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Everything posted by rudi1291

  1. Made a station in 1.0.5 - my biggest so far - but 1.1 doesnt like it Theres only one solution: build something even bigger
  2. Is there a changelog about what changed between the last pre-release build and release?
  3. I´m pretty sure they will be looked at. I saw that @Claw checked a bunch of them. Will they get copied to the 'normal' tracker? They dont show up there, makes checking for duplicates a bit harder... And yeah, you can always report bugs, thats why there is a public tracker after all
  4. Here´s a video of its launch i found on youtube:
  5. How often did you spam this on twitter by now? but i like the video, i like that quick overview
  6. KSP has a nasty habit of deleting other vessels near the active vessel, while flying inside an atmosphere and quickloading. The fastest way to see this happening is just by launching a rocket, staging something away and immediately quicksaving/quickloading. You will see, after quickloading, that the dropped stage is still where, but gets deleted within a short period of time. This problem can happen during "normal" gameplay when: 1) Flying multiple planes in formation and quicksaving/quickloading at any point during the flight (Granted, there is not much use to doing this, but it is fun ) 2) Landing multiple parts of a lander on any planet with atmosphere, and quicksaving before touchdown. For example landing on Duna, your main lander does a powered landing while your rover is parachuting down ~100m away. These are just 2 examples that happened to me. That this mechanic is in place, is understandable, it improves performance. But now, that 1.1 is coming out soon, bringing performance improvents, we might not need this anymore. I suggest: Only delete, if there´s no way to control the other vessel and if there are no kerbals on board. Thoughts?
  7. Some days ago i started using KerbalX, and so far i think its a great site! Because i already uploaded some crafts, and i dont want to be notified, if any of those gets downloaded, i disabled that notification. All other notification (upvotes etc.) are still enabled. Now, if one of my crafts gets an upvote, the site will tell me, that i have a notification. But that notification window also shows new downloads on crafts, that havn´t gotten any upvote. Would be nice, if it shows only the things, where i want to have a notification. Also, here are 2 small bugs: 1) The "Upload thing" says "or click here", but you can´t click there. Theres a "no click zone" 2) If you view your crafts and check "Hide those without picture", it says "excluding ~800", like it does on the main page. Thanks for this great sharing solution!
  8. Just tried the new BDA wing commands That is great! Awesome
  9. Unless you have a very low-spec graphics card, i don´t think thats the problem. KSP does all its physics-based calculations on the CPU. GC (Garbage Collection, look here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garbage_collection_(computer_science)), which is used by Unity and causes the game to freeze periodicly on some systems, is also entirely CPU based. Upgrading the CPU might help, but its not guaranteed. I have a pretty good Intel i7, and i have the same problem.
  10. Wasnt it autobound in some version and removed later? Could be wrong though... Wouldnt have a problem with it, but since the abort needs manual tweaking anyway, its not beneficial
  11. And i have it mostly on linux. I have it on windows too, but barely noticable. Appearently its a combination of inefficent unity GC on some systems and the game not being able to handle that correctly. Theres a thread about that somewhere...
  12. Somewhere in there: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/5414 Basically, the big decoupler causes an exception on decoupling, which Windows handles different than Linux and Mac OS. You can add "PhysicsSignificance = 1" to it´s config file and it wont crash, but since its a workaround, i try to avoid it.
  13. In one of the recent devnotes SQUAD mentioned a sorting system for the tracking station, based on set maneuver nodes... Nothing alphabetical though.
  14. Looks cool, i´ll check it out! But how to implement this in a way, so that its easy and understandable for new players? I like the idea, but the editor is already complicated enough That would actually make a lot of sense
  15. Yes, that also came to my mind. A system similar as we have it in map mode right now, where tab cycles through the parts and backspace resets to the default CoM focus.
  16. The focus of the camera is locked to the CoM in flight, which is fine for small crafts. But for large craft, this isn´t always helping. The camera focuses on the CoM somewhere in the middle and you need to zoom out to see the whole ship. And that can make it harder to click onto something, for example to undock something. My suggestion: Add a new "right click action" for command pods/probe cores/docking ports, which says "Focus camera here". Just a small change, but that would be incredibly helpful in some situations. What do you think?
  17. I´m getting a lot of those "Crashing into KSC" things lately. The last time a few days ago while approaching the island runway with my shuttle, about 90km away from KSC...
  18. Do you use the big 3.5m decoupler to decouple? That causes a crash on Mac and Linux if you combine it with certain parts...
  19. If it says access violation its most likely running out of memory. The biggest part of that logfile is a memory dump and a list of dll´s loaded when it crashed.
  20. Sounds a bit like what happened to me in a stock game a few days ago. Report and craftfile here: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/7287 In short: I´ve built something using different symmetry modes in the SPH, then went to the VAB to stick it ontop of the rocket. When i try to launch it, half of my craft dissappears after quicksaving and quickloading. Havn´t tested it in carrer, so i don´t know about funds, but will try. Could you share your craft file(s) aswell? Note: My craft won´t get anywhere near space. It was a work in progress thing at the time i found this bug. Edit: Just tested it in career. Recovering after quickloading won´t give me all my funds back. But it shows the same behaviour as described about parts unaffected by gravity and drag after crashing and revert to launch leads to the same result as quickloading.
  21. Yeah, i guess it will be fixed soon, since its known: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/5909
  22. While its true that jet engines drain fuel from everywhere on the craft without fuel lines, its the materials bay which causes the observed behaviour. It causes the engines to run without fuel.
  23. When you asked about how long to adapt to a new number system, i thought about the Euro, which was introduced as currency in my country when i was a kid, almost 15 years ago. And there are still people who do the conversion to our old currency, if they want to buy something... Yes, its not quite the same as for a different based number system, that might take even longer, but it may give you a lower boundary. Work with a new system: Maybe within a few years. But really understanding it may take a long time...
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