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Everything posted by PocketBrotector

  1. Looking forward to playing with the new DIRECT! For folks with CryoTanks (via CryoEngines or Kerbal Atomics) this should happen automagically... unless you intend to create something more customized for this mod, of course.
  2. Is this substantially different from Kerbal Renamer? Regardless, it is good to see folks coming to the table with alternative solutions to the problem of dull Kerbal names.
  3. Am I right in thinking that this mod has been obviated by the new vessel-naming features in 1.4?
  4. Now that stock supports texture and mesh switching, has anyone looked at creating an version of these engines that can switch between boattail and exposed appearances using the new 1.4 features?
  5. I just saw this part of your post. Thank you for the advice; I'll take a look at troubleshooting the problem using these steps.
  6. I should clarify... I am using my own configs (cfg files). The bug that I am experiencing is from the in-game settings (Game Difficulty menu) that are called "Default category" and "Default subcategory." Everything works fine if I leave those settings blank (sliders at far left), which is where they are by default. It's certainly possible that the issue is related to my configs in some way, but I wanted to note that they did work fine on a previous version of FE. This is a pretty minor bug, not game-breaking or anything, so I have no problem continuing to use the mod as is. Just wanted to file a report in case anyone else experiences this bug.
  7. Log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3trltj8fqkmtsp5/output_log.txt?dl=0 The configs that I am using now are different from the default, yes - I started maintaining my own for personal use since the mods that I use are different than those supported in "vanilla" FE. I based the format/syntax/etc. on the default ones and the FE documentation. For what it's worth, all categories and subcategories display correctly if I leave the "default category/subcategory" settings blank. Also, I did not have any issues with those settings on a previous version of FE (~6-12 months ago).
  8. As usual Filter Extensions is indispensable to keep mods organized. However, I've noticed a bug in the current version with the "default category/subcategory" settings. The initially displayed subcategory shows all parts correctly, but all other categories and subcategories appear empty. My current configs can be found here (if that matters).
  9. In an awkward moment for Squad, the latest NFLV update means that Nertea's 5m and 7.5m launchers are arguably more versatile and better-supported than the stock 2.5m and 3.75m offerings.
  10. Sort of. Kerbal Atomics and Cryogenic Engines are mods that use DeployableEngines as a dependency. (All of those things are by Nertea). DeployableEngines isn't maintained/released as a separate download, so the main way to get the latest version of DeployableEngines would be to download KA or CryoEngines. For Taurus purposes, the LES engines originally had BDAnimationModules as a dependency to animate correctly. With Deimos Rast's patch, they can also use DeployableEngines in place of BDAnimationModules. So if one dependency is ever out of date, we can use the other instead.
  11. I should clarify - I've had Snacks installed continuously since before I created this save game. So when I launched each vessel, I presume that counts as "visiting" it for the first time with Snacks present. Then I've been visiting them subsequently to execute maneuver nodes, etc. as usual.
  12. Yessir, I had Snacks installed before I launched any of them.
  13. Vessels are mostly unloaded, no recyclers or snack grinders.
  14. I've got a number of manned missions in flight, none of which are consuming their available snacks. What's needed to troubleshoot this issue - save file, logs?
  15. I've just noticed that Kerbal Heath's icon is a red cross on a white background. Interestingly, that symbol is protected by international convention, and apparently isn't supposed to be used in video games. There are alternatives out there such as the white cross on green background.
  16. Can I just say that I really like the approach that this mod takes to turn the stock Mk3 parts into shuttle replica parts? The Mk3 line is already the part of the stock game most explicitly inspired by real-life vehicle components, so the technique of using a combination of retextures plus new parts is just perfect for getting a true stockalike/realistic STS/Buran. Plus you've got parts that I didn't even realize I wanted, like the MMU, the white EFT, the new Shuttle-C support... What's a good place to read about the real-life Block II designs and proposals? It seems like the KSP community has a vast trove of knowledge about countless alternate configurations and modified designs that never flew - I can't even Google most of this stuff.
  17. Neat. How about an option to award it based on XP earned? That way an orange suit could reflect a "six-star" status associated with having traveled to three or four other planets (which would be about half of the stock solar system). After all, in stock KSP you can just leave someone in orbit for years with no effort or ill effect - the hard part is designing the mission architecture to get them there in the first place. Or maybe a kerbal has to be the first to do something to earn veteran status? First to orbit the homeworld, first to walk on a given moon, etc. That way you could end up with a large but still limited veteran corps by careful management of ever more distant goals. Pretty sure the game tracks achievement milestones by kerbal somewhere in the sfs structure.
  18. This is a parts pack, without custom dedicated plugins, so it's not likely to require a 1.3 update in and of itself. The Taurus LES does depend on the presence of another plugin to operate, so it needs a 1.3-compatible version of either BDAnimationModules, which is available here, or DeployableEngines, which I don't believe Nertea has updated to 1.3 yet. This is with all of the usual caveats that have been discussed in the last couple of pages - download locations, known issues, etc.
  19. I don't believe Deimos Rast has been around lately which would be why the thread title has not been updated. However @vardicd your question about maintenance was asked and answered once already, only two posts above yours. If you see something broken, point it out. Otherwise it's an academic question.
  20. I contributed the ProceduralWings patch but only ever tested it for B9 wings (it seemed to work fine at that time for that mod). I can test it out again in like two weeks when I have a functioning KSP-capable computer again. Is there a more detailed bug report we can use to direct the troubleshooting?
  21. Here are some additional configurations to extend KerbalHealth functionality to various part packs. Also, the pending community update to HabTech will include KerbalHealth support.
  22. Streetwind is correct in that the in-game units for resources in KSP are completely arbitrary. This is partly a legacy design from when the game was much simpler, although it's worth noting that resources themselves don't necessarily have a set volume - they can be compressible gases, incompressible liquids or solids, or something that doesn't have a volume at all (electric charge). However, there is a volume key in the resource definitions. This is the number of liters per unit, and it's provided so to facilitate modding - resource-switchable tanks, etc. The stock resources are mostly 5 liters/unit, while most mod resources are 1 liter/unit. You can take a look at the stock tanks' heights and radii to calculate their apparent external volume, then compare that to how much LFO (or whatever) they hold, to get a sense of how much of that external volume typically represents usable internal volume. For the 2.5m tanks, it's about 80%.
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