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Everything posted by Aerospacer

  1. If it is not possible to adjust the light intensity through the config, you can make 4-5 models with different intensities.
  2. The lights look constantly lit, but the light from them is actually switched by the left mouse button, this can be seen by lighting the ground around the launch pad. Checked it in 1.9.1. If you can actually edit .mu files, can you see how the intensity parameter is indicated inside the model?
  3. As I found out, after digging a little more in the files, there is an intensity parameter, but it is hidden inside the model file of the lighting mast. To change it, you need to edit the model file, unfortunately I don't have such a skill. Masts give real lighting, but its rays pass above short craft. To see him, you need a long rocket or observation of a slowly taking off vehicle.
  4. No any context menu or GUI popup, just light. It is quite weak though. I dug up the mod files, but unfortunately did not find a parameter that can change this.
  5. @shoe7ess One click to each mast turns on the lighting. And it still works fine in my 1.9.1 with the new version of KK.
  6. @Marschig и на какую букву посоветуешь космолет назвать? На Ж или на Х ?
  7. Думаю многим попадались ситуации, которые со стороны выглядят как анекдот (порой даже трудно поверить что это было в реальности). Предлагаю делиться ими в этой ветке. К примеру, буквально вчера-сегодня попался интересный диалог в англоязычной части форума. Основанный, кстати, на "нюансах перевода", ну и вообще особенностях русского языка. Почитайте эту (5ю) страницу форума (желательно минимальный уровень английского, ну или гуглоперевод). Не совсем анекдот, но по-моему получилось забавно.
  8. This is upsets; a fairing with a 0.625 size is difficult to form a normal shape with a stock editor.
  9. These were preparations for future improvements to the KK functionality. They appeared a long time ago, probably in the Kerbin Side by @AlphaAsh , but were never implemented. The advice - or forget or ignite with this idea both @Ger_space (current KK developer) and one of the static content developers. The second is much more complicated.
  10. @harrisjosh2711 look for an aircraft carrier into Kerbin Side Remastered. Perhaps there is one in the Kerbin Side Continued too.
  11. I tried to say directly, but honestly. Anyway I am sorry for my bad english and excessive directness.
  12. It is worth looking the truth - almost all parts in this mod have too high characteristics and therefore make a lot of key stock parts ineffective or useless. Several years ago, many modders did the same, so the story repeats itself. P.S. But all this parts looks really amazing.
  13. Light Luciole Launcher Luciole-based Jeb's journey: [ Imgur album ] P.S. Made with Luciole 1.0 version.
  14. Kerbin Side ( now Kerbin-Side Continued). Really nice lighthouse model. Btw, wrong link - Lack's KSC++ available HERE:
  15. @*MajorTom* I still use this mod successfully but use other runways very rarely, so I can’t tell you where there are problems. P.S. Was checked in 1.8.1.
  16. @NESD is the KeR-7 compatible with the KSP 1.8.1 ?
  17. @Well I have long dreamed about such, GRANDY THANK YOU very big much a lot OMFG size!
  18. @Eskandare Plaque info about Yuri Gagarin is incorrect (he did not fly on a Soyuz-3 spaceship).
  19. Waaau, such AAAamazing work! @DylanSemrau How... it's a magic?
  20. @zer0Kerbal Do you plan to make other models in the zer0 meters format ? (0.625)
  21. @zer0Kerbal - nice models and good idea! It very useful for miniaturized crafts. Thank You and congrats on the release!
  22. @Space_Coyote , when i build the Ghost Road, i use the part from KSC++. I had to tinker to fit all the parts together. And now you can drive on it from the KSC to Kerbin City. It's about 112 km. If you not like it, not use it.
  23. @miguelsgamingch You can to use this version in 1.8.x. In my game all looks working as before - need just reinstall of Kerbal Konstruct at first. I hope to make a version compatible with the Kerbin-Side Remastered mod.
  24. @Space_Coyote , now we can not the continue, change, even repost THIS project. The ARR licence directly prohibits doing this, and since the owners of the license are @Nothke (as the organizer) and everyone who has invested part of their work in the project, it can never be continued. We only have the right to issue patches (for its work in the new version). Other patches can be included in these patches, many sites in the city are empty. I would make several buildings, but do not have the ability to modding. It will be more logical to make a new mod with city buildings and other locations. Such mods are made from time to time, but the more there are, the more it slows down the game, and I think this will not change until the release of KSP 2. Btw, what is raodwork ? My english still not good, sorry.
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