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Everything posted by Mikki

  1. I made a new shuttle for 1.1, works even better than everything before!
  2. Best challenge along the Jool-5 and Stock payload fraction challenge! Where`s my fishing rod!!! Aaarrrhhh!
  3. errm... I... am...a... Kerbal...!!!
  4. The weather here is gaseous and opaque, has temperature and smells well... like nitrogen and oxygen... and other stuff. It moves direction SSE actually with some 1-3m/s.
  5. This was my "Superperformance" stock Jool-5 Challenge system miner: (Vall, Bop, Pol capable fully fueled and full of ore, three aerospikes kicked this vessel sufficiently )
  6. Well, i had a successfull day in KSP, look:
  7. Only once, looking down from high orbit... Asteroids from ADM where way more interesting...
  8. HEY @Moose Rocket Science... I see you have my challenge badge in your signature... HOW COME SO???
  9. It is not stock, but... https://youtu.be/20Y2SX6UIr4 Unique as much as i know...
  10. German is an excellent and precise language, i love it.... spell it with dedication: Heilige Kuh (Holy Cow)
  11. Seriously, petanimals capable wearing spacesuits. Kats! Squad please! Give them fuzzy AI, so they do silly stuff like meowing randomly... !!!
  12. Tylo ascend with a three Kerbal craft, some 50 dV left while redocking to transfership in very low orbit (10km). Without MJ, pure thrill. Jool-5 Challenge, second try was successfull...
  13. It is not a matter of the look outside at all. For example, everyone who knows about the soviet/ russian jetengines and other powerplants and compares them to other concepts, well, i dunno. Maybe read a book about unicorns and fireflys. Its not like (Western minds): "It should have the best affordable performance with the cheapest priceworthiest currently on the market accessible and provided compounds within a estimated timeframe of (insert fantasynumber) years/decades untill delivery to our so beloved customers which we don`t know actually, or in the worst case, which won`t buy any, huh." Its more (Eastern minds): "We build a well functioning machine, with reasonable compounds, end of debate." I have lots of good friends in russia and western europe, btw. I personally love some french engineering, they got "char".
  14. Sure. Have you ever seen soviet/russian engineering/technology yourself? Its not like Hollywood suggests. Its much better .
  15. I aerobraked there, and i think it is more like pumpkinseedsoup. Definetly.
  16. Russian/ European ExoMars started today successfull from Baikonur, Kazakhstan Congrats! Lets hope this thing makes is healthy to our neighbourplanet, it contains a lander and some ultrahighend observation devices... More pictures from Mars`s surface by the end of this year! Uuups, ninjad with Fridas Thread, merge if you like...
  17. I made once a ... Stock parts plane. I never call a vessel "she" or other pathetic fantasy stuff. Except this insane piece: The "Terrible Lady in White" It was a shocking 180tons+ SSTO, it flew titanicly. Tears drop from my eyes. I cry. I still cry.
  18. Good Luck. Which means, order some fresh Kerbals immediatly. KSP is one of the most lethal programs i know of, i tryed this, but, you know. Dead heroes are... ...stay dead.
  19. Well the Hermes like Shuttle must be considered as not maxi, much mini... quite large yes.
  20. Most amazing Tekto campaign!!! Elaborate crafts and real nutty crew... enjoyed the read and visuals, looks realy dark and cold out there... brrrrrr
  21. Take it to a university and let some geology students examine it... for free.
  22. Finding another chunk is very... weird however... statistically impossible, except i fell apart on earth literally.
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