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Everything posted by rmaine

  1. Dang, I'm running into a really annoying bug that I think might be from this mod. Unfortunately, I can't provide useful logs because it is (temporarily) gone now and I can't reproduce it at will, but it has happened 4 or 5 times before I deduced it is likely this mod. With that sorry introduction... The bug is that the program stops responding to many (but not all) keyboard and mouse inputs. During flight, I suddenly find that I can click on many things, but not, for example, any of the toolbar icons (stock - not Blitzy) on the right. Also can't bring up the button to return to the space center. I can still get back there using the escape key. Once this happens, it hits all saves in that copy of KSP. I can even start a brand new career and it is bugged in my very first trivial rocket. I googled around and found mention of clearing input locks using the debug menu. That didn't solve it though. Before today, the only way I managed to solve it was to make a fresh copy of KSP, reinstall in it all the 37 mods I'm currently using (thanks to CKAN for the help there), copy over my save game and vehicle files, and then reconfigure some of the mods that need configuring to my taste (notably font size). That works, but is really painful - enough so that I was about ready to give up playing KSP for a while (even though it has been a nice distraction during the lockdown). I didn't see anything that struck me as obvious in th elog files, though they are painful enough I could have missed much. Happened to me again today and I decided to play the game of deleting mods to see if and when it went away. Couldn't do that with my real career game, as deleting mods would pretty quickly trash that. But since the problem persists in a newly started career, I could work with that. Deleted most of the "bigger" mods I use with no effect. But when I deleted Trajectories, the problem went away. Added Trajectories back in and things are still good, but I'm thinking it must have been something in the deleted copy of Trajectories. Of course, now that I'm not seeing the problem, I don't have any useful logs. Sorry for what I know is a miserable job of bug reporting, giving you little to work with. Oh, BTW I'm on KSP 1.9.1 on iIndows 10. Time to go reinstall all my mods now. I suppose now that my suspicions are pointed at this mod, I can try deleting just it next time. I'm guessing there will be a next time, though it has tended to be a week or more between times it has happened so far.
  2. I've been using it all along in 1.9 and 1.9.1. No observed problems (other than the forum flaking out on my first attempt to post this; sorry if it double posts.)
  3. See 2 posts above yours. Not that my brief test guarantees much. Now I've been using with 1.9.1 for longer enough to be more confident. All the money I was paid for this testing back if it breaks your game. :-)
  4. Did a quick glance at in my KSP 1.9.1 game. A few trivial observations. 1. Not sure what's different in my setup, but the top two lines in the regular window (current vessel and vessel status) are all but unreadable because of the color. It's dark-colored text (black or dark blue, depending on which skin I select in settings) usually on a dark background. The font being small all around doesn't help either, though that's not new. The teaser samples above show nicely visible white or light green text (and larger, but that's probably because I bet they are with lower screen resolution than I have). 2. Oh, speaking of not new, I randomly find the toolbar icon (in the stock toolbar - I don't use Blitzy) missing. Jumping to some other scene and then back tends to bring it back. It seemingl;y being random, I can't easily reproduce it in a quick session just to provide a simple debug log. Usually I'm in the middle of something that I'd prefer not to interrupt to go save a log, and the jump elsewhere and back thing does work around it. I've had that before; just noticed it once also with 3. I'm not seeing the request resources button when plugged in like the teaser samples show. I assume that's just not yet in the beta I tried. For now, I think I'll jump back to lest the ptre-release break something in my game (though I didn't observe it doing so).
  5. Thanks much for the new version. I was running 1.9.1 on my Win10 box and was just about to build a mining rover using Simple Construction (and the Not So Simple Construction add-on) when I saw this notice. Did a quick update to it and I can verify that it works (still - as I noted before, the prior version was also working for me in 1.9.1). No more nagging message about incompatible versions on game launch.
  6. Ah. I hadn't thought about progress of prior worlds affecting later ones. That does explain what I was seeing. BTW, I don't find the scanning stuff to be too painful, even for multiple bodies at a planet. It's not too hard to put together one of the big scanners with 2 geologists, a mechanic, and enough snacks and rocket parts to do all the tiers in one mission. Then I send another vehicle for the next moon (or the planet) and have the crew transfer over to it. I had worked your tricks 1-3 above and that's what was being really painful. Though I wasn't using the LFOX RCS thrusters; didn't think of them. I almost always use the Meercats for bases, just because they fit so nicely. For Duna I was having to use quite a few of the meercats (8 of them if I recall correctly - 2 on each of the 4 sides). I've pretty much settled on trick 4 for now, though I use simple construction instead of the full-blown EPL.
  7. Yeah. To have VR as an option might have been sort of half plausible. Not very, but at least sort of. But VR exclusively? That's so implausible that my first thought was that someone didn't know what the word "exclusively" meant. :-)
  8. I'm a little confused (suppose I could stop at that - seems to be a problem that's increased ever since my teens when I knew everything, but I digress - back to my current confusion) about apparent skipping of tier 1 at times. For scanning, it seems consistent enough that I've gotten used to it. I recall that early on, I finished scanning at tier 0 and then sent up a tier 1 scanner only to discover that was pointless as tier 1 was also silently completed for whichever moon that was. For scanning of interplanetary destinations, I tend to just send a single one of the larger scanners and upgrade it on the spot. After doing the tier 0 scanning, I still have to upgrade twice to get to tie2 2, but I don't have to do any scanning at tier 1 between the upgrades. But today I was pleasantly surprised to find a similar thing in my surface research on Duna. After finishing the research for tier 1 production, I found that I was allowed to configure a tier 2 scrounger and corresponding tier 2 factories without ever having to specifically research tier 1 stuff on Duna. That was a pleasant contrast as getting a Duna base going has been a litany of pain for me, mostly not directly related to this mod. It was excruciatingly painful to try to land on Duna a base like the one in the tutorial. Easy enough on the airless moons, but required exquisite care in balancing to keep things under control while landing on Duna. I finally settled on landing just a minimal core with enough rocket parts to bootstrap building (using simple construction) a scrounger and rocket parts factory. That worked ...well, better... once I got past the fact that the stage separator was ripping off the adjustable base frame that I thought had fit nicely inside of it. (Prelighting the engines in the nest stage before separation seemed to help pull it out fast enough to solve that.) Then I hit some sort of input locking bug where I couldn't click on most things - even if I tested starting a brand new test career. Only solved that by installing a new copy of the game (and all the mods I'm using) and copying my save game over. Argh. Then I finally got my base core landed, but it was a bit too tall and it toppled over. Spent lots of time trying to rectify that, including an almost successful ploy of building add-ons to the side port that was now on top and using solar panel extension to lift enough to swing it all upright. That sort of worked... until I found that the gravity ease-in toppled it back over when I left and later returned focus there. Well, I could still sort of awkwardly build some basics even with the base toppled over. Sure was glad that it looks like I'll be able to skip adding tier 1 stuff to it before landing a more permanent base for tier 2 and up. Yeah. I know that was sort of a long and largely off-topic spiel. Feeling chatty from all the social isolation I guess. :-)
  9. Slightly confused by the comment about lack of auto-circularization. GT does auto-circularization for me. I find MJ's launch to be a pain from Kerbin; it likes to burn up my rockets unless I carefully manually tune it, which defeats a lot of the purpose. On the other hand, I do use MJ to launch from airless moons mostly just because it is so easy; click current inclination then click engage tends to be good enough and I'm usually not much worried about the efficiency from those moons. BTW, I found out why I wasn't seeing the same skin as linuxguru was showing. I hadn't looked at the OP closely enough to notice that the settings page for the skin was under the game difficulty page of KSP. I had just been looking in the "setup" button of the mod's interface.
  10. Speaking of the "previous best settings", button, I've been meaning to ask if someone knew what happens when I don't press any of the "first guess", "improve guess", or "previous best settings" buttons, but just hit "launch" without pressing any of those. I assume one of those is essentially the default? Or is that actually some different thing?
  11. Don't forget "Not So SImple Construction" in addition to plain "Simple Construction". The mallet and stakes are one of the main add-ons in "Not So Simple Construction." Sure sounds suspiciously like you might have omitted that (or it didn't get installed correctly).
  12. Hmm. I'm running 1.9.1 right now (literally - KSP is running on my Win10 game machine while I do other stuff like forum browsing on this iMac). As I noted, I have "not So Simple Construction" and KIS. The mallet and stakes are in the utility section of the VAB build menu. I also had to experiment to figure out how to get them to a kerbal at my base. There's probably another way, but what I ended up doing was putting them in a SC-62 portable container (payload menu in VAB) mounted on the outside of a craft. Then my kerbal could go EVA and get the tools from that container. At different times, I've used different ways of getting that container to my base. At first, I just launched it with the base in the first place. In my current game, I've been inclined to launch a much more compact base core instead of having awkward things hanging all out making launch and reentry hard (particularly reentry on Duna, where I had a lot of trouble if the "sticky out" bits weren't very well balanced). I have docking ports on my base core and bring along enough rocket parts to bootstrap building a workshop or small rocket parts factory (and also a cupola) from those docking ports. Then I just include the container (loaded with a mallet and stakes) in one of the sections I build on-site as a base add-on.
  13. I had big problems with that at first as well. What eventually worked for me was the stakes from KIS. Took me a while to figure those out as well, but I have it now. Have to bring a hammer and at least 3 stakes along in one of the KIS containers. Then have a Kerbal equip the hammer and then use the stake. Have to use the H key to hold the stake and then a mouse click to hammer it in; that's the part I had the hardest time figuring out. I put one stake with a -X and the other with a +X and then I can pretty consistently build a rover (or whatever craft) that ends up right-side-up and between them. I'm sure there are other ways, but that's what I finally got working for me. Was frustrating til I figured it out. Oh. Oops. I forgot that the stakes are in the "Not So SImple Construction" add-on mod. Also, while I'm posting I should note that it is working for me in 1.9.1.
  14. Thanks. I just now deleted the old one and installed this manually. Seems to work (I'm on 1.9.1). I do see the same old UI style instead of the nicer (mostly larger) one in the image you show above. Guessing the image above might be from something later than the beta I just installed? Also, the icon in the standard toolbar (not Blitzy) is just a white square for me; works though. If you want some logs, I can do that... well after I come back from walking the dog. :-)
  15. FYI. I've been using with 1.9.1 for a while. Seems to work as far as I can see. And while I'm posting, I'll throw in a "vote" for the wishlist item you mentioned of being able to deposit stuff from an unplugged vehicle. I'd love that for base resupply missions bringing up snacks and the like. My current workaround is to unplug everything at the base, plug in my resupply ship as the only thing plugged in, request stuff from the ship, then unplug the ship and plug everything in the base back in (optionally followed by requesting goods from the base if it has anything to ship back home - like shinies from the progressive colonization mod). Works, but its annoyingly awkward. Understand how much I'm "owed" of your volunteer work (i.e. I'm owed nothing.) Just expressing an interest.
  16. The mention of MJ rotation sometimes being slow prompts me to comment on something I figured our recently. It isn't really an MJ issue - just that I mostly noticed it because I tend to use MJ to create and execute many of my maneuver nodes. For that matter, I concluded that it isn't actually a bug at all, but KSP being slightly more realistic than I expected in one regard. I should have figured it out long ago, but sometimes I'm a little slow myself. :-) I'll be set up for a maneuver that's a fair bit in the future, so I'm time warping to it. Start the warp pointed in the right direction, but my orientation drifts off during the warp. Sometimes it drifts off a *LOT* (like 90 degrees). Seems to only be noticeable with large craft (which should have been a hint), which tend to be lumbering to turn back to the right orientation (though I found I can speed that up a bit by temporarily aborting the auto execution of the maneuver and manually doing the turn). Finally dawned on me that what I was seeing was tidal effects because the different ends of the craft were essentially trying to be in slightly different orbits. Of course, that's a real effect; I was just surprised to see the KSP model doing it.
  17. Thanks for that hint. The useless (to me) ToolbarControl button has been bugging me for a while, shoving buttons that I actually use down to where I have to scroll to them. Tried this; it worked. Also thanks for the temp gauge mod. The vague nature of the stock temp gauge has annoyed me for even longer; told me that something was getting hot, but it was just a guessing game as to what.
  18. Looks like the ProgressiveColonizationSystem mod is missing. I broke down and found its thread by googling "ksp progressive colonization".
  19. I'm slightly puzzled about the requirements for automatic crush-in mining. Sometimes it gripes at me that my simplest rover miner isn't suitable for automatic mining because it doesn't have room for 2 kerbals. Other times that same vehicle is fine. I thought at first it might be tied to the tier of crush-ins being mined, but that must not be it as I just got frustrated when I got that gripe trying to set up my crush-in 2 automining on Ike. Argh. Restored a prior save rather than waiting til I had enough rocket parts to build (using simple construction) another rover, having used up almost all I had on site for the first one. :-(
  20. I've sort of gotten used to watching out for it, but every once and a while I forget to check and it catches me (like just now :-)) that the display of the periapsis for the next encounter shows the absolute value - that is, it omits any negative sign. I'll have plotted a nice encounter trajectory with the periapsis at a reasonable altitude, but then as soon as I enter the SOI I find I'm on an impact trajectory because that 100km (or whatever) periapsis I thought I had set up turned out to be -100km. :-( BTW, thanks for the very useful mod.
  21. Looks to me like that's because of the dependencies. KEI depends on both ToolBar Controller and ClickThrough Blocker, which are also listed as ok for KSP 1.9.0, but they in turn depend on that zeroMiniAVC thing, which is only listed as 1.8.1.
  22. First, thanks for a great mod. Should have been part of stock. I don't tend to do a lot of stuff on the ground, but when I do, the markers this provides are indispensable. It would be a nice extra if there were a way to increase the text size so that I could read it without practically getting nose prints on my screen. :-) Either by following the UI size options in stock or by a separate option in the mod. I'm aware this mod was originally done before the game was usable on high-resolution displays at all. Fortunately, the markers are a big help even when I can't read the text. Don't know whether you'll ever have the time/inclination/whatever to put much more work into it, but if you do, a text size improvement would be great.
  23. Nice mod. Thanks for maintaining it. I recently started using it, not so much to get the most efficient launch possible, but just to avoid the monotony of doing similar launches by hand time after time. I use McJeb for some other repetitive things that, yes, I could do by hand, but get tired of after the first few dozen times. In fact, I tend to still use McJeb launching from Mun and Minmus just because I'm used to doing so. But I find it tricky to tune McJeb's launch so that my boosters don't overheat launching from Kerbin; can be done, but it's finicky, whereas I find Gravity turn relatively easy. Anyway, my reason for posting, aside from just the thanks, is to suggest that whenever you get around to doing UI work, you might keep in mind being able to scale the UI up for us folk that have marginal vision and/or high resolution monitors. I can read it as it is now, but it takes a bit of squinting. Ideally, it would obey KSP's UI scale option (I normally run at 170%), but ant way to scale it up would be nice. I'm sure this isn't at the top of your priority list; just something to consider.
  24. A landing guidance issue that has bugged me for quite a while. Autowarp keeps trying to go, but then immediately resets to warp 1. I often manually "kick" the warp level up by clicking on one of the higher warp levels. It immediately starts going back down to warp 1, but I get at least a bit of time warp in the process, as that takes finite time. (And occasionally I do that too late, resulting in a rapid unplanned disassembly). I have little clue what triggers this. Happens on most, but not all, of my landings.It is not biome changes, as I see it even when I'm over the same biome for quite a while. Below are links to KSP.log and Player.log from a session I did specially to highlight this. On KSP startup, I immediately used the tracking station to switch to my "base resupply" ship, which I had left in low orbit of Minmus. Picked a landing point (near my base) and told McJeb to land at that point. I did several times do the "manual kick" of the warp level, or I'd have been waiting 15 minutes of real time. :-) The only thing I see suspicious (and I do think it suspicious) in the logs is a lot of mentions of packing and unpacking base resupply for orbit. (Bah. Dropbox on this Mac that I read the forum on is being weird. Had to make these links on my Win 10 game machine and copy them over here; dunno why). https://www.dropbox.com/s/nhrhv2js2pq68f2/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/4xukgv0zfpdp66a/Player.log?dl=0 Mod list per CKAN. Oh, and this is all on KSP 1.8.1, though I've been seeing this behavior for a long time (and without most of these mods). Astrogator (Astrogator v0.10.0) B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.13.0) ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker Community Category Kit (CommunityCategoryKit Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack Custom Barn Kit (CustomBarnKit Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) (EasyVesselSwitch 2.0) GravityTurn Continued (GravityTurnContinued 2:1.7.7) KEI (KEI Kerbal Alarm Clock (KerbalAlarmClock v3.12.0.0) Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux Kerbal Inventory System (KIS 1.24) Kerbal Planetary Base Systems (KerbalPlanetaryBaseSystems v1.6.10) Kerbal Stats (KerbalStats 3.1.0) MechJeb 2 (MechJeb2 MissingHistory (MissingHistory 1.8.1) Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.1.3) Near Future IVA Props (NearFutureProps 1:0.6.1) Not So Simple Construction (NotSoSimpleConstruction Precise Maneuver (PreciseManeuver 2:2.4.4) Progressive Colonization System (ProgressiveColonizationSystem v2.1.0) ScienceAlert ReAlerted (ScienceAlert SimpleConstruction Updated (SimpleConstruction 1: SimpleLogistics (SimpleLogistics Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux (StationPartsExpansionRedux 1.3.2) Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1: Tracking Station Evolved (TrackingStationEvolved 5.0) TriggerAu Flags (TriggerAu-Flags v2.9.3.0) TRP-Hire (TRPHire Waypoint Manager (WaypointManager 2.8.1) Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:
  25. Is there any way to increase the UI size of the inventories? Not being able to read any of the text makes it a lot harder to use. :-( I run KSP with a UI scale of 170%, which makes most things readable, but not KIS. Sort of hoping I'm just overlooking something, but I have a sinking feeling that I'm not.
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