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Everything posted by deadshot462

  1. Video of my walker: (Fixed link) I\'ll post a craft file in the exchange forum
  2. Smaller parts would be great. Suggestions: -Smaller node part to match those new part sizes -Springs where you can define the elasticity/stiffness -Ability to set the rotational speed of rotors -Ability to reverse the rotation of rotors in VAB (so less groups are required)
  3. Having a ship named Prometheus, I\'m sure some kind of Xenomorph sabotaged your fuel lines Fun story to read, always exciting to return home after a near-disastrous end.
  4. It is a mechanical mech, it really does walk forward lol. It only requires one key pressed for the entire thing to move forward
  5. Initial Impressions: Awesome mod, this brings up all kinds of possibilities! I present, my walker X1: It works, just hold W and you\'ll walk forever (I\'ll post a video over the weekend) Suggestions: -Ability to set rotation speeds -Parts that stay loose and are affected by gravity (if you attach a beam to a rotation node, it should naturally turn until it falls due to torque)
  6. This is going to be insane, I can\'t wait to try this one out!
  7. An interesting thought is whether people would have thought of this technique even if the Curiosity system was never revealed 'KSP player solves rover landing dilemma - NASA agrees it is kerbal enough that it might just work for their own rover missions'
  8. So I decided to record a solar eclipse occurring on the Kerbin, and it turned out to be a pretty cool show: Once planets are out, it\'ll be cool to see their spots move across the sky for all sorts of alignment
  9. Nice view of Kerbin - just wondering, is that the LanderX3? Looks exactly like the one I submitted in the stock part directory If so, hope it\'s working out well for ya
  10. Lander looks awesome, will it have a folding ramp for the BT to roll down smoothly?
  11. Seems appropriate, someone has to clean up the streets full of wasted rocket parts.
  12. My rocket crashes on the launchpad, how do you set up the asteroid on the launchpad without crashing?
  13. Here is a printable paper model of the Kerbal MK1 Pod: Size: Roughly 20 cm tall To build, download the file below, and open the PDO file in Pepakura Viewer (Free download) Download: http://www./?6yrcaphvsc81upf Print the PDF on 8.5' x 11' 110 lb paper, then just cut out and glue together all the parts, using the Viewer as a guide My plan is to create a smaller simpler MK1 Pod model, then create all the stock parts so you can build up entire rockets using the stock parts. Enjoy!
  14. K.O.R.E.A. = Kerbal Orbital Rocket Exploration Agency
  15. Mu, you win: Thanks SQUAD for an awesome game, keep it up!
  16. Some shots from my search for the Munoliths: Curiosity style landing of my main detector rover: Landing where the last mission crashed ended to pick up where we left off.. It\'s very close, the beeping is getting louder The Mun terrain is very unforgiving even at lower speeds.. 'We just happen to run into the Grand Canyon on the Mun' 3 crashed rovers were close enough for me to pick out the landing site for my final rover mission:
  17. Found the second Munolith: This one was tougher to find. I believe it\'s cursed on my game - I crashed 3 rovers near it while searching for it with the Muon detector: (The above rover fell down a nearby canyon to a destructive demise)
  18. Docking will become more important when campaign mode is released and there are limited funds, so it will be less feasible and more costly to use single stage rockets hopefully
  19. Sure, it crashed everytime I tried to launch it, so I set it on the launchpad, exited the game, then edited the persistent file from this thread: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7737.0 I set the station on a 100km orbit at 45 degree inclination, it makes for really cool rendez-vous missions! It also has the ability to de-orbit when out of use, and the crew can jettison from the central pod ship for a safe return home. I\'ll make a thread in the Exchange forum once I figure out which mods I used for it.
  20. Probably not the biggest space station, but I tried to replicate the ISS:
  21. They are aboard the KSS for an indefinite extended duration mission involving sanity in space:
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