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  1. Lisias, I just wanted to say that your willingness to troubleshoot old mods is commendable! Keep up the awesome work, thank you!
  2. Good day sir, thank you for all your maintenance! I am having issues where this mod (v0.2.5) is causing nullrefs in the VAB editor. Clean KSP installation, with only FTLDrive and dependencies Player.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r26376pj0qhpxy1/Player.log?dl=0 Reproduce: Go to VAB, pick up any FTL drive (not beacon) -> nullref console spam. As soon as you drop the part (or remove it from the rocket) the spam stops. Log file line 20793 is as soon as VAB loaded. Clicking on an FTL drive to select it as the root part causes nullrefs. I then deleted the part (line 37333) and the spam stopped. I then added a non-FTL root part, and clicked to select another FTL drive, and the spam resumed (line 46855). The nullref happens as soon as the part is selected (before it can be added to a ship) so there are nullrefs before the "part added to ship" log events. Thank you for looking into this!
  3. I just found these awesome mods via CKAN - great stuff, thank you! Can't wait to try out SLOTH!
  4. Thanks for this LGG! Disregard my pre-edit, didn't realize my CKAN was out of date. Great looking mod, Aahz88!
  5. Running 1.8.1 I get 2 B9 warnings on load: [LOG 18:07:42.902] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'HabTech2/Parts/Trusses/ht2_trussPort/ht2_trussPort' [WRN 18:07:42.913] Warning on PartSubtype Bearing on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='mount') on part unknownPart: No transforms named 'ht2_truss_trussConnectorBearing_colliders' found [LOG 18:07:42.916] PartLoader: Part 'HabTech2/Parts/Trusses/ht2_trussPort/ht2_trussPort' has no database record. Creating. [LOG 18:07:42.920] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'ht2.trussPort' [WRN 18:07:42.935] Warning on PartSubtype Bearing on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='mount') on part ht2.trussPort: No transforms named 'ht2_truss_trussConnectorBearing_colliders' found Didn't try messing with the part switchers on them in-game but other than that, the modules seem to be working okay. I hope Benjee continues this awesome mod!
  6. IgorZ, you're the best! Have loved this mod since forever and it's always updated! Thank you! Unfortunately it looks like the latest version of ReStock broke your patch - as soon as I remove MM-StockLights.cfg operation resumes as normal on stock Mk1 and Mk2 illuminators. With the patch, the stock Mk1/Mk2 lights are always on but emitting no light. All your other lights work fine! Running KSP 1.8.1, all mods up to date, etc. Looking forward to a fix!
  7. Thanks for the update ! (please disregard pre-edit issue.)
  8. As always Nertea, thank you for what you do! You've made countless KSP'ers happy for years and we appreciate your dedication.
  9. Ah-ha! I just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out where these went! I was checking old screenshots and KSP installs trying to figure out if I missed a mod install or not, and didn't think to dig deeper into KSP's menus looking for deprecated parts. Your 3.75m "FL-R-C1500" sees a lot of use in my station builds, and there aren't any 3.75m tanks in ReStock or ReStock+. Please do continue these flatter mono tanks!
  10. I thought this was only for Launch to Rendezvous - in the past I used to use Launch to Plane successfully to get around having to revert when using Launch to Rendezvous - anyway I am home and will start mucking around trying to get a good baseline to submit logs. EDIT: Reverting to launch does not fix the issue - first launch was 12° off target, second launch was 8.5° off target. Will continue doing this by eye / using Engineer Redux for determining rendezvous angles at launch.
  11. Thanks, sorry I forgot a completely necessary detail - I was launching to match inclination with a targeted vessel at a 30-35° inclincation Will do additional testing when I get home from work.
  12. Sorry to be a bother, but I still can't quite get Ascent Guidance's Launch Into Plane to work correctly... this looks to have been "fixed" in dev #865, but using current dev #872 it's still not matching inclination correctly. It's late and I need to sleep, but I will test again with a clean KSP install tomorrow after work. Can anyone else confirm if Launch to Plane is working correctly for them?
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