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Everything posted by rudi1291

  1. Isnt every docking some kind of collision?
  2. Both vessels, that are about to be docked together, may have different velocites and therefore different orbits, but after they docked, that doesn´t matter. In KSP, the CoM just merges, and that is used to calculate the resulting orbit. In real life, its a bit more complicated: Both 'parts' still want to use their own orbit, but they are forced into position by a solid connection (docking adapter) and can´t do their own orbit anymore.
  3. Single burns to LEO/LKO are possible with proper gravity turns and throttling the engine down. KSP provides time to apoapsis, that needs to reach 0 at the time you make orbit. (if you dont care about efficency, you can also burn 'below the horizon') However, if the orbit is to high (GTO for example) an extra circularization burn is more efficent, because the spacecraft has to travel further until it reaches its final altitude.
  4. http://waterfordwhispersnews.com/2014/01/21/north-korea-lands-first-ever-man-on-the-sun-confirms-central-news-agency/ Looks like satire
  5. Isn´t every encounter technically an 3-body (or better: n-body) encounter? Gravity doesn´t stop somewhere, as far as i know, so there are multiple bodies acting on a single one at every point in time. Most of that might be to weak to actually have an effect... but maybe the sun might have a noticable effect?
  6. Not all of them are rotting away... http://speyer.technik-museum.de/de/spaceshuttle-buran Its just the atmospheric version, but its still a Buran. And yes, putting them in hangars there nobody cares about them is a bit of a waste...
  7. We´ll see. But yeah, those waves did not look too good....
  8. Does anyone know how much extra fuel they had for boostback and landing? The rocket doesn´t look that much bigger as for example an Atlas V or Soyuz...
  9. Although i already did this challenge, i re-did it in 1.0.5 to get a feeling for the changed jet engine handling. Turbojets and RAPIERS seem to be even more useless at low speeds :) [imgur]OMGMf[/imgur] SSTO 105 delivered a solar array to a station, dropped 4 crew there, and landed back at KSC on the runway @iospace: To embed an imgur album, put your album id (last part of the url) in [imgur] BB-code
  10. Here´s my attempt. Highest speed in "level flight/swim" was 20m/s, deepest depth 1036m (touched the ocean floor, but it was invisible) and furthest distance from the mothership/plane was 4,7km. Fun little challenge
  11. My RSS/RO test install with all recomended mods (ckan) showed ~21000 before it crashed
  12. I had this astronout complex thing happen to me in several games, both modded and unmodded. Its more likely to happen if you play with mods, but its seems to happen even in stock. Wasn´t a gamebreaker for me, because i get my kerbals from rescuing contracts anyway, but being unable to see all your crew can be very annoying... but i have no ideas what triggers that. it just seems to happen after some time...
  13. I think, there´s a known bug where fuel cells won´t count as power generation for contracts. Just hit Alt+F12 for the cheat menu, go to contracts and complete it this way If its completed, its completed, even if the game thinks different
  14. Make sure your TWR is basically >1.3 for the whole launch. MJ can´t handle craft with less. Also, keep in mind that MJ is nothing magical. If you can´t get your rocket to orbit, MJ won´t do either
  15. Ok, here´s my entry All parts stock and stock physics, so a Division 1 entry. No speedrun. Craft name Dragonfly-V The values on the F3 screen are not useful at all. I included it, but if forgot to take it before switching back to KSC I didn´t recover the craft, so i switched back and made a screenshot, but the game did reset the values... (The time should be accurate, though...)
  16. Could see the first minutes, but then bad weather happened :/
  17. Actually, i think there are more "features" like that in this game. Its like "Just make it work, we can still make it faster/better when it works". The "make it faster/better" part of it just never happened. And i wouldn´t blame SQUAD for this if this game was still in alpha/beta...
  18. Found this about a month ago... quite useful, and i hope this survives the UI redisign Honestly, i hope they document things like this better now that 1.0 is released...
  19. Submissions still open? If yes, i submit Nabf-3 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4QhWMYt6hbPenAzdVFQMFBzQkE/view?usp=sharing). Not a masterpiece, but it doesn´t head directly into the ground
  20. Thats an interesting challenge. I tried it. It was a bit unstable at higher altitude, but it worked.
  21. Thank you for this challenge! I really enjoy building space stations in this game, its a bit of work to get it done but it just feels great if you´re done. Its something you can look at and say "I´ve done that". And if its actually useful for something, even better
  22. I built an ISRU station around Minmus. Cute The station itself is 134.6t, but the mining hardware around it is... 759.09t. 893.69t in total. There is: 3 mining units to harvest ore from Minmus (they double as landers) 1 ore vessel to carry ore to an ISRU capable station in Kerbin orbit 1 fuel vessel to carry fuel to my LKO Refuelling station 3 crew ships capable of returning all crew to Kerbin 1 small ore scanning probe Points: Mass: 893.69*100=89369 Penalty for all launches: -(6934.2*2)=-13868.4 (15 launches!) 8 Kerbals: 800 26 comfortable seats: 5200 Crewed sciense lab: 500 Landers: 1000 Kerbin return ships: 1000 Station can generate fuel: 1000 Station is around Minmus: x0.5 42500.5 ponts! Only Mechjeb, KER, Kerbal Alarm Clock, NavHud and AntennaRange used. No Part mods.
  23. Very nice! I like the artstyle. And i like the boombox rocket
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