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Everything posted by Mikki

  1. I can see 24 Nervas behind my welding googles . This is gonna be expensive, i bet with the lifter and additional launches it will be not less than 3 3.5 million Kerbucks. You won`t ignite this monstrosity near Kerbin or will you? If so, i am gonna evacuate my humble Space Program over to Duna and enjoy the new sun in Kerbin system from there... And i won`t take off my glasses anymore while reading this thread... I guess you are going to build a gigantic asparagus lifter for the KSS ... Whackjob? OMG!
  2. @sdj64 Hi there, it is done. And i am done too now. I think i made the Jebediah level with ISRU style (Valentina landed any moon), my updated link in the post above shows the required details. Greetings Mikki, i go back to Duna now, Jeb is bored after 10 years hanging around there with the guys...
  3. MISSION INFO as required from Challenge OP @sdj64 - Which game versions did you use? 1.0.5 (1028) - What mods did you use, if any? KJR, KER, Stock Bugfix Modules, Transfer Window Planner- How many Kerbals are on the mission? 7 in total (2 Pilots, 2 Scientists, 3 Engineers)- How many launches was needed to start your mission from Kerbin? 2 (KADES IRV+ lifter, KERES ISRU lander lifter)- How much did your mission cost? KADES IRV+ launch was 2504 tons, 1`350`151 Funds KERES ISRU launch was 471 tons, 374`943 Funds- Did you needed a refueling mission? multiple ISRU actions on several asteroids and moons, Pol, Bop, Vall- Did you bring additional stuff like satellites, rovers, etc? 1 M-700 satellite, 1 RCS tug (not needed, emergency case), 1 Crew taxi (not needed, emergency case)- Share the delta-V information too, if you tracked it! I wonder how to calculate... i burned lots of fuel. - Any additional note or description? Entered Jool system with aerobrake maneuver at 192 km altitude (Jool), thanks to the fairings and radiators my craft didn`t blew up... Valentina landed on all the moons with various other Kerbals, Tylo landing was on razors edge, close call to a another mission fail. Tylo lander was a nifty 3 staged Vector-Aerospike combo, 50 dV left while docking in 10km orbit. Laythe landing was weird, the beaches consist of quicksand somehow. I earned about 30 millions Kerbucks and 24000 Science points but i have another Mission on Duna the same time and not all the funds and science points account to the Jool-5 Challenge, i made some careermissions during this journey. The KERES ISRU lander is now in Pol orbit for future missions. The M-700 satellite is in Laythe orbit, Tylo was not scanned for ore, additional work for this craft. This is the hardest challenge i did in KSP until now, absolutly KRAZY! Craftfiles: KADES IRV+ including Lifter, mission setup: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgw158sidct8wy2/KADES IRV %2B.craft?dl=0 KERES ISRU lander including lifter, mission setup: https://www.dropbox.com/s/47ldg6i7gxqsjut/KERES ISRU lifter.craft?dl=0
  4. Yes, it`s DONE! Sorry, i need a break now for some hours...
  5. My Jebediah is on Duna, along with some others Kerbs in a "The Martian "-like mission, but i haven`t planned any accidents like in the movie. Experience and sience stuff.
  6. This one should be stickied for all times, it is basic knowledge of airplane, spacecraft and other vehicles navigation tools. We might forget too fast when very young Kerbalers start developing their space program, anything must be explained somewhere, and the Navball is absolute essential!
  7. Welcome to the funny (and mad) worldwide Kerbal krazyness Fasten your seatbelt, limbs out of the airstream, hit spacebaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!
  8. @Kuzzter ...to distract and derail... Where is the autorepbutton instalikefunction for this Forummember? Squad? Do you copy? Give this man a permission to write international in reasonable measure. We know this is been read all over this globe.
  9. Finished the hard part of the Jool-5 Challenge, touching down on all moons:
  10. You can build cheap and cheerfull, nature works the same way. I use parts as they come in stock, i refuse to clip, at least i clip very minor amounts of fuselages for aerodynamic purpose, somewhat 5% of the volume max.
  11. ... i had again such a hard laugh my belly hurts... Now we know what happens to abandoned icecream... ... cheeeeeeeeeeeese!
  12. @AJTheMighty No can do. You might read the challenges submission guide.
  13. Maybe dropping a static camera on the surface of a planet/ moon of your liking (contract) could be a additional sience experiment, the camera would disable itself (and dissappear...) after a certain time to declutter the games ram for saving, progress execution.
  14. I use to have at least some room left for eventually rescued Kerbals on every interplanetary mission, and i try to use no single Kerbal landers, so in case they get stranded, they have company until rescue. Rescue is mandatory for allready hired crew.
  15. @Jingle7620 Hi there, as far as my experience goes (about 2500hours...) Is stock game KSP very stable now, i can launch vessels with up to 700 parts and up to 20 stages from boosters til parachutes without any gamecrashs. Windoze 10, i7 and AMD graphics. Perfect. Nothing to rant here however. And i tested on a dualcore i5 Laptop, stable but more laggy, clearly the faster the chips are, the faster the sim runs. How large is large?
  16. Not today but recently i aerocaptured at Jool for my second Jool-5 attempt, 350tons (500tons at Kerbin escape), all the delicate stuff is wrapped in fairings:
  17. @sdj64 Hi there, it is done! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/129035-jool-5-attempt-with-kades-irv/&do=findComment&comment=2344586 EDIT: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! Greetings Mikki!
  18. My second JOOL-5 Challenge with KADES IRV+ (Inside my ongoing careersave, first try with another spacecraft assembly failed on Tylo sometime ago...) Mods: KER, KJR, Stock Bugfix modules (plus), Transfer Window Planner Imguralbum(s) from KADES IRV+ Jool-5 challenge, careerplay 1.0.5.(1028), career started in 0.9 BETA Todo: Missionstart, ISRU start, fuelup, orbital assembly, Kerbin escape, Jool encounter, Challenge (Pol, Tylo, Bop, Vall, Laythe), transfer to Kerbin, back to KSC Missionstart: http://imgur.cfuelup,om/a/NgX8l 26 pictures, UI ISRU start: http://imgur.com/a/WG7JQ 14 pictures, UI Fuelup: http://imgur.com/a/82KK6 23 pictures, UI Orbital assembly: http://imgur.com/a/xT16P 18 pictures, UI Kerbin escape: http://imgur.com/a/CI38R 19 pictures, UI Jool encounter: http://imgur.com/a/KsqPp 23 pictures, UI Pol landing, ISRU: http://imgur.com/a/sV5MR 26 pictures, UI Valentina lands on Pol Pol ISRU, Tylo encounter: http://imgur.com/a/XNY3M 22 pictures, UI Tylo landing: http://imgur.com/a/DtLbw 57 pictures, UI Valentina lands on Tylo Transfer to Bop: http://imgur.com/a/V1ykP 64 pictures, UI Bop ISRU: http://imgur.com/a/uCq2n 23 pictures, UI Valentina lands on Bop Vall iSRU: http://imgur.com/a/yxurM 57 pictures, UI Valentina lands on Vall Laythe transfer: http://imgur.com/a/bwHTm 19 pictures, UI Laythe landing: http://imgur.com/a/4SFAU 45 pictures, UI Valentina lands on Laythe Transfer to Pol, ISRU: http://imgur.com/a/4HvZ9 36 pictures, UI Transfer to Kerbin orbit: http://imgur.com/a/p9Wfg 22 pictures, UI Crew return to KSC: http://imgur.com/a/LI8r2 11 pictures, UI DONE! give a comment if you like
  19. @Sampa Hi there, my best advice to you is to ignore this individual. He is maybe simply attempting to receive attention, or execute force to you. If you are in doubt, consider a "trap". Think about goals People may have. If he is your brother, it would be very easy to proof (and cheap), shall he bring evidence, but don`t ask for. Ignorance is a gift sometimes, greetings Mikki, happy new 2016!
  20. I discovered than you can do almost everything in Stock-Game KSP. (I confess, the only mod i use eversince is KJR, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement) I have a "The Martian"-like ... "Mothership" currently in Duna orbit: (around 6500dV, Asteroid ISRU caps, go anywhere) Minor offset of small Crew Taxis or RCS tugs have no influence to the ship at atll. But to get that thing to orbit i had to build this one: I play KSP like the way i live in RL. My daughters (2) are probably older than the average KSP player. I have 2500 hours+. I work about 50hours serious in RL, i sleep about 5 per night, if i have time to sleep at all.
  21. "You are only allowed to give 25 likes per day. You cannot give any more likes today." ... Okay. Copy that.
  22. @Danielskywalker Weisst du Wernher ist ein ziemlich altmodischer Typ... (You know, Wernher is quite a oldschool guy...)
  23. 1. drop eventually mounted heatshield and /or engines for FIRST powered brake maneuver in mid atmosphere, as soon your fairing with the content receives enough drag, which will make sure your dropped compounds leave your descender savely in prograde vector towards ground. 2. engage then drogue chutes. 3. or all this at once. 4. open the fairings in a save speedzone, sub mach1, make sure your craft is aligned precicely in flight vector. 5. engage SECOND powered brake maneuver while your craft hangs in the chutes. 6. land. 7. relax. Or make another system, depends allways on your freight, size, shape, weight, snacks Inside was this, ISRU Base and Fueltruck together. No bugs in stockgame. KSP 1.0.5.(1028) stock, (+KJR)
  24. @Bubbadevlin Hi there, 12-20 pics in album should be sufficient, you do not have to uninstall mods, if you declare it`s made stock-a-like and post the craftfile for me to check your vessel myself you are good to go! (ISRU makes maybe ultimate entry...) It is a Party, don`t forget!
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