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Everything posted by Aelfhe1m

  1. Been there, done that. Just drove a rover through a rock and thought "Didn't I install..." Downloading now!
  2. With the way that bays are configured in USI using multiple instances of ModuleSwappableConverter, I think you'd need some way of specifying an index in the IndicatorLight config in order to set up separate lights for each bay (perhaps something like value@module[ i ] ?). Some way of indexing a module instance could be useful for other parts where there are multiple copies of the same module configured to slightly different behaviours.
  3. Past versions are available at either download link. On Spacedock click the "Changelog" link or on GitHub click on "releases".
  4. I was referring to the greyed-out after use buttons - so the same behaviour you're describing here. I agree it would be useful to have some sort of option to not interrupt time-warp if there are no runable experiments available (possibly disabled if there's a scientist on board who could reset them?) The percent complete might be memories of the old Science Alert mod that had that feature. Alternatively AutomatedScienceSampler has a configurable threshold value.
  5. Most of the UI parameters in Konstruction's ModuleWeldablePort manipulate existing parameters on stock ModuleDockingNode. In the case of the angle snap on/off button it's the ModuleDockingNode.snapRotation field, so if IndicatorLights was aware of this value (which is also used by other modded docking ports that force alignment) then it would work with Konstruction's ports too.
  6. KSPUtil.dateTimeFormatter.Day will give you the length of the day in seconds (.Year for length of year in seconds). This works for the stock Kerbal and Earth calendars, the RP-0 Earth calendar (RSS date time formatter mod), and for Kopernicus/Sigma Dimensions custom calendars.
  7. I've used the four sounding rocket experiment modules in my own GPP 1.2.2 game with X-science and they showed up in here and now for me. Note that the science.cfg file in the x-science folder configures them to be restricted to NeedsHomeWorld (Gael) only and they are run-once experiments (like mystery goo).
  8. Perhaps Roster Manager is the one you're thinking of
  9. Just an update on 1.3 progress. The most recent 1.2.2 release version (Historian v.1.2.7) is also compatible with 1.3. A recompiled and partially updated 1.3 specific beta version is available in the dev branch on GitHub. This includes work on localising all generated text coming from Historian: I've still got more work to do on updating the documentation and properly testing some of the new features but I expect to do a proper release later this week.
  10. Typically this is done using a ModuleManager patch file (or several) The ModuleColorChanger module (AFAIK) is self contained. It allows a light to be turned on and off by the player. You define how the player will control it through the various properties hence these lines which affect the attached parts PAW menu: toggleName = Toggle Lights eventOnName = Lights On eventOffName = Lights Off If you want the light to respond to some in game event then I believe it requires a custom module. I'm also not really sure how lighting animations are configured in KSP but I believe they require some prep work on the model in Unity.
  11. It won't break RO but RO does not include any configuration files to resize/balance the parts to fit with RO.
  12. Not sure that's possible with just config. Might need a custom part module. (or you could leverage the Indicator Lights mod)
  13. After reading the wiki page you linked (not that that's official per se ) I edited it to try and make it clearer.
  14. It uses the same bit mask pattern as SituationMask but determines where the result will vary by biome as well as situation. SrfLanded = 1 SrfSplashed = 2, FlyingLow = 4, FlyingHigh = 8, InSpaceLow = 16, InSpaceHigh = 32 In the example given situationMask = 63 says the experiment will work everywhere (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 63) but biomeMask = 3 restricts biome specific results to just 1 (SrfLanded) + 2 (SrfSplashed)
  15. This is a problem with several part mods and how they interact with rescue contracts. So of course somebody wrote a mod...
  16. Based on my initial testing so far, if you supply values for all your localisation strings in the en-us section then other languages will fall back to using the English versions but if there are any missing from the en-us block (even if present in say the ja block) then the English version of the game won't use the alternate language definition. i.e. a custom localisation config of: Localization { en-us { #mymod_one = one #mymod_two = two } ja { #mymod_one = 一 #mymod_three = 三 } } Will work fine in the Japanese version of the game for all three tags (using the English fall back for #mymod_two) but the English game won't fall back to using the Japanese definition for #mymod_three Edit: this is based on using calls to Localizer.Format(template) or Localizer.GetStringByTag(tag) in a C# module to populate text in a UI window.
  17. You need to use the dev version of MechJeb. There's instructions in the OP for installing it either manually or through CKAN
  18. In Steam right click on KSP and select properties then go to the language tab. After you change a language Steam will then download the localised files for that language. If this doesn't seem to be happening then you can go to the "local files" tab and try verifying integrity.
  19. Ah well there's your problem. Baked tablets are only good for archive storage. You want to keep them nice and moist for rapid updating scenarios...
  20. Aim for a low altitude landing spot. The higher the altitude of the landing site the less braking effect you'll get from the thin Martian atmosphere. Also make sure to include both drogues and main chutes and even then you'll likely want to use rockets to wipe off residual velocity before touch-down. NathanKell included several videos in his RP-0 YouTube series about Mars missions - try this one to start with (disclaimer: I haven't rewatched it to make sure it's the right one, just picked based on title)
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