LFB from Block 2 SLS proposals) and the Klaw. The Asteroid Day mod was from June 2015, inspired by the B612 Foundation's plan to put a telescope into solar orbit to identify asteroids that may threaten Earth. Three of the four parts were incorporated into stock in v1.1 in April 2016.
  9. I don't play with GPP myself but it was recently-ish updated to include a new distant planet - I think it's Grannus. It's not on the wiki yet because it was briefly intended to be "secret." Good point about the combinability - I think with a default combinability factor it would take 3-4 antennas on one ship to double its effective range? Don't know the exact formula offhand.
  10. You're asking for support of a version that more than two years out of date... I don't think you're going to have much luck with that.
  11. Last time I checked Galileo's Planet Pack, the most distant planet had a semi-major axis of 2 terameters. The JX2LDA has a range of "only" 1 gigameter, so you might have to go bigger.
  12. I discovered that one of the thrust upgrades (Heavy Rocketry node) was not implemented correctly in the Squad distribution of the PartOverhauls pack. I have addressed this issue in a new version of my Part Overhaul Integration.
  13. Who needs an X-20 when you can get an X-1 to orbit using repurposed sounding rockets as strap-on boosters?
  14. Jupiter V! Boasting 31 LH2O-fed SSMEs and 8 five-segment SRBs, it can lift 1000 tons to orbit. (A Jupiter III with 19 SSMEs and 4 SRBs can move a comparatively paltry 600 tons to LKO.) Also, a Korolev cross made of shuttle EFTs is pretty neat...
  15. After some further examination, I suspect that this is caused by the same issue that @linuxgurugamer reported above. Even though the recycling efficiency slider on the difficulty menu appears to be set at 40% by default, it always acts as though it's set at 100%, resulting in perfectly efficient recyclers. I was able to sidestep the issue with a ModuleManager config to simply multiply the output of all soil recyclers by my desired efficiency fraction. Also, I was unable to replicate my issue with unowned kerbals going hungry. However, I find the estimates produced by the life support window, my theoretical expected mission lifetimes, and actual in-flight consumption values are all disagreeing with one another. This is with both random snacking and month-based estimates turned off, so it shouldn't be affected by kerbal personality or unit-conversion oddities.
  16. Correct, you'll be able to snap to node as well as create surface-attached clusters.
  17. Yes, if you just stack a bunch of LH2 tanks on top of a Nerv, you get a max dv of about 10.5km/s. However, if you just stack a bunch of LFO tanks on top of a Poodle, you get a max dv of about 7.3km/s. So even by the arbitrary zero-payload metric, there's some improvement over chemical engines. More to the point, you may have noticed that Kerbal Atomics adds a variety of new nuclear engines, most of which feature significantly higher Isp - sometimes dramatically so. In stock KSP, the Nerv is simply the only engine in its class, but with KA it's much more of a starter model. And yeah, less dense fuel means worse mass ratio for your tanks. I believe LH2 tanks do get a discount on mass compared to LFO tanks of the same volume, but it doesn't cancel the fact that the same volume of LH2 is much lighter.
  18. Just installed Snacks a short time ago and I've been enjoying the straightforwardness so far. Thanks for taking on the maintenance and improvement! As this appears dead simple to support in other mods, I've been writing patches to extend compatibility. I presume that the compatibility patch for a particular part pack should be distributed with the pack, rather than submitted for inclusion with Snacks itself? Wanted to make sure before I start making any pull requests. I've noticed some surprising behavior with the recyclers (that may or may not have been discussed above.) I was expecting the 40% efficiency rate to mean that Snack output would be reduced to 40% of Soil input, but it appears that both input and output are slashed to 40% of their cfg values. So when I launched a scientist in a hitchhiker and turned on the recycler, he was able to eat indefinitely as the recycler was still 100% efficient. I'm guessing this is not intended? If nothing else, it makes a lot of the estimates in the life support window inaccurate. Also, I think I noticed some notifications that kerbals were starting to go hungry while awaiting rescue. The changelog mentions that kerbals marked "unowned" are skipped over when Snacks checks for starvation, but in my experience KSP is not very consistent in how it marks contract-rescue kerbals - I took a look in the sfs and some are marked "crew" instead of "unowned". I can provide a copy of the save if it helps; perhaps it would be better to skip over kerbals in unowned vessels as well?
  19. Is there anywhere this is documented? The only place it's used in stock is in the ore tanks, which just jettison 100% of all resources. Would be handy to know how to use this feature for e.g. life support multi-resource containers, so that we could jettison some fraction of waste products without tossing all of the snacks out as well
  20. Just for clarification, are you saying that it's already possible to use MM to change the folder path that FE sees for a given part? (I'm not aware of such a feature but it's possible I've missed something in the MM documentation.) Or is it more that MM-created parts are insurmountably difficult to detect via existing FE folder checks? Thanks for everything related to FilterExtensions, by the way - this mod is pretty much essential for playing KSP with multiple part packs installed.
  21. I am wondering about an edge case I've encountered... ModuleManager allows us to create additional parts using the +PART syntax. For example, Extraplanetary Launchpads has the following: +PART[crewCabin]:AFTER[Launchpad] { @name = ExSurveyStation @title = EL Survey Station //adds EL functionality here } This is fine on its own. But in my experience, FilterExtensions will interpret this part to be in the Squad folder, not the ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads folder. So it will show up in the Squad category rather than the EL category. Is there a way to change this behavior? In my case, I'd like to duplicate/modify a few of the KIS containers to hold Snacks, but if I do that I'd want them to show up alongside the native Snacks containers rather than in the KIS category. Is this achievable using the +PART MM syntax in conjunction with FE folder checks? Or would I need to copy/modify the whole part cfg to the appropriate folder in GameData to get it to pass through the desired folder check?
  22. Do you have any release plans for the RTG replacement assets you showcased on Reddit?

    1. Beale


      Look to the skies, moon-brother.


      (Yes, you will see it released soon enough, but there's other work to be done in the meantime).

  23. I voted for the big (preferably 3.75m) thrust-optimized GCNR and the mini 0.625m engine, partly because they'd be differentiated on size from the current offerings. Also, the idea of a nuclear-driven launch vehicle is intriguing and to my knowledge has not been represented in KSP mods to date. I was unable to open the DC-X SSTO PDF, so I went with my gut instinct of "bigger must be better."
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