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Everything posted by rmaine

  1. Aha. Tracked it to the latest release of this mod. I started a new KSP career game today. My very first rocket (MK1 pod, flea, MK16 chute, 3 basic fins) is not looking right. Says to myself "what! Descent on chute is 30+ m/s instead of the expected 7 or 8; does not make for gentle landings." Comparing things to a KSP copy on one of my other systems, I see that the MK16 fully deployed effective diameter is I think it was (not looking at that right now) 2.6 instead of 20.7. Odd. I noticed that the version of this mod CKAN gave me is only 2 days old, and looking at this thread, I see recent discussion relating to chutes. Hmm.... Reverting to the previous version of this mod fixes it. Suppose I could generate some log files if needed, but the general diagnosis seems clear enough to me. [edit] Amused at the forum software's bowdlerization of my use of a common 3-letter acronym for expressing surprise. It replaced that acronym with just "what", which I suppose is accurate, if less emphatic. Better than a previous case I ran into where a fairly common word for "complained" got turned into "poodled", which didn't quite catch the meaning; I've learned to avoid that word, even though that particular usage of it doesn't have the impolite connotation that some other uses of the same word have. :-)
  2. Not sure whether it's related to the issues @TMS reports, but I used to have problems with the auto-staging of side-mounted boosters in gravity turn continued until I discovered the auto-stage option in mechjeb. I never quite figured out when the problem did or did not occur, but turning that option on seemed to make my problems go away.
  3. I used to do that trick of grabbing with a Klaw and reentering. Doable, but a bit tricky. Then someone pointed out to me that once you grab with the Klaw, you can transfer crew through it. Doesn't look like the Klaw ought to be climable through, but it is. So send up a rescue capsule like you would for other rescue missions, but add a Klaw to it. Grab, transfer crew, release Klaw, and you are home free.
  4. I make it a policy to never buy anything in early access. Too often the game ends up disappointing or even just never getting to a full release at all. (One game that was suggested to me literally a few years ago is still in early access - and they are asking for votes for game of the year - I'm not quite sure how that makes sense when the game isn't actually released). But I'll make an exception for KSP. Even if it turns out to be a complete bomb, I've gotten enough out of KSP already that the total will still seem like a pretty good deal. And that's even including the fact that I bought KSP 1 on both steam and gog.
  5. Ah. That's a bug in my eyesight (combined with some version number indication that I'm not sure I understand). What I was reading as appears to instead be 1:1.3.1 (colon instead of a dot between the first 2 digits). No, I don't understand what that's supposed to indicate. Whatever. :-)
  6. Well, that will be it, then. Scanning back through this thread, I see that the height setting was added with in March 2021. Wonder if the reason CKAN isn't offering you later ones might be if you aren't on the latest version of KSP. Oh, or alternatively, perhaps its because you are, come to think of it. Glancing at the versions tab, I see that Bon Voyage is listed as compatible only with exact versions rather than ranges, and in particular, the latest Bon Voyage version says KSP 1.12.1, without mentioning 1.12.3. I happen to have my CKAN set to accept 1.12.*. BTW, you can tell CKAN to install a specific version regardless of claimed compatibility. Just go to the versions tab for the mod in question. Of course, that doesn't guarantee that the version is compatible, but it does do the install via CKAN instead of manually.
  7. What are the odds that you are on an old version of Bon Voyage? For me, that window with "Automatic dewarp" et al has a "height offset" right below the "toolbar button" part. I seem to recall that got added sometime relatively recently. I suppose another possibility might be the bottom of that window being clipped for UI scale or other reasons.
  8. Community fixes already has a section in the settings window (the one from the pause menu - not the one from the main menu). That would seem like the obvious place, I'd think.
  9. Yeah. I've tended to have CKAN's auto-update turned off for various reasons related to not trying to fix it when it didn't appear broken for me. In fact, in the process of checking to tell you what the current version was, I noticed mine was out of date, though only by one release. Thought I'd better update mine before I suggested that to you. :-) Glad all is good now.
  10. The screenshot doesn't tell me whether or not you did a refresh. It does, however, tell me that you are using an old version of CKAN. CKAN 1.24 is from... let's see... 2018. I don't know whether or not that's related to your problem, but it certainly could be. There's an option in CKAN for updating itself, though I don't know for sure whether or not that will work from that old a version. At any rate, try the refresh first if you haven't.
  11. Installed fine for me using CKAN. Have you done a "refresh" in CKAN? That has it recheck for the latest versions of things. IIRC the refresh is also when it looks to see if you have something manually installed. Using the latest version of CKAN (1.31)? Oh, and I do see a "not indexed" listing for Harmony, but that's for Harmony 1; Harmony 2 says it is incompatible with Harmony 1 (makes sense that you couldn't have both installed) and that Harmony 1 isn't indexed anyway. You should be using Harmony 2 - specifically 2.2.1. I assume you are on KSP 1.12.3? Generally a little skimpy on version number details in your question, so I'm having to make some guesses.
  12. A very minor enhancement request. It would be nice if the window position for newly opened windows would "stick" where the last one was. Seems like it always opens right in the middle of my screen in the way of whatever else I'm wanting to look at. Easy enough for me to move it out of the way, but it's a very minor annoyance having to do that all the time. If it's more than trivial to fix, don't worry about it.
  13. Necro post brought my attention to this thread, which echoes a question I've long had. I see several mods being labelled as "stock-alike" and I've wondered what the heck that means, as I can't much tell the difference between those and ones not so labelled. But then that's likely because I'm not very fluent in what makes an artistic style. :-)
  14. Thanks. That was my suspicion, but nice to have it verified.
  15. Slightly confused about this "RO only - or maybe not" thing still. Using contract configurator 1.30.5 and I notice CKAN told me an update was available. Ok, did the update. Hey! It now says I'm on an RO only version. Came here and I see this comment about the RO only bit being fixed in 2.1, but the 2.1.2 version still seems to have RO only in the title and directs me to the RO page of this forum. I'm guessing all is probably OK, but this leaves me unsure. I wasn't noticing the 1.30.5 version as being obviously broken for me, so for the moment I think I'll revert to it on the theory of not fixing something that doesn't appear to be broken and replacing it with something whose title implies brokenness, even if the thread here implies otherwise. Oh, and in case that isn't obvious, I'm not using RO.
  16. It's not 100% (I always do a quicksave before embarking on a Bon Voyage trip, just in case), but I find that the stabilization option in the MechJeb rover autopilot helps substantially. Mostly it helps keep the rover upright as it falls to the surface. Of course, a long enough fall or various other circumstances can still be fatal, but your odds are substantially better when the rover at least stays approximately upright.
  17. Hey, if you made a ship capable of getting a Kerbal up from Eve's surface to orbit, even if you just barely managed that, you have me beat. I've never managed to get *ANYTHING* from Eve's surface to orbit. I was trying for just a probe core. Needed to get it back to Kerbin for a mod I was using (Progressive Colonization System). If I could get it into orbit, picking it up with a claw on another ship wouldn't have been hard. I saw someone else show how he did that trick, but he made crucial use of parts from the Breaking Ground DLC, which I don't have. I think I've also seen other explanations of how to do it, but they seemed to predate a change in Eve's characteristics that made it harder.
  18. A problem I've occasionally seen before, but this time I captured a log file. The PKS window occasionally disappears when I try to open the progress window. Seems like it has always been when there isn't yet any progress made yet and also none being made. I initially thought something like a 0/0 in calculating the percentage done, but in the log file I see what looks like an infinite loop of exceptions referring to get_TierBeingResearched and EligibleToSkipTier1. I'm guessing that's the data you need, but I'll link the log files just in case. This is my first base in this particular playthrough and it is right after I added the first rocket parts factory, which doesn't yet have enough mechanics to run it (one is about to walk over from a nearby ship). To make these logs, I started the game, used the stock alarm clock to switch to the base in question (mun base 0) as I had available a recent alarm for finishing construction of the rocket parts factory, clicked on the cupcake icon, and then clicked on the progress tab. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n6ongxpba1phbtg/Player.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7qks45qykoh4lp/KSP.log?dl=0 Easy enough to work around, as the problem goes away once I start making some actual progress to report in the tab (ata least that's what I recall from when I saw this before; yet to check that in this playthrough, as I stopped to get these logs).
  19. Though posts here are "supposed" to be in English, this does seem helpful and appropriate to the thread, at least with a little help from Google translate, which renders the above as "Hey! If you need someone to translate the mod to Brazilian Portuguese maybe I can translate it to be useful, I'm going for personal use, but I'm not the best translator in the world, but feel free for other people to change and change later... interested, send me an email".
  20. Started a new career using PKS a little while ago. Going along pretty well so far. Self-sufficient tier 4 bases on Mun, Minmus, Gilly, and Ike done. Duna has a tier 1 base, with a core for tier 2 in transit. Yes, I know I could skip tier 1 by now, but I find it handy to make some tier 1 parts anyway just to cut down on my consumption of snacks and complex parts while waiting for the tier 2 core to arrive. First Dres base is in Kerbin orbit awaiting a good transit window. I've avoided letting my Kerbals starve on long-duration missions for this playthrough. Just seems too much like a cheat to intentionally starve them during the trip and then pep them up with a snack when I want them to work. I've given up on Eve; haven't even tried it this playthrough as I have never in any playthrough managed to get anything from Eve's surface to orbit, which is a necessary step for the required round trip. Getting down to the surface is relatively easy enough, as the thick atmosphere helps a lot with that. And if I could lift even a tiny probe core to orbit, I could grab it and take it home with another vehicle. I've seen stuff on how to launch from Eve, but most of it seems to be from some old game version before Eve was modified in ways that make it harder. One more recent one made extensive use of the breaking ground DLC, which I don't have and am not particularly inclined to get. Thought I'd comment a little on how I'm putting it together to work, mostly in terms of related mods. As you note, Extraplanetary Launchpads, Kerbal Planetary Base systems, SSPER, and B9 part switch are all but required. To keep bases and rovers from sliding and jumping around, I find Parking Brake invaluable (though I use a slightly old version because a "feature" of the latest versions completely breaks it for me - namely the automatic brake release when in flight, which regularly triggers on scene load transients and thus pretty much defeats the whole purpose). Even with Parking Brake, I am still finding my Gilly base wobbly enough that pieces break off on scene load unless I used the "unbreakable joints" cheat. It doesn't really seem like a cheat when it is to work around a game physics bug. But that cheat is a bit annoying in that you seem to have to reapply it every time you start the game, so I looked for another workaround. So far, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Next seems to be working adequately for me. I recall having problems with one of the several joint reinforcement mods in the past, but maybe it was one of the other variants or maybe it got improved (or maybe I've just been lucky so far this playthrough). The rover stuff takes the most fiddling. Thanks for the option to redo stuff location surveys, by the way, though I've managed to avoid needing that so far this playthrough; came close to needing it one time. Bon Voyage is a huge help with the rover missions, though it's finicky enough that a quicksave before every Bon Voyage trip seems wise. I also find the rover autopilot stabilization option in MechJeb all but required. Oh, and Waypoint Manager to be able to see the darn stuff locations. I find that Strategia fits pretty well witk PKS, though granted, it fits well with lots of things in terms of making the admin building worth even paying attention to. And TRP-Hire because without it, hiring costs rapidly grow out of hand when building multiple bases all around the system. No real new problems to report at the moment. Just relating experience, and feeling chatty I guess. Thanks again for the mod. Still my favorite life support mod.
  21. Is there a way to make auto-stage default to being on? I suppose there might be people who have a use for having it off, but I don't believe I've ever had a vehicle where I wouldn't want it on. Actually took me an inordinately long time to figure out that the option even existed. Now I know, but I still occasionally forget to turn it on and then find myself behind the ball in catching up for the late staging that results by the time I figure out what's wrong and react.
  22. I don't see it mentioned, so I figured I should ask. Can I assume that this is done with whatever permissions are needed from melodysheep?
  23. I know of 2 approaches to this. Neither involves cheating or extra mods. One I came up with long ago was to grab the module with a claw and drag the whole thing down to Kerbin. Takes a bit of care to make a rescue vehicle that can safely do the trick, but it's doable. Besides the obvious fair amount of parachute, you'd want enough retro delta-v to keep entry heating modest. But after I once posted something about that, someone else (sorry I can't recall who to give the credit to) told me that once you use the claw to connect the vehicles, you can then transfer the Kerbin; the claw basically acts like a docking port. (Sure doesn't look like it ought to be possible to climb through it, which is why that didn't occur to me). Then just release the claw and you are home free. That way is actually pretty easy. I suppose one might consider that capability of the claw to be a "cheat" in a way. [Edited to add appropriate credit] Ah. It was in the thread on KSP rescue pod validator that @TBenz pointed this out to me.
  24. Experimenting in Kerbin's SOI before I commit a mission to Eve (well, probably actually Gilly), and trying to figure out what I'll need in terms of snack recycling. I think I've got it figured out now, but took me a little while because I think the numbers in the PAW are mislabeled. I've got the random snack usage turned off, so Kerbals consistently eat 3 snacks per day. Default recycling efficiency (40%). I put up a craft with 2 Kerbals and the small sunrise habitation module. The PAW says the max recycling is "2.4 Soil/day". However, it seems to be using all 6 of the soil/day that my 2 Kerbals are producing. Looks to me like that 2.4 figure is the snack production (at 40% efficiency times the 6 soil) - not the soil consumption. Let me know if I have it wrong, but it sure looks to me like the label in the PAW is wrong.
  25. Early access tends to completely turn me off. I've seen too many games where "early access" seems to mean that the game isn't actually finished and never will be. At least one, which I won't name, was strongly recommended to me by some friends, but it's now been in early access for... gee, I've lost track - at least a year, maybe 2. It isn't particularly close to completed as far as I can tell, and they are pushing people to vote for it for some sort of game-of-the year thing, even before it is done. Pretty much has taken the game off the list one ones I'm interested in. So no, I don't want to see a KSP 2 early access. I'll just wait til the game is actually released.
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