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Everything posted by Aerospacer

  1. Great work, excellent models, many Thanks to all team. Glad to see Porkjet's plan now finished. Parachute's models look realistic and really cool now:
  2. Yes, I already wrote to @Ger_space -- You can try the version from SpaceDock (it have correct placement), but accidentally crashes of crafts is possible. As noted in this topic, some work of this pack can't to be repaired.
  3. @RoverDude Hmm, probably stupid question, but where is version 1.0 ?
  4. Another panther-based SSTO for various career missions. It has passenger cabin and short cargobay, capable for Mun-and-back missions (LKO dV=2757 m/s). Munracer-B1A Parts: 64 Takeoff mass: less 37 t Payload to Mun: up to 1 t cargo + 3 kerbals. Full album (37) -- https://imgur.com/a/tsboKxw
  5. There no underwater bridge, all others was since last version out. We had to live with it, because Kerbin City is unfinished work of Nothke and community, and this work cannot be modified due to licensing limitations. We can just a made of addition this by other static parts. Unfortunately, I haven't enouch skill for this. Maybe anybody can do it or already done it?
  6. @Sokol_323 , probably it's local temporary problem? All seems working. Try: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jobexspp2afvush/Patch-for-KerbinCity.zip?dl=0
  7. Of course, no. KerbTown is useless many years. Kerbin City is just a static object's kit, like KSC++, Kerbin Side, Kosmodrome etc. Need only Kerbal Konstruct (common for any static kit), as pointed in #2 of instruction.
  8. Search of career ability extending. Pure stock mid-career 2-seat SSTO, based on 2 panther engines and done without of nuke engines. 2pan LKO dV=2078 m/s. Excess for Minmus visiter, but not enouch for Mun and Back. Thou this enouch for arrive to Laythe. :)
  9. @Ger_space , unfortunately, all the new Kerbin Side Complete versions since (and latest Kerbin Side Kampus too) have a wrong placement in 1.6.1 : (btw, in VERSION file it marked as, but real from SpaceDock is markes and have correct placement) KSC was temporarily moved?
  10. Still working good in 1.6.1 with new KK. Update the title.
  11. @WovKino Studio - вот здесь подробно и доступно: @ThirdOfSeven - Стас, спасибо
  12. @DenTerNG - будет конечно. Об этом пишут в основных разделах форума. К примеру, здесь:
  13. @Bit Fiddler KSC++ Continued is adapted and compatible with Kerbin-side complete and Kerbin City, also with Static Harbor pack.
  14. Этот ближе к сути, как по мне.
  15. @Daveroski - no, Win8.1. KSP 1.3.0 x64. @IgorZ : now I temporary remove of EVS, video maybe some later. Mods: 000_USITools, EVE, Firespitter, KerbalKonstructs, TextureReplacer(by RandMachine for1.3.0), ReentryParticleEffect, FlagRotate. MM 2.8.0, EVS
  16. Hmm, sorry, I had to explain. I not tell about detailing level. Just about a missing of nozzle critical section place in model. It look some unusually. Really strange, never heard about 27 engines in BFR. I told about 31: "outer ring - 17, inner ring - 10, central cluster - 4." - but is just my assumption. So be free in choosing.
  17. @harrisjosh2711 - not bad, but... Look for compare: (sea level version)
  18. JESSY - lighter version of low-tech streamline-based SSTO Initial mass 8.7 t, one-kerbal cockpit, use 3 Juno and 1 Duet engines. DeltaV on low orbit ~200 m/s.
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