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Everything posted by legoclone09

  1. Granted. You have needles and pins. I wish my phone had more than 1% of battery.
  2. Feature was removed because Imgur albums broke. It might be back sometime.
  3. 4/10 Wouldn't kill over 200 million. And drug cartels would be ruined. I make braces (teeth ones) mandatory for everyone at all time.
  4. Granted. Aliens then invade. I wish we had a better election.
  5. 8/10 Cars would just be used more. Delete the OS on every computer in the Solar System.
  6. I've got two shuttle stranded in orbit because I forgot to add landing gear onto them. I'll rescue Jeb and Val soonTM.
  7. @yorshee's profile picture looks amazing! My attempts at a profile picture resulted in a Kerbal Donald Trump. I can't draw hair for the life of me...

  8. legoclone09 To not run cross country ~11 meters per second What is the largest prime number known to mankind? What is your quest? What is your quest after?
  9. 3/10 Just annoying and funny, but can ruin some stuff. I hack every TV channel and rickroll everyone watching the channel at fully random times. Why am I into rickrolling this much right not? I don't get it.
  10. Auuugh school wifi blocks Imgur. I NEED THE MEMES!!! EDIT: Phone has saved me. EDIT2: SATURNVSOUTFORHARAMBE
  11. It's been working perfectly for me since 1.1.3 came out with 70+ mods installed (mainly SVE, SVT, Tantares, BDB, MechJeb, and some QoL). I've had one crash, and otherwise it's worked perfectly.
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