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Everything posted by rudi1291

  1. Not sure if this is a bug or what, but the "HG-5 High Gain Antenna" seems to be no good for contracts Bug or not? I don´t really think its a bug, but i can´t see anything else thats wrong... Edit: Just checked the part´s description. It specifically says it does direct transmissions...
  2. We had that already during the 1.1 prerelease i think. Pretty sure its a permission problem...
  3. How do plushies behave in a vacuum anyway?
  4. Had several contracts asking me to eject Class E asteroids from the solar system...
  5. In fact, many modern encryption requires that you can´t distinguish between two encrypted messages even if you know the unencrypted: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciphertext_indistinguishability Many encryption algorithms use pseudo-random number generators to generate keys, and ideally that shoudn´t allow to tell if its random noise or not. That means, that an encrypted signal looks a lot like random noise. Encrypted signals are not the best way to make someone else notice you...
  6. Every patch needs to be certified by Sony/Microsoft, and that takes time. So its not SQUADs fault that it takes so long to release them
  7. There are already a few threads regarding this topic, including this one just a bit further down:
  8. Sorry, didn´t help... same thing happened again. Might be the craft... Edit: uploaded it to Google Drive, maybe it helps finding the problem: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B4QhWMYt6hbPWF8wT21LcFRTTTg
  9. Welp, i guess theres a problem... whenever i try to upload a craft it now says that i´m in the process of uploading another craft (which im not). If i hit 'finish uploading' it sends me to an 500 error page... Already tried deleting cookies and cache, log out and log in, restarting webbrowser, using another browser, it does not work
  10. Looks like KSP can only use a maximum of 16GB anyway due to a Unity problem: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/8422
  11. A few weeks ago i asked myself the same and i found this paper: http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/388/4/1686 It looks like our galaxy just happens to spin counter-clockwise, and that defines the direction of spinning for all celestial bodies in our galaxy
  12. Im actually surprised that theres nothing about it on the internet. HAT-P-22 has at least one confirmed exoplanet, it looks like (http://exoplanets.org/detail/HAT-P-22) so it should be safe to assume that it has been looked at before.
  13. As i understand it, i would imagine it like this: If you would "track" the sun´s position looking from the the northern hemisphere, you would turn your head clockwise. Counter-clockwise from the southern hemisphere.
  14. At 1:02 it looks like they shutdown 2 of the engines, but its hard to tell...
  15. Appearantly the payload was heavier this time: JCSAT with 4696kg, CRS8 with 3136kg. https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/4hvn24/estimation_of_jcsat14_mass_via_linear_regression/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceX_CRS-8 Edit: I guess, for CRS8 we would have to add the weight of the capsule. Then it might be heavier than JCSAT...
  16. Thrust reversers in KSP are as strong as the same engine in forward thrust mode. Thats a bit weird, yeah...
  17. Wouldn´t the probes itself qualify as civilization?
  18. Can´t we go inside a black hole, if we have a warp drive?
  19. Yes, use the "New issue"-Button if you have something new. If you have additional info, just add it to the original report
  20. 158 MB in one cycle? Looks like more than just crunshing a few numbers... I dont know how big unity objects are, but there might be something to optimize there
  21. A link to the bugtracker, thats easy to find, would make sense... The Stock-support-bug-reporting-guide has a link, but its at the end of the second post.
  22. Thats not possible with C#/Mono, unless you do some extremly ugly hacks.
  23. Most challenges are updated by now, and SQUAD never asked us to refrain from such things during pre-release - as far as i´m aware off. However, although i had pre-release access, i can understand the OP. I just feel it wouldn´t be fair. For the same reason i didn´t post any crafts, that i made during pre-release, to KerbalX until today.
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