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Everything posted by Svm420

  1. If you do use alcor if you can get the labeling working for them like ALCOR has for itself that would be really cool. Would be nice to have labels for action groups when you have a lot. Thanks for makeing RPM cfg for stock. IVA just isn't without RPM.
  2. Glad to help where I can. That makes sense I thought it felt like it was somehow pushing out way more heat than it was taking in like you said, cooling it. Good luck I am sure you can figure something out. Thanks for the help!
  3. Thanks for the update was hoping enneract was going to be able to finally get crewq compatibility with this update. Maybe nxt time :/
  4. I am getting the old bug of parts tweakscaled that are attached to procedural parts are spaced out upon craft loading. I thought this bug was fixed since 1.0? Is this not true?
  5. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1clx592hfm0p4p2/ModuleManager.ConfigCache?dl=0
  6. So what should I do? The emmisive constant for the capsule is the standard 0.2 I saw in MM cache.
  7. I don't know that craft will continue to rotate if they are not the active one, but I know if you set rotation on a craft and leave when you come back it will remember the rotation you set and will be spinning as you left it.
  8. I don't know what to do. I can not get any ablator use with the Tanters Almach capsule. From the number I can see it just looks like the capsule is dissipating heat too fast? I don't think flux should be using scientific notation for the amount of heat being lost. My pod is actually cooling on re entry and skin temp stays locked at a absurdly low temp. i pulled the heatshield module from my cache maybe something is off with it. MODULE { name = ModuleHeatShield ablativeResource = Ablator lossExp = -9000 lossConst = 20 pyrolysisLossFactor = 10000 reentryConductivity = 0.01 ablationTempThresh = 400 reentryConductivity = 0.12 }
  9. Well with the bug with moho and tylo fixed with the next Kopernicus hopefully the issue with KSC switcher will be fixed too then I can finally start a 1.0 career. Any idea of which side its on or are both equal to blame for the contract glitch? Have you informed the Kopernicus devs to have them investigate?
  10. Really looking forward to the fix for FAR hard to make a great plane with excess drag from the landing gear. Thanks!
  11. Agreed. I have been in science mode till I can get a decent system resize without glitches for career, especially with the custombarnkit, I now have perfect limits for my game!. I just can't go back to such low orbital velocities. So much more exciting when even a LKO may melt your heat shield. Not to mention giant rockets are so much more fun than the dinky little thing made in stock.
  12. You said any way right? Well the only way currently is to control warp yourself and come out of it with enough time for MJ to do what it needs for the burn. I suggest kerbal alarm clock in that case easy auto alarms that kill warp slowly as to not mess up your orbit parameters.
  13. Damn still can't rep you starwaster . Thanks for that and for the update to fix to Deadly Launches. I mean the extra mod all in 1 was nice, but jeb does like to explode in space once in awhile.
  14. If you want real use DR if you don't care about realism don't simple. That's what it has always been I really don't know what magic you expect to find.
  15. Yeah I mean not much only 2 things you probably don't want or need this
  16. I am setting it to 1 aka 100% effects and will report back with results Thanks!
  17. STange this is I ahd no issues while flying a plane. It was when launching a rocket. I have a crap ton of mod as I run linux. Big one are FAR and deadly re entry. It was on the launchpad and during flight I had the errors. It was at first with a probe n IVA available beside probe control room. Once I decoupled all my engines the errors stopped. The main engine was from the cryo engine mod and ran on H2 and OX. It may not affect performance directly, but getting massive log spam will crash your game eventually no if and's or but's!
  18. So I was able to get to orbit. The the return since I am using a resized system orbital seed was 4400ish m/s. From an apoapsis of 76km I set my periapsis to 33km. Had sounding rocket experiments, thermo and barometers surface attached. This was in the Almach ballistic capsule from Tantares. I had a parachute on top of the capsule facing retrograde during reentry. Well got to about 40ish km and the parachute overheats even though I though it should be protected from the airstream do to facing away I watch the thermal debug read out and convection was high on the parachute till loss. Anyway survived re etry without using any of my 75 ablator I brought with me. In fact the capsule temp never got above 300 and skin was usually a little lower somehow. Most of the reentry the skin was 6. something K. So something maybe off. Quick question during game creation the slder for re entry heat. Does that effect DR? Maybe that is the difference we are all seeing. I had mine to 90%.
  19. IT IS NOT Center of Lift with FAR. It is Center of Pressure. They are not the same. Check the graphs and other tool he provides you not the stupid little ball if you are looking for stability readouts. If all you want it simple building maybe FAR isn't for you.
  20. As is its working as intended now, or that you can change something to do so?
  21. IDK that he is then since he uses voxel now he relies on total occlusion to "make" cargo bays. So anything enclosed protects parts as you would expect. You may want to contact him to see what can be worked out.
  22. If it ws module cargobay then FAR delets those. If not then either way I NEED that update. Jeb is getting tired of painting spf 1000 on the outside ofthe fairing and night time launches get old.
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