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KAL 9000

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Everything posted by KAL 9000

  1. 6/10 NOT THE PUPPIES! I summon the Kraken
  2. "That's one sma- EHRMAHGERD IT BURNS IT BURNS!" *Lander melts* "Well, [CENSORED]."
  3. Layer 10 - Probably unnecessary, should get rid of it Layer 8 - It's the equipment necessary to keep thermal control running. Layers 4 & 5 - Redundancy is usually good if something breaks Layer 3 - You're right, I should probably change it to water or something like that
  4. I'm good at RSS/RO booster design and kOS, so I should be able to help!
  5. He's been in your save since 0.21? Long-lived
  6. Sniff... RIP Gus Kerman: ???-2016 JAI has held a moment of silence.
  7. Laythe SSTO is undergoing final preflight checks, I discovered that I CAN'T launch it up in modules, KASing some of the parts in results in a crash . Am I allowed an exception?
  8. What stops charged particles? For spacecraft like Hermes from The Martian, which are built in orbit.
  9. This is my idea for the best spacecraft hull EVER for manned spacecraft, in my opinion. It's my design, with multiple layers. Here's the layout: Outer Layer / Layer 1: Aluminum "skin", outermost layer Layer 2: Meteroite shielding, possibly that foam thing they developed a couple years ago? Layer 3: Lead radiation shielding Layer 4: Main structural layer, made out of a titanium-steel alloy Layer 5: Carbon fiber weave, supports Layer 4 Layer 6: Thermal control, heaters and coolant pipes go through this layer Layer 7: Electricity and data, power and fiber optic cables run through here Layer 8: Equipment, microcontrollers, coolant pumps, and other machinery necessary for the hull live here Layer 9: Backup structure, same as Layer 4 but less thick Layer 10: Aluminum "skin" Inner Layer / Layer 11: Carpet/foam for crew comfort, innermost layer Thickness (Total): 3.7 feet
  10. Well, the book says that Hermes has enough spare air to completely repressurize twice, and I'm assuming they close the inner door of the VAL, so they should be fine.
  11. Dear @Kerbiter, JAI, my Kerbal company, would love to partner with you in development of the Raptor 9 and Raptor 9 Heavy. ('Cause, you know, SpaceX) We also have a Raptor 1 payload, a Boxsat cluster, in the R&D phase. Sincerely, @KAL 9000, CEO, COO, ETC -JAI
  12. An Io lander would probably last a little longer than a Venus lander.
  13. I'm less than a year on the forums, so I have no idea what this "war" is, but a lot of forumers have talked about it. Could someone enlighten me?
  14. Me too. I think everyone in the theater gave me a weird look after it was over.
  15. Wait, did he (in the video) just generalize and say that every KSP player is atheist? I know that's not true, and it's offensive to boot.
  16. Well, remember there's a huge space debris storm orbiting Kerbin every couple of hours. Haven't you seen Gravioli?
  17. It's been 18 hours... Has the crew been rescued or are they dead?
  18. Elon, you might want to hear this... This is what we have gotten from the @ZooNamedGames press release: "While performing the test of the Komodo during SSM-M14, the orbiter Nomad was struck by space debris. Komodo has not responded to our signals, and Nomad's crew only have 18 hours of life support. A rescue mission is preparing for launch, but we believe Komodo has been destroyed." So... Yeah. Big uh-oh. To make sure that you get this: @Kerbiter @Kerbiter @Kerbiter It is an emergency.
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