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Everything posted by Gameslinx

  1. Awesome, i'm converting them now. In other news, Jool is pretty well complete:
  2. [snip] ___________________ EDIT: I've not heard of DDS L8 format. I imagine it's to do with the luminosity over 8 bits (1 byte) of data? If this is a lossless format I might consider it. EDIT 2: Yep. Time to switch to DDS L8 if the game can read it. Took Photoshop a while to load up the file because it wasn't recognised.
  3. None of the visual mods D: I understand it's cause you have low ram tho
  4. I released an --> unfinished version <-- on the discord so that people can beta test the mod.
  5. Drissen. I'm probably changing it before the release because they were placeholder names.
  6. There's a pre release up on the discord server, since the actual full release is in a few days.
  7. Hey all! I have just finished the last planet. Working on science and biomes and we're all set. Couple of days tops!
  8. Ooooo Good work! (pssssttt add the discord )
  9. Use the kittopia config dumps (google) I'd prefer if you asked about creating celestial bodies elsewhere as this thread is for After Kerbin development and I don't want to get too off topic. You can also join the Discord for planet modding which is listed on this thread - thanks
  10. What, you'd rather squad didn't update the game...?
  11. You installed wrong, or you are out of ram. You have two options which makes my life as the mod author easier: 1. Join the planet modding discord and we can talk through real time chat amongst a group of planet modders - link is on my release threads 2. Submit your output log here.
  12. There isn't a version of this that replaces the stock system. This and after kerbin are completely unrelated.
  13. That looks amazing! Would love to know how scatterer can do that!
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