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KAL 9000

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Everything posted by KAL 9000

  1. You guys probably know The Kraken incranate Danny2462. In his latest video, he might have started suffering from depression (ok, not really ) because of all the bugs 1.1.[whatever] fixed. I propose we make a version of KSP, with all the features of the latest version, but with more glitches! So that he can still exploit bugs in catastrophic and hilarious ways.
  2. I get the feeling the Boss knows a lot more than we know he knows (wait, what?)...
  3. If there's lightning on one or both planets to make a spark... OH YEAH!!!
  4. TOTM May! Congrats! (P.S. Sorry I haven't posted in a couple days, been on a trip and just got home last night).
  5. Probably ice cream... The local ice cream restaurant on Minmus in my save received a huge order from the Munolith (which was apparently relaying the request from another reality, called "/user/CydonianMonk/version/1.1.0/saves/ForgottenSpaceProgram" (at least that's what it told us...))
  6. What is with people saying *Determination? I don't get it.
  7. Darnok, you said in the How Many People Can The Earth Support thread that clean energy is bad. I have three questions.

    A: WTF?!?!

    B: How did you come to this conclusion?

    C: No offense, but can you improve your grammar a little bit (if English isn't your first language I apologize)?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KAL 9000

      KAL 9000

      Can't we do both? No disaster in life's history has been similar to this, in that this is an attack on ALL FRONTS. So no species is even remotely equipped to deal with this. Oh, yeah, have you seen the pictures of modern Beijing on a good day? In fact, this is the worst mass extinction since the asteroid that hit Earth 65 million years ago. And we all know how that turned out for the dominant lifeform...

    3. Darnok


      We can't do both since we have limited resources, limited money, limited work force and limited time... and population demanding more and more resources and energy is growing.

      I would say we are trying to put down the fire by throwing more wood into fire... it is working for very short time, since fire will get lower, but over time it will consume all our resources and it will burn even higher.
      Instead we should use remaining wood to invent or buy fire extinguisher :wink:

    4. KAL 9000

      KAL 9000

      Ok, let's call a truce, shall we?

      P.S. #BreakBreak4MakeMake 

      P.P.S. A moon was just announced for the dwarf planet Makemake a few minutes ago. I propose Breakbreak as the name of that moon, because Break is the opposite of Make.

  8. So Val is responsible for getting Edgas recruited, and so indirectly responsible for the Kraken getting sucker-punched? Go Val!
  9. .craft file is up!

  10. .craft file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2j86yjg1nir0xir/Super%20Classified%20Top%20Secret%20Satellite.craft?dl=0
  11. The orbit is 75km by 3500 km, with a 75 degree inclination and the periapsis being at the southernmost point along the orbit. The Kerbal's name is Johnby Kerman. He has a Courage of 0.7302, and a Stupidity of 0.9532. He is a pilot. I will upload the .craft file in just a second, and you should be able to edit him into your persistence file. Once the satellite is in its proper orbit, he just needs to bump it without breaking it on EVA after it has been detached. We will sue you for several million roots if he does not make it back to Kerbin alive . And, no, YOU MAY NOT PEEK INSIDE THE FAIRING THAT IS KEEPING THE SATELLITE SECRET! We will remotely jettison the fairing and begin --CLASSIFIED:MILITARY SECRET-- after Nomad has returned to Kerbin. Upon completion of this mission, if you are successful, you will receive 1.21 Jigawatts million roots . Screenshots are awesome, but not required.
  12. Cheat Codes? HUMAN { name=KAL 9000 badS=true Stupidity=0.25 Courage=0.65 needsFood=true //Hahahaha! false needsWater=true //Boo-yah! false needsAir=true //Not anymore! false freeWill=true hasPoo=true false hasPee=true false awesome=true } Editing the persistence file of reality!
  13. Hello, @ZooNamedGames, I represent JAI, the third-fastest-growing (and seventeenth-safest) private space program on Kerbin. We have a mission for you. Recently, we have noticed a need for more military presence in space, to protect our stuff. We need you to launch a --CLASSIFIED:MILITARY SECRET-- satellite on a Saturn Shuttle for us. One of our personnel will need to be on board to perform the required --CLASSIFIED:MILITARY SECRET-- on the satellite. If you choose to perform the mission, you will be informed of the satellite's required orbit, as well as the name of our Kerbonaut that will be on board. You will be rewarded handsomely for completing the mission. We ask you to keep the satellite's orbit secret, please. -KAL 9000, CEO, JAI P.S. This post will self-destruct in ten seconds.
  14. Laythe SSTOs are undergoing preflight checks, and the Tylo, Vall, and Bop+Pol landers are under construction. Parts are being delivered for the Jool Atmospheric Probe. And could @max_creative do commercial launches for the non-SSTO craft? If so, thanks. Oh yeah, an SSTO kinda HAS to be over 5 parts + 2 docking ports, so is that OK?
  15. I've done that before! And it was actually a mission to save Kerbalkind, in a role play save. Doing it from IVA view is a moving experience.
  16. Which is faster: a duck riding a bicycle, or a running horse?
  17. Unfortunately, the engines were destroyed during the landing, so Jeb and Bill are stranded.
  18. Ok, the previous solar-system sized computer, with several hours of delay between nodes, slowly figured out how it actually IS possible to use quantum entanglement for instantaneous communication, something our feeble human brains got completely stumped on. P.S. KSP with ALL the mods? Sign me up! But how would mods like Alternis and New Horizons work together?
  19. How do you have zero posts?
  20. Hope you all have a happy Earth Day! And a happy Kerbin Day to you Kerbals, too!
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